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Armada 1 Super Weapons

The game Star Trek: Armada has four kinds of super weapons, two of which consist only of a station and two that consist of tier 3 yards and corresponding units:

The super weapon is the most powerful assets in each faction's arsenal. All four of them are particularly well suited to break through enemy defense lines. While the Jach'eng and the Phoenix directly deal massive amounts of damage to their surroundings (and are destroyed in the process), the Temporal Stasis Field »only« freezes all units and facilities within a certain radius (leaving them completely defenseless until the effect wears off) and the Transwarp Gate facilitates instant transport of arbitrary units to any point on the map. These weapons are very expensive and using them is always announced to all players participating. Mind the Phoenix Bug when playing against AI controlled Romulan opponents.

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/super_weapons.1648758937.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-22-35 by 7saturn

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