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Armada 1 Campaign Ships

The singleplayer campaign of the game Star Trek: Armada features several ships, that are not part of the multiplayer, which may also serve a hero (or villain) role. They may not be available for the standard multiplayer but on custom maps and with mods these ships may very well be used for multiplayer:

Faction Depiction Unit Name Dilithium Build Time Supply Crew Shields Shield Build Up Rate Weapon Systems Damage Rate Max Energy Energy Build Up Rate Special Abilities Campaign Missions
Breen Breen War Ship 800 (10/s) 80 s 7 (5.3/min) 400 (5/s) 500 2.5/s Phaser Array X2, Quantum Torpedo Launcher 24.6 - 35.9/s 1000 10/s Shield Disruptor Assimilation
Cardassian Damar Class 300 (5.5/s) 55 s 3 (3.3/min) 80 (1.5/s) 120 0.65/s Phasers 9.6 - 11.3/s 1000 10/s Energy Dissipator Call to Power
Cardassian Galor Class 800 (10/s) 80 s 7 (5.3/min) 400 (5/s) 500 2.5/s Phasers, Photon Torpedoes 24.6 - 35.9/s 1000 10/s Warp Core Overload Call to Power
Dominion Jem'Hadar Destroyer 200 (10/s) 20 s 3 (9/min) 90 (4.5/s) 80 0.4/s Phasers 9.6 - 11.3/s 1000 10/s Polaron Torpedo Premonitions, Vendetta, Resurrection
Dominion Jem'Hadar Battleship 800 (10/s) 80 s 7 (5.3/min) 400 (5/s) 750 3.75/s Phaseres, Photon Torpedoes 24.6 - 35.9/s 1000 10/s Shield Disruptor Resurrection, Assimilation
Ferengi Ferengi Marauder 800 (10/s) 80 s 7 (5.3/min) 200 (2.5/s) 700 3.5/s Phasers, Photon Torpedoes 5.4 - 7.5/s 0 0 Tractor Beam Vendetta, Call to Power, Assimilation
Son'a Son'a Battleship 800 (10/s) 80 s 7 (5.3/min) 400 (5/s) 600 3.0/s Phasers, Photon Torpedoes 24.6 - 35.9/s 0 0 - Paradise Revisited
Son'a Son'a Destroyer 200 (10/s) 20 s 3 (9/min) 90 (4.5/s) 120 0.6/s Pulse Phasers 4.9 - 9.0/s 0 0 - Paradise Revisited, Vendetta
Species 9341 Entity 10 (2/s) 5 s 0 0 400 2.0/s - 0 500 200/s Psychonic Blast Extermination

Non of these ships do possess a cloak. They are (usually) not constructable (they are part of the single player campaign map) but they can be used in mods and custom maps. They do have construction properties, such as Dilithium cost or build time. Some of them only appear in one single mission. Others are recurring. The Ferengi Marauder can be part of a multi-player match, if turned on during match setup. The Ferengi will tow disabled or vacated ships from the map.

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/campaign_ships.txt · Last modified: 2022-08-21-11-19 by 7saturn

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