
Star Trek: Armada classLabels

Pretty much all elements, that are used in Star Trek: Armada are based on a piece of code, that is addressed by its name, the so-called class Label, or classLabel. These are basically hard-coded, so for modding they hold the space for the creative process. Whatever you want to achieve, has to work with one of the below classLabels.

Ship and Station classLabels

ClassLabel Object
constructionrig Constructor
craft Standard combat ship
freighter Freighter, a sort of mining ship
mining Mining station
pod Research pod
research Research station, this includes tier 1 as well as tier 2 research
sensor Sensor station, pulse defense or torpedo defense stations
shipyard Shipyard, including tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 yards
starbase Starbase
upgrade Officer upgrade
wingman Ships for attacking, in contrast to freighters or constructors.

Standard Weapons classLabels

These classLabels are used mostly but not exclusively for the standard weapons, like photon torpedoes or phasers.

ClassLabel Object
areacannon Multi Targeting Cannon, used for area of effect weapons with no projectiles, like waves, e.g. Holo-Emitter
areamissile Multi Targeting Missile launcher, a projectile, that ends up with an area of effect, e.g. Myotronic Inhibitor
artillery Artillery Photon (ordinance)
cannon Cannon Label for Phasers, it tells the game to give the sprite a linear trajectory. May also be used for Special Weapons, like the Computer Override
launcher Used when we want projectile like weapons, like Photon Torpedos or the Commando Team entering shuttle. Used mostly when animated textures or SODs are involved. Beam effects should not be used in conjunction with the launcher classLabel.
phaser Cannon label for Phasers ordinances
photontorpedo Photon Torpedo ordinance
pphaser Pulse Phasers
shockwavexplode Shock waves of the damaging kind, like the Self-Destruct.
toggleweapon Weapon that can be turned on and off by clicking the button again, like the Energy Shield Converter.

Special Weapons classLabels

All special weapons are addressed by use of one of these classLabels. Some of them are classLabels only for the ordinance, some are for the acutal weapon.

ClassLabel Object
antimine Anti-Matter Mines ordinance, used to make mines (defined as such from a different classLabel) which explode upon impact.
blackholecreator Rift Creator (ordinance)
borgbore Auto-Assimilator
chainpulsar Chain Reaction Pulsar (ordinance)
cloakingdevice Cloak
containbreach Containment Breach, used in the original ODF files, but never linked to any unit.
deathchant Death Chant
detectcloak Tachyon Detection Grid
esconverter Energy Shield Converter (ordinance)
fedrepairteam Federation Repair Team (ordinance)
gravmine Gravity Mines
holding_bm Holding Beam (ordinance)
holoemitter Holo-Emitter (ordinance)
ionstorm_obj Ion Storm Object (nebula), used to define the map object created by the ionstrom_tp classLabel.
ionstorm_tp Ion Storm (ordinance), used to generate any map object, see also ionstorm_obj classLabel.
KlingonCommandoTeam Commando Team (ordinance)
manheimeffect Gemini Effect (ordinance)
micro Energy Dissipator (ordinance)
minebm Mining Beam (ordinance)
minelayer Anti-Matter Mines, Gravity Mines and Chain Reaction Pulsar, used to make object and projectile weapons float in space and automatically track the nearest target or the first enemy that enters within a certain perimeter.
myotron Myotronic Inhibitor (ordinance)
nanitesordnance Nanites (ordinance)
override Computer Override (ordinance)
PDLBeam Point Defence Laser (ordinance)
phasecloakdevice Phase Cloak
plasmacannon Ion Cannon (ordinance)
PointDefenseLaser Point Defence Laser
polerontorpedo Polaron Torpedo (ordinance)
posijammer Sensor Jammer (ordinance)
PsychonicBlast Psychonic Blast (ordinance)
reflectweapon Corbomite Reflector
regeneration Regeneration
remodulation Shield Remodulation (ordinance), makes the target’s shields immune to (almost) all weapons for a pre-fixed amount of time. Do not be misled to assumptions here. Only the shields remain immune! Crew deaths due to damageThreshold and CrewModifiers still occur.
repulsionwave Shockwave (ordinance)
rfield Repulsion Wave (ordinance)
RomulanSpy Romulan Spy (ordinance)
selfdestruct Self-Destruct
shieldh Shield Disruptor (ordinance)
shieldinv Shield Inversion Beam (ordinance)
temporal Temporal Stasis Field (ordinance)
tractor_bm Tractor Beam (ordinance)
transwarpconduit Transwarp Drive
transwarpdrive Transwarp Drive (ordinance)
u_ball_obj Ultritium Burst Object, used to define the map object created by the Ultrium Burst weapon.
utribeam Ultritium Burst (ordinance)
warpcoreoverload Warp Core Overload (ordinance)
wormholegen Used to generate a wormhole, e.g. Transwarp Gate.

Other Game Object classLabels

These are things like map objects.

ClassLabel Object
asteroid Single asteroids
asteroidfield Asteroid field, a groups of asteroids, not just single ones.
background_obj Neutral objects like ambient lights
blackhole_obj Black hole
fireballexplode Fireballs and explosions.
grenade Unused leftover from Battlezone.
nebula_obj Nebulae
omegaexplode Omega particle explosion shockwave. This is a 3 dimensional wave with height but it will do no damage. It looks pretty but is basically effectless.
planet_obj Planets and their derivatives.
scrap Space debris
wormhole_obj Wormhole

Unused classLabels

The following classLabels are mentioned in some ODF files but seem to never appear in the base game.

ClassLabel Object
constPlaceholder ?
containbreach Probably containment breach (ordinance)
scavenger Probably a pirate ship
shockwavecannon ?

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