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Armada 1 Shockwave

The Shockwave is a special weapon of the game Star Trek: Armada. It is one of the two weapons of mass destruction, as it inflicts devastating amounts of damage on a large area of the map. It is pointed into a direction and from there, propagates in a roughly 45° angle to each side of that direction. Everything in its path will receive massive amounts of damage, including the firing ship itself (which is destroyed alongside). The effect will wear off after a certain distance of the source. It looks like this:

This special weapon is not researched in the conventional system but automatically comes with each Jach'eng ship. The resource cost is accordingly that of such a ship.

Property Value
Starting Range 500
Effect Range 800
Damage 2000
Build Time 350
Supply Cost 5 (0.9/min)
Dilithium Cost 3500 (10/s)
Special Energy Cost 1000

When this weapon is used, all involved players will be notified of the event. An active Corbomite Reflector has no effect on this special weapon. The Shield Remodulation prevents from damage being dealt, but does not stop the deactivation of the propulsion system. The net-effect is essentially the same as with the Repulsion Wave. The Phase Cloak makes a ship invincible against the Shockwave. As the latter does have a bit longer duration than its animation, to early decloaking can be a problem.

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/shockwave.1648757772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-22-16 by 7saturn

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