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Team Deathmatch

This is a game mode mostly used in Shooters, similar to ordinary deathmatch. Two teams are trying to fragg as many members of the opposing team as possible, while avoiding being fragged themselves and also while avoiding to hit any team members. (Friendly fire active is a very common game rule.) Usually there are two kinds of goals implemented: Reaching a pre-defined number of frags first (no time limit) or getting as many frags as possible within a certain time limit.

This mode emphasizes more on team play (much like Capture the Flag), while still depending strongly on the abilities of the team members.

There are variations like the arms race mode of Counter-Strike, where after defined frag numbers a player switches to another weapon he has to stick to until he gains the next type.

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en/gaming_theory/team_deathmatch.txt · Last modified: 2022-04-02-10-59 by 7saturn

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