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Armada 1 Fek'lhr

The Fek'lhr type ship of the game Star Trek Armada is named after the Klingon version of the devil. It is the Klingons caster. It is build by the Imperial Shipyard. As a caster it is a slowly moving ship, with only light armaments and low shield energy. It is however very useful for it's special weapons. While the Death Chant is meant to augment the offensive capabilities of surrounding ships, the Energy Dissipator is an excellent counter to other casters and ships with strong special weapons, as it drains their special energy weapon. The Ion Storm is kind of an artillery ability, dealing big amounts of damage from a distance (but also affecting friendlies, if not used carefully). Its range of 700 is just not that huge, though. The Repulsion Wave is a last resort for defense, pushing away the targeted ship. This caster may not be as impressive as its counterparts of the other factions (especially considering its rather high price of 1300 dilitihum), but it is nevertheless an asset.

Faction Klingon
Role Caster
Build Time 130 s
Dilithium Cost 1300 (10/s)
Supply Cost 10 (4.6/min)
Crew Cost 270 (2.1/s)
Shields 180
Shield Recharge Rate 0.9/s
Conventional Weapon Systems Phaser X1, Photon Torpedo Launcher X1
Effective Damage Rate 5.1 - 6/s
Max Special Weapon Energy 1000
Special Weapon Energy Recharge Rate 10/s
Special Abilities Death Chant, Repulsion Wave, Ion Storm, Energy Dissipator
Speed 50
Scanning Range 500
Possesses Cloak no
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/fek_lhr.1648758939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-22-35 by 7saturn

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