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Star Trek: Armada Special Weapons

One of the main aspects behind the faction differences in Star Trek: Armada are the special weapons of the available units. Most ships and some stations have conventional weapons (phasers, pulse phasers, puls cannons and torpedoes) which are considered to be ordinary weapons. But every ship has a special ability, that can be offensive, defensive or supportive. By default, these special weapons have to be researched, before being able to use then. They give their respective units certain advantages and roles. Usually they are used with one of the first five F-keys, depending on the used slot of the special weapon. Some are a passive ability, that you cannot activate in the conventional sense. Here is a list of the used special weapons for normal units:

Special Weapon Faction Effect Build Time Supply Cost Dilithium Cost Source
Cloak Romulan/Klingon Makes a ship or station invisible for ordinary sensors - - - -
Anti-Matter Mines Federation Auto targets one opposing ship and damages it. 40 s 10 (15/min) 200 (5.0/s) Research Facility
Auto-Assimilator Borg Crew stealing 100 s 10 (6/min) 500 (5.0/s) Modification Center
Chain Reaction Pulsar Federation Damages up to five targets one after another 80 s 10 (7.5/min) 400 (5.0/s) Research Facility
Commando Team Klingon Sends over one burst of crew to an opposing ship. 80 s 10 (7.5/min) 400 (5.0/s) Weapons Center
Computer Override Borg Controls one of the opponents ships. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 700 (5.0/s) Technology Node
Corbomite Reflector Federation Reflects all attacker’s fire at themselves. 160 s 10 (3.8/min) 800 (5.0/s) Research Facility
Death Chant Klingon Increases surrounding friendly ships fireing rate 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 650 (4.6/s) Gre'thor Armory
Energy Dissipator Klingon Drains an opposing ship’s special weapon energy 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 650 (4.6/s) Gre'thor Armory
Energy Shield Converter Romulan Increases a friendly ship’s shields. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 525 (3.8/s) Tal Shiar Facility
Federation Repair Team Federation Repairs all sub systems and restores shields up to 50%. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 550 (3.9/s) Science Station
Gemini Effect Federation Copies a friendly ship 140 s 10 (4.37/min) 550 (3.9/s) Science Station
Gravity Mines Klingon Slows opposing ships down 36 s 10 (16.7/min) 180 (5.0/s) Weapons Center
Holding Beam Borg Burst beam-over/annexion 240 s 10 (2.5/min) 1200 (5.0/s) Modification Center
Holo-Emitter Romulan Makes opposing units attack one another 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 525 (3.8/s) Tal Shiar Facility
Ion Cannon Klingon Shoots one powerful torpedo at an opposing structure. 144 s 10 (4.2/min) 720 (5.0/s) Weapons Center
Ion Storm Klingon Creates a temporary red nebula, damaging everything enclosed. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 650 (4.6/s) Gre'thor Armory
Mining Beam all Harvests Dilithium from a Dilithium Moon 0 0 0 -
Myotronic Inhibitor Romulan Disables up to four opposing ships weapon systems. 72 s 10 (8.3/min) 360 (5.0/s) Covert-Ops Facility
Nanites Borg AI's special weapons are down/players's interface disrupted 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 700 (5.0/s) Technology Node
Phase Cloak Romulan Cloaks the ship and allows it to pass structures unhindered . 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 525 (3.8/s) Tal Shiar Facility
Point Defence Laser Federation Destroys surrounding opposing torpedoes 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 550 (3.9/s) Science Station
Polaron Torpedo Klingon Disables a random sub system of an opposing ship. 72 s 10 (8.3/min) 360 (5.0/s) Weapons Center
Psychonic Blast Romulan Removes half of an opponent’s ships crew. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 525 (3.8/s) Tal Shiar Facility
Regeneration Borg Fast self healing 100 s 10 (6/min) 500 (5.0/s) Modification Center
Repulsion Wave Klingon Disables the engines of the targeted opposing ship and pushes it away. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 650 (4.6/s) Gre'thor Armory
Rift Creator Romulan Destroys surrounding opposing structures 0 0 0 -
Romulan Spy Romulan Tracks a ships scanning range or an opposing player’s whole line of sight 32 s 10 (18.8/min) 160 (5.0/s) Covert-Ops Facility
Self-Destruct all Destroys the own ship. 0 0 0 -
Sensor Jammer Romulan Disables the sensors of oppsing ship’s in the vicinity. 64 s 10 (9.4/min) 320 (5.0/s) Covert-Ops Facility
Shield Disruptor Federation Lowers the shields of up to four opposing ships. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 550 (3.9/s) Science Station
Shield Inversion Beam Romulan Steals an opposing ship’s shield energy. 128 s 10 (4.7/min) 640 (5.0/s) Covert-Ops Facility
Shield Remodulation Borg Invincibility for one other friendly ship. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 700 (5.0/s) Technology Node
Shockwave Klingon Puts out a wave that destroys all structures in its wake. 0 0 0 -
Tachyon Detection Grid Borg Detector/cloak uncovering 24 s 10 (25/min) 120 (5.0/s) Modification Center
Tachyon Detection Grid Federation Detector/cloak uncovering 20 s 10 (30/min) 100 (5.0/s) Research Facility
Tachyon Detection Grid Klingon Detector/cloak uncovering 20 s 10 (30/min) 100 (5.0/s) Weapons Center
Tachyon Detection Grid Romulan Detector/cloak uncovering 16 s 10 (37.5/min) 80 (5.0/s) Covert-Ops Facility
Temporal Stasis Field Federation Freezes time for opposing ships in the targeted area. 0 0 0 -
Tractor Beam all Drags ships with damaged or inactive propulsion systems. 0 0 0 -
Transwarp Drive Borg Instant transfer of unit on the map 50 s 10 (12/min) 250 (5.0/s) Modification Center
Transwarp Gate Borg Instantly transfers a unit across the map. 0 0 0 -
Ultritium Burst Borg Deals heavy damage to up to 5 targets. 140 s 10 (4.3/min) 700 (5.0/s) Technology Node
Warp Core Overload Federation Disables up to four opposing ships engines. 80 s 10 (7.5/min) 400 (5.0/s) Research Facility

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/special_weapons.1648849315.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-01-23-41 by 7saturn

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