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Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force Cvars

There is quite a number of cvars for Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force. Here you can see all of them, take from vanilla version 1.2 and taken from Lilium Voyager.

Only Vanilla 1.2

Cvar Default Value Description
cl_avidemo “0”
cl_updateInfoString “”
com_dropsim “0”
fs_cdpath “”
fs_copyfiles “0”
fs_restrict “”
g_blueTeam “Pagans” set the icon for the blue team
g_redTeam “Stroggs” set the icon for the red team
headmodel “sarge”
in_debugjoystick “0”
in_logitechbug “0”
r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic_avail “1”
r_maskMinidriver “0”
r_showSmp “0”
s_2dvolume “0.7” Volume of 2D sound from 0 to 1
s_fogeq “0.8”
s_geometry “1” A3D post-processing for geometry influences on? 1=yes, 0 =no
s_occlude “0” Dampening/environmental influences on the sound? 1=yes, 0 =no
s_reflect “1” Audio reflections on? 1=yes, 0 =no
s_show “0”
s_testsound “0”
s_usingA3D “0”
s_watereq “0.2”
sys_cpuid “36”
sys_cpuspeed “3430”
sys_cpustring “Intel Pentium IV”
sys_memory “2048”
team_headmodel “*james”
team_model “james”
timelimitWinningTeam “”
viewlog “0”
win_hinstance “4194304”
win_wndproc “4471584”

Only in Lilium Voyager

Cvar Default Value Description
bot_saveroutingcache “0”
bot_testclusters “0”
cg_animspeed “1”
cg_centertime “3”
cg_debuganim “0”
cg_debugevents “0”
cg_debugposition “0”
cg_errordecay “100”
cg_footsteps “1”
cg_gunX “0”
cg_gunY “0”
cg_gunZ “0”
cg_ignore “0”
cg_noplayeranims “0”
cg_nopredict “0”
cg_reportDamage “0”
cg_showmiss “0”
cg_stats “0”
cg_swingSpeed “0.3”
cg_thirdPerson “0” Activate/deactivate third person mode, 1=On, 0=Off
cg_thirdPersonAngle “0”
cg_thirdPersonRange “40” Setting the distance of the camera to the character
cl_consoleKeys “~ ` 0x7e 0x60”
cl_conXOffset “0”
cl_cURLLib “”
cl_currentServerAddress “”
cl_downloadName “”
cl_forceavidemo “0”
cl_guid “”
cl_guidServerUniq “1” makes cl_guid unique for each server
cl_lanForcePackets “1” if this is enabled and dedicated mode is not 2, clients on your same subnet will ignore the rate value and will get all the snapshots the server wants to send
cl_motdString “” The server welcome message (message of the day), to be displayed at the client, during connection.
cl_mouseAccelOffset “5”
cl_mouseAccelStyle “0”
cl_mumbleScale “0.0254”
cl_packetdelay “0”
cl_renderer “opengl1”
cl_serverStatusResendTime “750”
cl_timedemoLog “”
cl_useMumble “0”
cl_voip “0”
cl_voipCaptureMult “2.0”
cl_voipGainDuringCapture “0.2”
cl_voipProtocol “”
cl_voipSend “0”
cl_voipSendTarget “spatial”
cl_voipShowMeter “1”
cl_voipUseVAD “0”
cl_voipVADThreshold “0.25”
cm_noAreas “0”
cm_noCurves “0”
com_abnormalExit “0”
com_ansiColor “0”
com_basegame “baseEF”
com_busyWait “0”
com_cameraMode “0”
com_errorMessage “”
com_gamename “EliteForce”
com_homepath “Lilium Voyager”
com_legacyprotocol “24”
com_maxfpsMinimized “0”
com_maxfpsUnfocused “0”
com_minimized “0”
com_novmcompat “1”
com_pipefile “”
com_protocol “26”
com_standalone “0”
com_unfocused “0”
con_autochat “1”
con_autoclear “1”
fs_basegame “”
fs_gogpath “”
fs_homepath “”
fs_steampath “”
g_synchronousClients “0” Synchronize clients and server continuously, required for demo recording, can impair network performance
in_availableJoysticks “”
in_keyboardDebug “0”
in_nograb “0”
in_subframe “1”
j_forward “-0.25”
j_forward_axis “1”
j_pitch “0.022”
j_pitch_axis “3”
j_side “0.25”
j_side_axis “0”
j_up “0”
j_up_axis “4”
j_yaw “-0.022”
j_yaw_axis “4”
net_dropsim “”
net_enabled “3”
net_ip6 “::” IPv6 address of the local network card to be listened on, not used in ioQuake derivatives
net_mcast6addr “ff04::696f:6566”
net_mcast6iface “”
net_port6 “27960” UDPv6 port on which the EF server will be made accessible for connections
pakcount “20 0”
r_allowResize “0”
r_anaglyphMode “0”
r_availableModes “1920×1080 1440×900 1680×1050 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×960 1600×1200 1280×1024”
r_aviMotionJpegQuality “90”
r_centerWindow “0”
r_customPixelAspect “1”
r_ext_multisample “0”
r_flareCoeff “150”
r_greyscale “0”
r_marksOnTriangleMeshes “0”
r_maxpolys “600”
r_maxpolyverts “3000”
r_noborder “0”
r_origfastsky “0”
r_saveFontData “0”
r_screenshotJpegQuality “90”
r_sdlDriver “x11”
r_stereoEnabled “0”
r_stereoSeparation “64”
r_uiFullScreen “0”
r_zproj “64”
s_alAvailableDevices “Internes Audio Analog Stereo”
s_alAvailableInputDevices “Internes Audio Analog Stereo Monitor of Internes Audio Analog Stereo”
s_alCapture “1”
s_alDevice “Bose QuietComfort 35”
s_alGraceDistance “512”
s_alInputDevice “”
s_alMaxDistance “1024”
s_alMinDistance “120”
s_alRolloff “2”
s_backend “OpenAL”
s_muted “0”
s_muteWhenMinimized “0”
s_muteWhenUnfocused “0”
sv_antiWarp “0”
sv_antiWarpBias “0”
sv_banFile “serverbans.dat”
sv_dlRate “100”
sv_dlURL “” Web/FTP address from which maps are to be loaded instead of directly from the server.
sv_packetdelay “0” simulate packet latency (0 = off)
sv_voip “1” enables voip (0 = off)
sv_voipProtocol “opus”
teamoverlay “0”
teamtask “0”
ttycon_ansicolor “0”
ui_singlePlayerActive “0”

Vanilla and Lilium Voyager

Cvar Default Value Description
activeAction “”
arch “linux x86_64”
bot_aasoptimize “0”
bot_challenge “0”
bot_debug “0”
bot_developer “0”
bot_enable “1”
bot_fastchat “0”
bot_forceclustering “0”
bot_forcereachability “0”
bot_forcewrite “0”
bot_grapple “0”
bot_groundonly “1”
bot_interbreedbots “10”
bot_interbreedchar “”
bot_interbreedcycle “20”
bot_interbreedwrite “”
bot_maxdebugpolys “2”
bot_minplayers “2” Minimum number of players per team to be filled with bots if necessary, DM means all are considered to be in one team.
bot_nochat “0” Should bots be prevented from sending chat messages? 1=yes, 0 =no
bot_pause “0”
bot_reachability “0”
bot_reloadcharacters “0”
bot_report “0”
bot_rocketjump “1”
bot_testichat “0”
bot_testrchat “0”
bot_testsolid “0”
bot_thinktime “100”
bot_visualizejumppads “0”
capturelimit “8” Capture limit at which the map ends, only affects CTF matches
cg_autoswitch “1” Should the game automatically switch to weapons that have just been collected? (2=yes (to most powerful), 1=safe (no splash damage weapons), 0=no)
cg_bobpitch “0.002” Determines how strongly the player “swings” when walking, 0 switches the sway off completely.
cg_bobroll “0.002” Determines how strongly the player “wiggles forwards/backwards” when walking, 0 switches off the wiggle completely.
cg_bobup “0.005” Determines how strongly the player “oscillates” when walking, 0 switches off the oscillation completely.
cg_crosshairHealth “1”
cg_crosshairSize “24” Size of the crosshairs in px.
cg_crosshairX “0”
cg_crosshairY “0”
cg_deferPlayers “1” Delay of model shop? 1=yes, 0=no, delays the reloading of models when other players join, so it's not exactly the moment of entering the server. The reload will take place at the next spawning.
cg_draw2D “1” Should 2D images be used instead of 3D rendered images for items? (1=yes, 0=no), also affects the HUD
cg_draw3dIcons “1” 3d-display of items on? 1=yes, 0=no
cg_drawAmmoWarning “1” Should there be a warning when the ammunition count is low? (1=yes, 0=no)
cg_drawAttacker “1” Displays the opponent's name when you face them.
cg_drawCrosshair “1” Which crosshairs are displayed? (0=none, otherwise numbered up to 10)
cg_drawCrosshairNames “1” Should the player names be displayed at the crosshairs when both are close? (1=yes, 0=no)
cg_drawFPS “0” Should the current FPS rate be displayed? (1=yes, 0=no)
cg_drawGun “1” Should the model of the weapon currently in use be drawn? (1=yes, 0=no) If no, you have a little more overview and the FPS rate increases a little, but which weapon you are currently using, you have to find out another way.
cg_drawIcons “1” Should icons for armor, health, and ammo be displayed in the HUD? 1=yes, 0=no
cg_drawRewards “1”
cg_drawSnapshot “0”
cg_drawStatus “1”
cg_drawTeamOverlay “0” Should a team overlay be displayed? 1=yes, 0=no
cg_drawTimer “0” Show timer 1 = yes, 0 = no
cg_forceModel “0” Are the same models used for all players in multiplayer (1=yes, 0=no)? Has advantages especially when people run around with models you don't have yourself. Otherwise they get random models, or your own model anyways. But it has the disadvantage that you can't distinguish individual players from each other anymore.
cg_fov “95”
cg_gibs “0” Splatter effects, 1 = yes, 0 = no
cg_ignoredPlayers “”
cg_lagometer “0” Should the lagometer/netgraph be displayed? 1=yes, 0=no
cg_marks “1” Should hit marks remain on walls? (1=yes, 0=no)
cg_predictItems “1” item predictions? 1=yes, 0=no, should be left at 0 with good connectivity, because on 1 it sometimes results in items incorrectly reported as collected at the client, which were not picked up at all
cg_runpitch “0.002” Determines how much the player “swings” when running, 0 switches the sway off completely.
cg_runroll “0.005” Determines how much the player “wiggles forwards/backwards” during running, 0 switches off the wiggle completely
cg_shadows “1” Should shadows be displayed? (2=volumetric, 1=spherical, 0=none), see also r_stencilbits, mode 2 must be supported by the graphics card
cg_simpleItems “0” Should items be displayed in 3D (1=no, 0=yes)? 2D looks worse, but increases the FPS
cg_stereoSeparation “0”
cg_teamChatHeight “0”
cg_teamChatTime “3000”
cg_viewsize “100”
cg_zoomfov “22.5”
cl_allowDownload “1” Should missing files be downloaded from servers automatically? 1=yes, 0=no
cl_anglespeedkey “1.500000”
cl_anonymous “0”
cl_autoRecordDemo “0”
cl_aviFrameRate “25”
cl_aviMotionJpeg “1”
cl_consoleHistory “”
cl_debugMove “0”
cl_freelook “1”
cl_freezeDemo “0”
cl_maxpackets “30” packets per second sent to the server, 30 is for V90 modem, for DSL or dedicated lines you can certainly go further up here
cl_maxPing “800”
cl_motd “1” Enables message of the day.
cl_mouseAccel “0”
cl_nodelta “0” Deactivate delta compression? 1=yes, 0=no, you should always leave if at 0
cl_noprint “0”
cl_packetdup “1” Package duplication, helpful in case of loss, because packages are sent multiple times
cl_paused “0”
cl_pitchspeed “140”
cl_run “1”
cl_running “1”
cl_showmouserate “0” Shows the update rate of your mouse device.
cl_shownet “0”
cl_showSend “0”
cl_showTimeDelta “0”
cl_timeNudge “0” Simulate ping lagg, negative values can reduce problems when playing online (-½-use average ping), see also this
cl_timeout “200”
cl_yawspeed “140”
cm_playerCurveClip “1”
color “4”
color1 “4”
color2 “5”
com_altivec “0”
com_blood “0” Blood on? 1 = yes, 0 = no
com_buildScript “0”
com_hunkMegs “128” Working memory in MB that EF is allowed to use as a maximum. System limits such as the 2 GB limit under XP cannot be exceeded!
com_introplayed “1”
com_maxfps “125” Maximum frame rate, you should rather not use it, rather use cl_maxpackets.
com_showtrace “0”
com_speeds “0”
com_zoneMegs “32” Probably(!) the memory in MB EF is allowed to use for items.
con_notifytime “10”
conAlpha “1.6”
debuggraph “0”
dedicated “0”
developer “0”
dmflags “0” no falling damage = 8, fixed field of vision = 16 and footsteps = 32, sums are allowed.
fixedtime “0”
fraglimit “10” Maximum score for any player, at which the match will stop.
fs_basepath “”
fs_debug “0”
fs_game “”
g_adaptrespawn “1”
g_arenasFile “” sets the file name to be used for map rotation, bot names and game type for each arena (default: scripts/arenas.txt within the pk3 file)
g_banIPs “” ban specified ip address from connecting to your server
g_botsFile “” sets the file name to be used for setting up the bots configuration and characters for each bot (default: scripts/bots.txt within the pk3 file)
g_classChangeDebounceTime “180”
g_dmgmult “1” Damage multiplier, default is 1.
g_dowarmup “0” Should the warmup be turned on? 1 = Yes, 0 = No
g_filterBan “1” Activate automated bans by filters 1 = Yes, 0 = No
g_forcerespawn “0” Number of seconds until a client is automatically respawned, if the client doesn't do it by itself. Set it to 0 to disable force respawn.
g_friendlyfire “1” Is friendly fire on? 1 = yes, 0 = no
g_gametype “0” Game type, 0 = FFA, 1 = 1 on 1 (Tournament), 2 = Single player, 3 = Team Holomatch, 4 = CTF
g_ghostRespawn “5”
g_gravity “800” Intensity of gravity
g_holoIntro “0” Should the holodeck intro be played when joining? 1=yes, 0 =no
g_intermissionTime “20”
g_knockback “500” Intensity of movement when impacted by explosions
g_language “english”
g_log “” Sets the name of the log file, will be created automatically in the configuration directory (e.g. $Home/.stvef/baseEF or baseEF of the game)
g_logSync “1” toggle the logging to append to the existing file and not overwrite it
g_maxGameClients “0” Set maximum number of players who may join the match (not the server!); the remainder of clients are forced to spectate.
g_nojointimeout “120”
g_pModActionHero “0” Mode Action Hero, one player is the Hero, has more health, more weapons, but is the preferred only target, because his frag counts 5 points, and the attacker himself becomes the Hero, 1=activated, 0=deactivated.
g_pModAssimilation “0” Assimilation mode, Starfleet battles Borg. Either you play for Starfleet and try to eliminate the Borg Queen, or as Borg Drone/Queen, and assimilate the opposing team to win more drones and finally win the match, 1 = activated, 0 = deactivated.
g_pModDisintegration “0” Disintegration mode, there is only one weapon that kills immediately, can be combined with g_pModElimination, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
g_pModElimination “0” Whoever was killed is out until the last player is determined to be the winner, 1 = activated, 0 = deactivated.
g_pModSpecialties “0” Specialist mode, each player has a class with special abilities and weapons, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
g_random_skin_limit “4”
g_spAwards “”
g_speed “300” Running speed
g_spScores1 “\l0\1”
g_spScores2 “”
g_spScores3 “”
g_spScores4 “”
g_spScores5 “”
g_spSkill “1”
g_spVideos “”
g_team_group_blue “”
g_team_group_red “”
g_teamAutoJoin “0” Should a starting player be automatically assigned to the team with the lower score? 1 = yes, 0 = no
g_teamForceBalance “1” Should the server automatically balance teams in terms of player numbers? 1 = yes, 0 = no
g_warmup “5” Warmup time in seconds, during which frags and captures do not count for the score board
g_weaponrespawn “5” Time in seconds for picked up weapons to reappear on their map spots
graphheight “32”
graphscale “1”
graphshift “0”
handicap “100”
in_joyBallScale “0.02”
in_joystick “0” Should a gamepad/joystick be used? (1=yes, 0=no)
in_midi “0”
in_midichannel “1”
in_mididevice “0”
in_midiport “1”
in_mouse “-1” How should a mouse be used as an input device? -1 means the position of the mouse cursor is taken in windowed mode and movement calculated by difference to the last position. After each frame the mouse pointer is centered. This is the most accurate measure, but may have unwanted side effects with clippin on the edges. This also means, the mouse control is affected by your systems pointer acceleration settings. 0 means no (mouse off). 1 means DirectInput access, so the systems acceleration settings don't take effect. It also might add a few milliseconds of delay for pressed mouse buttons.
journal “0”
joy_threshold “0.150000”
joy_xbutton “1”
joy_ybutton “0”
k_language “english”
logfile “1” Should a log file be created? 1 = yes, 0 = no
m_filter “0” Mouse filter, if set to 1 instead of 0 (default), mouse movements will be more smooth
m_forward “0.25”
m_pitch “0.022000”
m_side “0.25”
m_yaw “0.022”
mapname “nomap”
model “model/color” Model/Skin of the player
name “Redshirt” Name of the player
net_ip “” IPv4 address of the local network card to be listened on, not used in ioQuake derivatives
net_noipx “0” Should IPX be deactivated? 1=yes, 0=no, should be 1, if you can't use IPX (e.g. Win Vista and newer or on 64 bit)
net_noudp “0” Should UDP be deactivated? 1=yes, 0=no, should always be 0, because IPX doesn't work via internet anyway.
net_port “27960” UDPv4 port on which the EF server will be made accessible for connections
net_qport “20269” the source port your client utilizies
net_socksEnabled “0”
net_socksPassword “”
net_socksPort “1080”
net_socksServer “”
net_socksUsername “”
nextmap “”
password “” set password
protocol “24”
r_allowExtensions “1”
r_allowSoftwareGL “0” Should the game be software rendered? (1=yes, 0=no), only makes sense if you actually have difficulties with normal rendering
r_ambientScale “0.6”
r_clear “0” Should gaps between textures be filled? (1=yes, 0=no) Looks better, but consumes more computing power.
r_colorbits “32” Color depth, 16 or 32 (bit), see also r_depthbits
r_colorMipLevels “0”
r_customaspect “1”
r_customheight “1080”
r_customwidth “1920”
r_debuglight “0”
r_debugSort “0”
r_debugSurface “0”
r_depthbits “24” Similar to r_colorbits but when 0 the settings for the Windows desktop are used.
r_detailtextures “1” Should improved textures be used? (1=yes, 0=no)
r_directedScale “1”
r_displayRefresh “0” Screen refresh rate, should be set to the same value as the maximum output of the monitor. On modern LCD monitors, the maximum refresh rate is 60, or 120 for 3D capable monitors.
r_dlightBacks “1”
r_drawBuffer “GL_BACK”
r_drawentities “1”
r_drawSun “0” Should sunlight be rendered? 1=yes, 0=no, Only applies to maps with sunlight on them.
r_drawworld “1”
r_dynamiclight “1” Should dynamic lights be rendered (e.g. shimmering lights from explosions)? 1=Yes, 0=No
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array “1”
r_ext_compress_lightmaps “0”
r_ext_compress_textures “1” Should compressed textures be used? 1=yes, 0=no, switched on looks same, but puts a much heavier load on the cpu while using less RAM
r_ext_compressed_textures “0”
r_ext_gamma_control “1”
r_ext_max_anisotropy “2”
r_ext_multitexture “1” Should multi-texturing be used (multiple layers of textures simultaneously)? 1=yes, 0=no
r_ext_preferred_tc_method “0”
r_ext_texture_env_add “1”
r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic “1” Should anisotropic filters be used? 1=yes, 0=no, you should use it for optical reasons, everything further away will be displayed sharper then
r_facePlaneCull “1”
r_fastsky “0” Should sky and portals not be rendered instead of the visually more appealing variant? 1=Yes, 0=No
r_finish “1” Set to 1 if laggs occur due to problems with the input devices. This will make the FPS slightly less, but the timings will be fine again.
r_flareFade “7”
r_flares “0”
r_flareSize “40”
r_fullbright “0”
r_fullscreen “1”
r_gamma “1.000000” Gamma value (brightnes)
r_glDriver “”
r_GLlibCoolDownMsec “0”
r_ignore “1”
r_ignoreFastPath “1”
r_ignoreGLErrors “1”
r_ignorehwgamma “0” If set to 1, EF itself controls the gamma values (or you can adjust them from the game), otherwise the graphics card takes control, affecting the entire system, instead of just EF. It is recommended to not use the default 0.
r_inGameVideo “1”
r_intensity “1”
r_lastValidRenderer “”
r_lightmap “0”
r_lockpvs “0”
r_lodbias “0” Model detail level, values between 0 and 2 are allowed, with 2 least detailed, but highest FPS rate.
r_lodCurveError “250”
r_lodscale “5”
r_logFile “0”
r_lowEndVideo “0”
r_mapOverBrightBits “1” brightness of the maps, 0=no additional brightening, 1 is normal
r_measureOverdraw “0”
r_mode “-1”
r_nobind “0”
r_nocull “0” Should everything be rendered, or only visible parts? 0=all, 1=visible only
r_nocurves “0” Should curves be rendered? 1=yes, 0=no, has a strong effect on appearance and performance
r_noportals “0”
r_norefresh “0” Should all screen updates be omitted? 1=yes, 0=no, should stay at 0, otherwise nothing else will happen.
r_novis “0”
r_offsetfactor “-1”
r_offsetunits “-2”
r_overBrightBits “1” total brightness, 0 = no additional brightening, 1 is normal
r_picmip “0” Mipmap level, values from 0 to 4 are allowed, affects image quality, 4=fastest, 0=optically best, but slowest setting
r_portalOnly “0”
r_primitives “0”
r_printShaders “0”
r_railCoreWidth “6”
r_railSegmentLength “32”
r_railWidth “16”
r_roundImagesDown “1”
r_showcluster “0”
r_showImages “0”
r_shownormals “0”
r_showsky “0”
r_showtris “0”
r_simpleMipMaps “1”
r_singleShader “0”
r_skipBackEnd “0”
r_smp “0” Should multiple processors be used? 1=yes, 0=no
r_speeds “0”
r_stencilbits “8” template buffer, affects volumetric shadows (cg_shadows), should be set to 8 when used.
r_stereo “0”
r_subdivisions “4” Complexity of curves, 1 is the optically best, but slowest value, 999 is the fastest, but most angular value
r_swapInterval “0” Vsync, should game fps and actual (vertical) repetition frequency be adjusted? 1=yes, 0=no, 0 is actually only for benchmarks, since more than the physical repetition frequency is not displayed anyway
r_texturebits “32” Should 16 or 32 bit textures be used?
r_texturebitslm “0”
r_textureMode “GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR” texture mode, can have the values GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST (worst), GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST (linear, default), GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR (bilinear=second best) or GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (trilinear=best)
r_verbose “0”
r_vertexLight “0”
r_znear “4”
rate “25000” Data rate in bytes/sec., depends on own connection speed, can help with too high pings if you reduce the value.
rconAddress “” Variable for setting address of the remote server on the client
rconPassword “” Sets the password for rcon commands server-sided
s_alDopplerFactor “1.0”
s_alDopplerSpeed “2200”
s_alDriver “”
s_alGain “1.0”
s_alMaxSpeakerDistance “1024”
s_alPrecache “1”
s_alSources “96”
s_bloat “2.0”
s_distance “100.0”
s_doppler “1.0” Doppler effect, from 0 to 10, should normally be left at default value (= not in config or commented out)
s_initsound “1” Should sound be used at all? 1=yes, 0=no (is not the same as volume at 0!)
s_khz “22” Sample rate, 22 or 11 (kHz)
s_language “english”
s_leafnum “0”
s_max_distance “1000.0”
s_min_distance “3.0”
s_mixahead “0.2” Pre-calculation of sound, the higher, the higher the system load
s_mixPreStep “0.05”
s_musicvolume “0.15” Music volume from 0 to 1
s_numpolys “400” Maximum number of A3D polygons used for calculation, the higher, the better the 3D sounds, but the more system load, 0=off
s_occ_eq “0.75”
s_occfactor “0.5”
s_polykeep “1000000000”
s_polyreflectsize “10000000”
s_polysize “10000000”
s_refdelay “2.0”
s_refgain “0.45”
s_rolloff “1.0”
s_separation “0.5”
s_useOpenAL “1”
s_volume “0.5” Volume from 0 to 1
scr_conspeed “3”
sensitivity “12.427586”
server1 “”
server10 “”
server11 “”
server12 “”
server13 “”
server14 “”
server15 “”
server16 “”
server2 “”
server3 “”
server4 “”
server5 “”
server6 “”
server7 “”
server8 “”
server9 “”
sex “male”
showdrop “0”
showpackets “0”
snaps “50” World updates sent to client per second, 30 is a good start value, but may need to be adjusted depending on your connection.
sv_allowDownload “0” Are uploads to the clients allowed? 1=yes, 0=no
sv_cheats “0” allows cheats, only works, if the current map was called with devmap or when in single player campaign
sv_floodProtect “1” toggle server flood protection to keep players from bringing the server down
sv_fps “20” set server side frames per second
sv_hostname “” Name of the server, displayed in the server list and during connecting
sv_keywords “” set list of keywords for server browsers that support searching server lists
sv_killserver “0” Are clients able to issue a killserver command? 1=yes, 0=no
sv_lanForceRate “1” if this is enabled and dedicated mode is not 2, clients on your same subnet will ignore the rate value and will get all the snapshots the server calculates
sv_mapChecksum “” current map’s bsp checksum, server-internal only
sv_master1 “”
sv_master2 “”
sv_master3 “”
sv_master4 “”
sv_master5 “”
sv_maxclients “8” Maximum number of clients allowed to be connected simultaneously, max is 64
sv_maxPing “0” highest permitted ping on the server
sv_maxRate “6000” option to force all clients to play with a max rate, this can be used to limit the advantage of low ping players or to cap bandwidth utilization for a server
sv_minPing “0” smallest permitted ping
sv_minRate “0” set the minimum rate allowed on the server
sv_padPackets “0” force server to pad snapshot packets
sv_pakNames “” names of the loaded pk3 files, only active, when sv_pure is set to 1
sv_paks “” checksums of the loaded pk3 files
sv_paused “0” shows pausing state of the server, read-only, not used on ioQuake any more
sv_privateClients “0” sets the number of client slots reserved for who have the sv_privatepassword of the server set as their password variable. sv_maxclients - sv_privateclients = the number of publicly accessable slots
sv_privatePassword “” set server password and requires all clients to use the password command with the correct password to join the server, unless sv_privateClients is set greater than 0.
sv_pure “0” Do the files at the client have to have the same checksums and file sets as on the server? 1 = yes, 0 = no
sv_reconnectlimit “3” Maximum number of reconnects for clients
sv_referencedPakNames “” Names of the pk3 files currently loaded for this map run
sv_referencedPaks checksums of the pk3 files currently loaded for this map run
sv_running “0” server status: Running as a server, but is a map loaded? 1 = yes, 0 = no
sv_serverid “” Sets a server ID (use is unknown)
sv_showloss “0” Should the loss to the server be displayed? 1 = yes, 0 = no
sv_strictAuth “1” should the cd-key on clients be checked? 1 = yes, 0 = no
sv_timeout “200” set server timeout time in seconds (duration on the score screen, until the next match will be forced, as long as humans are connected.
sv_zombietime “2” Sets the time after which inactive clients (zombies) are kicked.
timedemo “0”
timegraph “0”
timelimit “0” Maximum runtime of a map in minutes
timescale “1” Sets server timescale modifier
ui_browserGameType “0”
ui_browserMaster “0”
ui_browserShowEmpty “1”
ui_browserShowFull “1”
ui_browserSortKey “4”
ui_cdkeychecked “1”
ui_cdkeychecked2 “1”
ui_ctf_capturelimit “8”
ui_ctf_friendly “0” Friendly fire for CTF? (1 = yes, 0 = no) See also ui_team_friendly
ui_ctf_timelimit “30”
ui_ffa_fraglimit “20” Frag limit, at which the map ends, applies to all players of a team together in TDM, in assimilation and elimination mode, has no effect on CTF
ui_ffa_timelimit “0”
ui_initialsetup “1”
ui_playerclass “”
ui_precacheweapons “0”
ui_spSelection “”
ui_team_fraglimit “0”
ui_team_friendly “1” Friendly Fire on? 1 = yes, 0 = no
ui_team_timelimit “20”
ui_tourney_fraglimit “0”
ui_tourney_timelimit “15”
username “” sets player name (nick name)
version “”
vid_xpos “3”
vid_ypos “22”
vm_cgame “0”
vm_game “0”
vm_ui “0”

Unknown Cvars

Some of the following Cvars have been reported, but could not be found by executing the command cvarlist on either vanilla EF 1.2 nor on Lilium Voyager.

Cvar Description
com_soundMegs Memory in MB that EF is allowed to use for sounds.
g_subtitles Should subtitles be displayed? (2=in cinematics, 1=yes, 0=no)
s_a3d_weapons A3D weapon sounds (e.g. reverberation)? 1=yes, 0=no
s_enableA3D A3D on? 1=Yes, 0=No
s_geom_reverb Geometry influenced reverberation? 1=yes, 0=no
s_loadas8bit Should 8bit samples be used? 1=yes, 0=no, should usually be off, even if it slightly reduces system performance
s_volumeVoice Voiceover volume from 0.0 to 1.0
sv_nopredict May the client use predictions? 1=no, 0=yes
sv_floodProtection Sets a protection against too many chat messages 0=off, 1=on)
g_needpass Activates or deactivates the server password requirement (0 = off, 1 = on)
g_motd Message of the day (supposedly a file can also be entered here, this is still to be tested)
g_allowvote Are votes allowed? 1 = Yes, 0 = No
g_quadfactor Sets the amplification for “quad damage” to the specified factor. 1 = no enhancement

Unused Cvars

Cvar Description
teamflags team game flag

See also

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en/games/star_trek_-_voyager_elite_force/cvars.1648893235.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-02-11-53 by 7saturn

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