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Armada 1 Transwarp Drive

The Transwarp Drive is a special weapon of the game Star Trek: Armada. It allows a ship to teleport itself anywhere on the map (provided the ship could exist at that spot at all) instantaneously. It is researched at the Modification Center. It is not to be confused with the similar Transwarp Gate. Interestingly, the Transwarp Drive is the only tier 1 special weapon the Borg AI will no research in multi-player matches.

There are claims out there, that using the Transwarp Drive increases chances of de-syncs. This might possibly be the cause why the AI was set to never use it. It is however still untested, if this effect on de-sync probability is true.

The Transwarp Drive being used looks like this:

Property Value
Range 20'000
Build Time 50 s
Supply Cost 10 (12/min)
Dilithium Cost 250 (5.0/s)
Special Energy Cost 1000
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/transwarp_drive.1705896072.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-01-22-05-01 by 7saturn

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