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EF 1 Assimilation Mode

The game Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force features the multi-player game mode Assimilation, as a variation of the well-known Team Deathmatch. Two teams, Borg and Starfleet start on the map in different locations. Team Borg starts with one player being the queen. The queen has only one ability, to assimilate players of the other team with a special melee weapon for this purpose. Other players of team Borg also have this weapon but have a distance weapon as well, that cannot be used for assimilation. Both weapons deal damage, but only the assimilator weapon can assimilate a member of the Starfleet team into the Borg team. Assimilation means, the player is moved from team Starfleet over to team Borg. The other weapon simply causes the victim to get fragged. Team Starfleet works just as normally in Team Deathmatch, picking up weapons and ammo, used to attack players of the opposing team.


The game result is decided when one of the following two conditions is reached (victory condition):

  1. The queen gets killed (team Starfleet wins).
  2. All players from team Starfleet got assimilated into team Borg (team Borg wins).


This mode has the following rules, aside from the winning conditions:

  • Players select their team after joining the server. (The distinction is not simply the Team Deathmatch colors blue and red. Borg can be randomly blue or red, as well as team Starfleet. This is decided at the very beginning, so you cannot know which color is what, before at least one player has joined a team.)
  • After a short time no new players can join either team. Any player entering the server will be forced to be spectator, until the match finishes. This is to prevent manipulations of on-going matches (filling up the Starfleet team by joining it).
  • Manual team switches are not possible (also to prevent manipulations).
  • In the beginning players of team Starfleet can cause damage to players of team Borg with ordinary weapons. After a relatively short amount of damage was dealt to team Borg with a specific weapon type, the players of the entire team Borg turn immune against it (adaption).
  • There is one exception to the adaption rule: The I-Mod will always be effective (no adaption possible).
  • The I-Mod is always available on maps by game mechanic, even if the map originally does not have the I-Mod as a collectable item.
  • Normal weapons have the normal ammunition rules (you can run out of ammo and have to pick them up, before being able to use them).
  • Borg weapons cannot permanently run out of ammo. They recharge, similarly to the Phaser.
  • Borg players always (re-)spawn with the Emergency Transporter at their disposal. It can be used one time before being fragged.
  • The Borg queen regains health over time, up to a value of 200. If her health drops to 0, she dies and the match ends.
  • Players that get assimilated switch from team Starfleet over to team Borg. So over time the Borg team will grow bigger and bigger, while team Starfleet gets smaller and smaller.
  • Assimilation counts as a frag (1 point), just as an ordinary frag does.
  • Fragging the queen counts as 500 points.
  • The match continues while the Borg queen is still alive or at least one player of team Starfleet is alive.
  • Players that got assimilated or started out as part of team Borg are displayed as Borg models. (This is why it is advisable to not use a Borg themed skin when playing as part of team Starfleet in Assimilation mode. Friendly fire gets a lot more likely.

Technical Rules

The Assimilation mode does only work for game type 3 (Team Deathmatch). Also the mode does not work with every other mode. The only mode allowed in conjunction with it is Specialties. Do not use bot_minplayers when running Assimilation matches. Otherwise you might run into the server full bug.

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force Game Play

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en/games/star_trek_-_voyager_elite_force/assimilation_mode.txt · Last modified: 2024-01-05-02-49 by 7saturn

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