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Phoenix Point

Multi-Player Information

  • Internet Play: no
  • LAN Play: no
  • Lobby Search: no
  • Direct IP: no
  • Play via Gameranger: no
  • Coop: no
  • Single-Player Campaign: yes
  • Hotseat: no


Phoenix Point is a Turn Based Strategy game, very similar to XCOM: Enemy Unknown (which in turn is derived from X-COM UFO Defense). It was developed and published by Snapshot Games and got released for the following platforms:

  1. macOS (3rd of December 2019),
  2. Microsoft Windows (3rd of December 2019),
  3. Stadia on (26th of January 2021),
  4. Xbox One (3rd of December 2019) and
  5. PlayStation (4th of October 2021).

It is a strict single-player game, featuring a single-player campaign but no instant-mission-like option. It is based on the Unity Engine.


The game is currently being distributed via Steam and Epic Store. The Phoenix Point Demo can be obtained via Steam. There are a number of DLCs available for it:

  • Blood and Titanium DLC,
  • Corrupted Horizons DLC,
  • Digital Extras,
  • Festering Skies DLC,
  • Kaos Engines,
  • Legacy of the Ancients DLC and
  • Living Weapons Pack.

Some of them come packaged together along with the Year One Edition:

  • Blood and Titanium,
  • Digital Extras,
  • Legacy of the Ancients and
  • Living Weapons Pack.

The Phoenix Point: Complete Edition-Upgrade contains all of them.


The game comes with a number of cheat codes having various effects. By default you cannot use them in-game. But you can turn them on by doing the following steps:

  1. Go to the Phoenix Point game folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Phoenix Point). Using the Steam function Browse local files may help with that (if you play it via Steam).
  2. Create a new file named autoexec.cfg.
  3. Open the file and place the line disable_console_access = false inside it and save it.

When you start the game now, you can activate the console with the ; key (resp. ö on German keyboard layouts), even from the main menu.

The following cheats were taken from on 10th of December 2023

Interactive Commands

Code Effect
add_facility_buff <buffType> <modType> <amount> Give a facility buff to faction
add_research_pts <number> Adds the amount of <number> research points (geoscape)
add_spec specialization name Give specialization
alien_expand_base Expand alien base to max range
alien_promote_base Promote alien base to a different type (geoscape)
alien_reveal_chance_stats Displays stats for all alien bases and their reveal chances.
alien_reveal_phoenix Reveals all phoenix bases to the aliens.
alien_spawn_base Spawns Pandoran base next to cursor (geoscape).
all_bases Unlocks all Phoenix Point bases
ambush_protection_get Shows for how many explorations you are protected from getting ambushed during exploration.
ambush_protection_set <number> Prevents ambushes for the next <number> explorations.
apply_status status name Applies a status to the actor under the cursor with value and target slot
attack_phoenix Schedule an attack on phoenix base.
bionic_dmg Amount -Damage the bionic part of a soldier
blast Creates an explosion at the current cursor location (battlescape)
break_all_bodyparts Breaks every bone in the unit's body.
Build_instant true/false Should(!) enable/disable instant build/manufacture/research
Build_instant Should(!) enable instant build/manufacture/research
cls Clears the console screen.
commands Shows available commands
create_mission <missiontype> <faction> Creates and assigns a mission to a geo site. See section Adding Missions on more details.
damage amount Damages the unit under cursor or body part in any of his slots. See section Damage Dealing on more details.
damagepart Damages the body part under cursor. See section Damage Dealing on more details.
diplomacy_get Get diplomacy table of a faction or a site's leader.
diplomacy_get_haven Get diplomacy table of a haven's leader.
diplomacy_set <faction name> <amount> <faction name> Set diplomacy between two factions. See section Alter Diplomacy Value on more details.
diplomacy_set_haven Set diplomacy between faction and a haven.
diplomacy_set_state Set diplomacy state for Phoenix Point with other faction.
dlc Shows in game enabled dlc
end_turn_current_faction Ends turn for the currently active faction (battlescape)
endgame End the tactical game, setting winning/losing factions. Positive factions will win, negative will lose.
fow 0 Disable fog of war
fow 1 Enable fog of war
game_difficulty Set game difficulty
generate_naked_recruits Instantly generates Phoenix Point recruits
geo_add_hunger amount Add hunger to all units
geo_add_mist Add mist to current site
geo_add_repeller Add mist repeller to current site
geo_add_skill_reset Add skill reset
geo_capture_alien <name> Adds an alien of the given type <name> to containment , e.g. geo_capture_alien siren (geoscape). Other possible values are scylla and triton.
geo_destory_all_havens Destroys all havens, making you lose the game. The code is no typo. It has to be entered just the way it is written down here.
geo_event_list List all triggered events, inclusing completed ones.
geo_faction_attack <factionName> Makes on faction attack the currently marked site.
geo_overgrown Activate overgrown scavenging sites.
geo_set_hp Set hit point amount for all units.
geo_set_stamina Set stamina amount to all units.
give <item_id> Give an item to the unit under the cursor.
give_bionics Give all bionic items
give_item <item name> Give items with given item's name. Item all gives 1 of every item you can manufacture, excluding vehicles (geoscape). See section Adding Items on more details.
give_mutations Give all mutation items
give_recurit <soldier> Adds a recruit of type <soldier>. The values for <soldier> can be obtained by entering help spawn. Note: recurit is not a typo here. It has to entered exactly like that (typo of the game).
give_soldier <soldier name> Add soldier (geoscape). See section Adding Soldiers on more details.
give_sp <number> Adds <number> amount of experience points to the general experience pool.
give_xp <number> Adds <number> experience points to all soldiers (geoscape).
god_mode false Turns god mode off.
god_mode true Turns god mode on.
heal <value> Adds <value> hit points. Cannot exceed the maximum value for a soldier.
Hide_me_the_money Sets all resources to 0.
launch_probe Launch an ancient site probe at cursor location.
lose Loses the current mission (battelscape).
master_specialization <specialization name> Teach all abilities of its class to a unit. See section Adding Skills on more details.
mist_expand <amount> Add mist expansion time (hours)
population_set <population amount> Set haven's population
px_base_infestation <base infestation amount> Set infestation for a single phoenix base.
px_base_protection <amount> Set base's counter of protection from assaults.
recruit_naked_px Recruit one naked Phoenix Point recruit.
remove Removes unit under cursor (kills him and hides the body).
repair_bases Repairs all Phoenix Point bases' facilities.
research_complete_all Completes all researches for faction.
research complete <faction name> <research name> Completes research of a specific research item. See section Complete Research on more details.
research_remove <research name> Removes research
research_unlock_all <faction name> Unlocks all research items for the current faction.
reveal_sites_all Reveal all sites, even unrevealable.
set_ap <value> Adds <value> action points to the unit under the cursor. Cannot exceed the maximum value for a soldier.
set_charges <number> Sets the ammo of the currently used weapon to <number>.
set_faction <faction name> Sets the faction of the unit under cursor
set_infinite_ap Sets infinite action points for vehicles. May crash the game when used on soldiers.
set_stat <statName> <amount> Sets stats points of the unit under the cursor
set_wp <value> Adds <value> will points. Cannot exceed the maximum value for a soldier.
Show_me_the_money Adds 10'000 units of all resources.
site_destroy Set site to be destroyed.
spawn <soldier name> Spawn a unit of the given type in the location under the cursor (battlescape). See section Adding Soldiers on more details.
spawn_aircraft <spawn id> Creates new aircraft (geoscape). See section Spawn in Aircraft on more details.
spawn_recruit <spawn id> [<class type>] Spawn recruit to haven. Parameter class type is optional, e. g. PX_Assault, NJ_Armadillo, etc.
subfaction_list List all active subfactions
subfaction_set_mission_threat <faction name> <threat level> Set subfaction's mission threat level
super_soldiers Turns all soldiers into their maxed out versions, including all special abilities.
teach <ability name> Teach an ability to the actor under the cursor. See section Adding Skills on more details.
toggle_alien_base Toggles displaying range of active alien bases.
toggle_anvil_cheats Activates a cheat menu.
toggle_god_mode Turns god mode on or off. Note: This does affect all units (not just your own). Units will not get any conventional damage, but body parts can still be disabled, or effects be cast (e.g. bleeding). Only the receiving of actual damage (hit points getting decreased) will not happen any more.
TP Teleport soldier
TPV Teleport Vehicle
unapply_status <status name> Removes a status to the unit under the cursor.
unlock_all_stuff Unlock all locked things for a faction.
unlock_all_stuff_suppress Unlock all locked things for a faction without throwing events.
vars Shows available variables
vehicle_destroy Destroy vehicles from site or under cursor
visit_all_px_bases Visit all phoenix bases
Win Wins the mission.

Adding Items

There is quite a number of game elements, that can be added by issuing the command give_item <item name>. The item names can be found in the Item Names article.

Damage Dealing

Code Effect
Damage <X> Deal <X> Damage
Damage <Bodypart> <X> Deal <X> Damage to the given <body part>.

Body parts:

  • Head,
  • Torso,
  • Lefthand,
  • Righthand,
  • Legs,
  • Arms,
  • Leftarm and
  • Rightarm.

Spawn in Aircraft

It is possible to add new craft to the players arsenal, by issuing the command spawn_aircraft <craft name>. The craft name can be taken from this list:

Code Aircraft
NJ_Thunderbird Thunderbird
SYN_Helios Helios
AN vars Tiamat?

If the command is issued without any craft name, a Manticore will be added.

Alter Diplomacy Value

The way how a specific faction regards another one can be set directly with the following command:

diplomacy_set <faction regarding> <faction regarded> <value>

The factions used for <faction regarding> and <faction regarded> are:

  • Anu: Deciples of Anu
  • Anu_faction: Deciples of Anu (also)
  • phoenix: Phoenix Point
  • synedrion: Synedrion
  • NewJericho: New Jericho

Note: This has no effect on the magic steps that you have to take, in order to progress your relations further. You still have to go on missions to progress your relations with a faction to the next stage.

Adding Missions

When hovering the mouse pointer over a location spot on the geoscape, it is possible to add/re-use missions. Scavanging missions can be re-used, as well as Pandroan attacks can be cast on a haven. The command for this is:

create_mission <missiontype> <faction>

<missiontype> is the kind of mission to be created:

  • base: One of Phoenix Point's bases will be attacked.
  • scavenging: A scavenging site gets re-activated.
  • ambush: One of Phoenix Point's craft gets ambushed.
  • haven: A haven is attacked.

<faction> is optional and defines, which faction is leading the assault on, resp. defending against an attack by Phoenix Point:

  • Alien: Pandorans
  • Anu: Diciples of Anu
  • NewJericho: New Jericho
  • Synedrion: Synedrion

Example: create_mission haven alien creates a Haven mission, defending against Pandorans.

Adding Soldiers

It is possible to add units during geoscape as well as battlescape. give_soldier <unit name> adds a soldier to your team on geoscape. spawn <unit name> adds a new unit of <unit name> on the battlescape. Both give a very specific unit. Some are even special units as they are representing a specific character of the game's story. A list of these units can be found in article Soldier Names.

Note: Adding a unit to a faction, that you are currently fighting effectively adds another opposing unit.

Adding Skills

In order to temporarily add a specific skill/ability to a unit while in battlescape, hover over that unit with your mouse and use teach <X>. <X> can be taken from the list in article Skills. After the mission the skill will vanish.

There is also a faster approach to the task: master_specialization <class> gives every ability of that class. <class> can be taken from one of the following values:

  • assault,
  • ber,
  • heavy,
  • inf,
  • priest,
  • sniper and
  • tech.

Complete Research

Research items can be completed instantly, when using the command research complete <faction name> <research>.

Example: research complete px siren

Phoenix Point Research Items

The following items can be researched for faction px (Phoenix):

Item Research Item
arch Tiamat Development
atmo Atmospheric Analysis
centralizedai Centralized AI (all base Facilities output is increased by 50%)
commandfortress Command Fortress (Soldier recruitment cost is decreased by 50%)
food Fungal Food Production
harv Mutagen Harvesting
heal Medical Nanites (Medical Bay facility healing at bases increased by 50% and +20 healing bonus in battle)
livesiren Siren Vivisection (damage increase against sirens by 10%)
missionary Missionary Center Technology (Recruitment costs are reduced by 25%)
moon Moon Mission Preparation (aircraft speed increased by 25%)
physiology Pandoran Physiology (Pandoran related research speed increased by 25%)
projectvulture Project Vulture (+3 strength to all soldiers even if maxed)
recr Haven Recruitment Protocols
sentientai Sentient AIs (Research point output is increased by 25%)
siren Siren Autopsy
tele Pandoran Telepathic Nodule
trad Haven Trade Protocols
training New Jericho Combat Training (Training facility efficiency improved by 50%)
uplink Satellite Uplink Research (Scanning range of Phoenix Bases is increased by 25%)

Unknown Faction Research Items

energy (Energy production is increased by 50%)
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en/games/phoenix_point.1703431557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-12-24-16-25 by 7saturn

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