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This article covers the game mode named Tournament. It is offered by various shooter type games, such as toxikk or Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force. It is very similar to the deathmatch mode but the number of players is limited to two, fighting each other. Usually the normal Deathmatch rules are applied, meaning a match ends when either a designated number of frags was reached by a player or a time limit was hit. Other than normally, the server will keep track of the match results for both players, giving them a score beyond the normal match scores. So as an example, first player A wins, then player B wins, then player A wins again, the score is 2:1 for player A. The game will note that, regardless of the details of the match results (e.g. actual frag count). This style is used by Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force.

Another variation is when more players are allowed to be active on the same server, the duel combinations are rotated, so that each player will have to play against any other player. All other players not currently actively participating in combat are spectators. The one with the highest score wins. This style is used by toxikk.

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en/gaming_theory/tournament.1648892828.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-02-11-47 by 7saturn

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