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Armada 1 Holding Beam

The special weapon of the Borg's Cube in Star Trek: Armada 1 is the Holding Beam. It brings the target to an immediate stop (immobilizing it) and begins beaming over 20 crew per second from the Cube to the target. As the Borg have the strongest boarding parties, the crew killing rate is especially high. Once all crew of the target unit or ship is gone, the target is taken over (added to the own players pool). There is a not so slight chance for a short uncovering of the entire visible area of the former owner (similar to the Romulan Spy). It is very brief but can give valuable information. As the beaming over also costs crew for the attacking cube, it puts a big strain on the crew resource. It is researched at the Modification Center. The active Holding Beam looks like this:

The maximum duration is 20 seconds which is equivalent of beaming over 400 crew. The Holding Beam can only target opponents.

Property Value
Starting Range 300
Build Time 240 s
Supply Cost 10 (2.5/min)
Dilithium Cost 1200 (5.0/s)
Special Energy Cost 50/s

An active Corbomite Reflector has no effect on this special weapon. Neither does the Shield Remodulation. A n active Phase Cloak, however does protect being attacked by a Holding Beam.

The Holding Beam is also used for the campaign ship Locutus' Cube.

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/holding_beam.txt · Last modified: 2022-04-01-19-57 by 7saturn

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