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Face (3D Object)

In 3D graphics the term Face refers to an object described by three vertizes. Essentially it is a triangle in three-dimensional space. As such it has a surface but no volume. The two sides of the face are independently attributed. For example can one side (face) of the triangle have a different texture than the other (or even none while the other has one). Without a texture or some sort of filling color the face is essentially invisible (similar to an edge or a vertex). For resource saving reasons often only one side of the face has a texture or color while the other has none. A 3D object that is only shown from the outside will often never show its inside textures (e.g. a solid wall with an actual thickness), so there is no need for them. In other circumstances they might be present (e.g. a wall-like separation that has no thickness). When using a no-clipping mode in 3D games, where you can move freely in the 3D space, allowing you to see world elements from the other side or from their inside, you can observe this very impressively. From the players perspective massive walls just optically vanish, as the face shown to the player has no filling whatsoever.

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en/game_tech/face.1704659628.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-01-07-21-33 by 7saturn

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