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Star Trek: Armada



Multiplayer Information

  • Internet play: via VPN
  • LAN play: yes
  • Lobby search: yes
  • Direct IP: no
  • Play via Gameranger: yes
  • Coop: yes
  • Singleplayer campaign: yes
  • Hotseat: no


Armada is a real-time strategy game in which you build fleets of starships, research weapon systems and all that for four different parties, but without a complicated economy, such as in Stronghold Crusader. In particular the special weapons offer a rich strategic moment. Basically, it's all about overpowering the enemy with good attack tactics and a good selection of special weapons. In multiplayer, however, you quickly notice that macro management also contributes a lot to who wins and who doesn't.

The game was developed by Activision and also released by them on 22nd of March 2000. It is actually the last game being developed by Activision itself. After Star Trek: Armada Activision did not develop own games any longer, working only as publisher. The game got a re-release on GOG on 13th of December 2021.

The storyline starts after the Dominon War and covers the four factions Borg, Federation, Klingons and Romulans. While the first tries to assimilate the Alpha Quadrant (and take possession of the Omega particle), the Federation fights against those very attempts. The Romulans also have an interest in the Omega particle. The Klingons, on the other hand, are driven by Toral, who tries to install himself as ruler of the Klingon Empire with the help of a fake Sword of Kahless.

System Requirements

The installer mentions the following minimum system requirements:

  • 32 MB RAM,
  • 50 MB Swap Space,
  • 4 MB Video RAM.

Game Play

See Game Play on the subject.


After a law suit Star Trek games from Activision were no longer distributed for quite some time. In the meantime GOG re-released it, so the game is once again legally obtainable from a retailer.


This section focuses on the GOG version of the game (as this is probably the prefered version today) on modern Windows. If you want to know how to get the CD version to run or wanna use the GOG version on older Windows versions, have a look at the installation article.

The GOG Installer

The game is installable comfortably with the GOG installer on any Windows from XP on. You should not encounter any problems with the actual installation.

Be aware: The GOG version 1.2 is not compatible with the CD version 1.2. So just from comparing version strings you cannot see if all players have compatible versions. See section Hashes of the Different Versions for a comparison of the binary hashes.

The re-release from GOG is not just a simple copy of the old game. They did fix some problems with the original game and added some tools for tweaking and IPX play. It comes only in the English localization, but differs not in game contents. The game already comes declared as version 1.2 (although some of the fixes certainly would have allowed for an increase of that number to 1.2.1). The GOG version original only allows for 4:3 resolutions up to 1600×1200. The GOG version works well without any additional steps to be taken, except maybe applying the 1.3 patch (adds widescreen support). See next section on that.

Patch 1.3

The patch to version 1.3 actually only consists of one file, WonInterface.dll. This file replaces the original one. Once you replace the original file with the patched version, the game will declare itself as version 1.3 and allow for a lot of additional resolutions to be set in the graphics settings. The patch also adds an in-game editor mode switch (typing edit in the chat will activate it, but that requires the map editor files). Too long PATH variables and too much RAM will also not be an issue any longer.

Be aware, that the selection menu for the available resolutions now behaves a little bit different. To fit in the additional resolutions, the menu items are packed together closer, which makes them overlap with one another a bit. This leads to the strange behavior, that the menu items can only be selected properly, when hovering in the upper half of a menu item. You can clearly see, if 1.3 was applied in this menu, because the item labels (e.g. 1920x1080x32) are displayed in the upper half of each selection item box.

The patch installer will not find the GOG installation folder by itself (different registry key are used for that information, than used to be used for the CD version), so you will have to pick the folder manually.

You can find the 1.3 patch here.

Hashes of the Different Versions

As written above, different versions of the game will not find one another on the network, as they check the Armada.exe (and some other files) for compatibility. In order to see what version you have, you can check for the MD5 or SHA1 checksums. These come directly from original versions of Star Trek: Armada:

Version MD5 SHA1
CD 1.1 65C1CF851729C4551C68566E541760B8 4DD242EB9FE1234B9FCD769A904497FCDDCCB453
CD 1.2 882F958F5E57C33A89E246F92FD8E3BC 7CDC9E1DE94AC6DF32325DBDCDF98D2B8D964C30
GOG 1.2 75E9B46B9765B17B11AE810B781D365A 8BA398C022A0B68BBA5ECA35F46AFEDAC78E8764

Other variations e.g. with some sort of NoCD crack applied, will have different checksums. However, different languages do not seem to have different game files that are checked for compatibility. So a German 1.2 version can be played very well in conjunction with an English version.

Known Problems

There is a number of Known Problems with Armada. Most of them can be solved. If you want to play Armada on Windows XP or Windows 2000, you will definitely want to have a look at them.


Problems When Using High Resolutions

The game is in general a bit sluggish when it comes to controls. But you can compensate with lower resolutions, especially on slower systems. It doesn't look so great, but it's certainly more pleasant than dropped inputs and slow reactions. See also Graphics Settings on the matter.

By default the game only offers 4:3 resolution. With the 1.3 patch is also allows for wide-screen resolutions.

Important: It is a known problem for the Armada 1 CD version to not run with resolutions beyond full HD (1920×1080). The game let's you set higher resolutions but when trying to actually start a game, the game crashes to the desktop and resets the setting to safe 640×480. See also section Too High Resolutions Crash the Game on the matter.

GOG DirectX Wrapper

The GOG release of the game comes with the DirectX Wrapper. It allows for an adjustment of the game's optical properties. However, it is recommended to use the following settings:

  • Display mode: Do not use a particular resolution or the desktop resolution. Instead, set it to Set by application. This way the game selects the resolutions and it will work as expected. Otherwise you might end up using not the desired resolution (e.g. setting 3840×2160 in-game is well possible with the 1.3 patch and similar techniques, but when you override this with another resolution with the wrapper, let's say, full HD, then the game will use full HD instead).
  • Presentation: Should work either way, but if you encounter problems, you might want to switch the setting.
  • Aspect ratio correction: Use it.
  • Scaling method: Use Screen fit.
  • Antialiasing: Do not over-do that! On high resolutions it will enhance the experience. On low resolutions too high of an AA value will make the game look fuzzy.

The rest of the settings does not seem to make a whole lot of difference, except maybe the Gamma correction (if you need that).

Increase Zoom

One small annoyance can be remedied if one is not completely satisfied with the standard overview. Armada starts by default zoomed in quite far, which doesn't exactly improve the overview of the events at all. In principle, you can now adjust this zoom by holding down both mouse buttons at the same time or use the - and + keys of your numbers block. (The mouse control of this are a bit bumpy, but once you got the hang of it, it works. First the right button, then the left one, in between make sure that you don't move the mouse.) But you can also adjust this setting in the RTS_CFG.h file. There you can find this line:

float OVERVIEW_INIT_HEIGHT = 1000.0;

That is the value of how far the game starts zoomed out when a match or campaign mission is loaded. It is in general useful to use the maximum value here. You can set the maximum value in this line:

float OVERVIEW_MAX_HEIGHT = 1000.0;

The values 1000.0 are deliberately chosen in this example. If you configre higher settings, parts of the map my start to disappear, due to clipping. You can also increase the clipping distance by adjusting the ART_CFG.h file accordingly. The line with:

float FAR_CLIPPING_PLANE = 1400.0;

is the reason why you can't see anything on the map that is beyond a certain distance. You can set it generously to 20000.0. Then you can increase the OVERVIEW_MAX_HEIGHT value accordingly. Normally it is sufficient to be in the range of 5000. With this you can already see practically the whole map.

At this point, a warning is in order: The larger overview of course requires more computations from the system, so the CPU/GPU load will increase and the game may start to jolt. Especially if many nebulae and other elements have to be rendered, the game jolts even on current computers. Also some people consider this change to be cheating, as it gives a player the advantage of a bigger overview over the battle field. The default value for OVERVIEW_INIT_HEIGHT is 400 and OVERVIEW_MAX_HEIGHT is 700. While setting OVERVIEW_INIT_HEIGHT to 700 will certainly not hurt, as you can achieve this without any changes in-game as well, the OVERVIEW_MAX_HEIGHT might be a matter for discussion.

Scrolling Speed

If one uses such increased zoom levels, one will notice very quickly that even at maximum scroll speed, the scroll is rather slow. This can be changed by turning up the parameters FAST_MAX_SCROLL_SPEED and MAX_SCROLL_SPEED in the RTS_CFG.h, e.g. to 20. This is not only useful when zoomed in, but also at higher resolutions, e.g. when playing on full HD. The scrolling always feels a bit slow otherwise.

Sound Settings

The sound settings may be of some concern, because Armada causes problems with Windows XP and 2000. The unit messages and notifications sound choppy. So if the following tricks shown in Sound Stutters on XP or Windows 2000 don't work and the sound still sounds terrible, just set the speech volume to 0. You are not required to hear that, if it sounds crappy anyway.


Screen Shots/Windowed Mode

The game makes it a bit difficult to create screen shots under older Windows versions. The Print key works only, once you are in windowed mode or at the score screen at the end of a match. By default, the game is in full screen mode. To switch to windowed mode (or back to full screen mode), press ALT + Enter. This however, only works when in a match or single player mission. Once you are in windowed mode, you can safely end the match and get to the menu. As long as you are in windowed mode, you can use the Print key and insert the taken screen shot into your favorite graphics editor.

On modern Windows systems ALT + WIN + PRINT will make a screenshot with the Xbox Game Bar functionality. This however won't work in the menus. The resulting screenshot will be a black rectangle, not contents aside from that. This also goes for the score screen at the end of a match.

The functionality mentioned in the manual (CTRL + ALT + Z) apparently does not always work reliably. Depending on your keyboard it may be different (e.g. on a German keyboard it is CTRL + ALT + Y).


General Information

See also Setting Up Matches on more details.


The game uses DirectPlay for communications. Be sure to open those ports on all players computers, as the game is Peer to Peer.

If you want to limit the forwarding to only a handful of ports, then it might suffice to open ports 2300 and 47624 (TCP) as well as 2350 (UDP). Tests with Wireshark suggest, that these ports are the only three, that are actually required to be forwarded (unconfirmed). They are used by all involved players.


For GameRanger it is sufficient to forward port 16000 (UDP) only.

Former WON Network (Obsolete)

The game offers only the WON servers for the Internet game (not available any longer) and in the LAN it searches automatically for open servers, using DirectPlay. Unfortunately it is not possible to enter an IP address. This requires LAN games, games via VPN, or via Gameranger. The port forwarding for routers below makes little sense, apart from GameRanger. Known ports that the game used at some point:

  • 2300, 2936, 2937 (TCP)
  • 2350, 2550, 2902, 2927, 13365, 16562, 62223 (UDP)

So it doesn't seem to be just the DirectPlay area that is used, but something more.

GOG vs. CD Version

The game checks its own binary file (Armada.exe) before entering multiplayer menus. Only games with the same checksum will find each other on the network. That is the reason why the original CD version cannot find GOG matches and the other way around. Also cracks and other altering of the binary will require having the same alterations present at all players sides.

The CD version is known to be rather unstable on network play. Frequent desyncs are not unheard of. The GOG version also suffers from those problems, but apparently to a far lesser extend. Also the GOG version comes with an IPX wrapper, that allows IPX network play via UDP. Both have a tendency for descyncs, so it does not really matter if you use IPX or UDP.

See also

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en/games/star_trek_-_armada_1.1649279325.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-06-23-08 by 7saturn

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