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Armada 1 Phoenix Facility

The Phonix Facility exclusively produces the ship class bearing the same name. Whenever you see this yard, you can be sure your opponent plans on blowing massive strikes. This makes this yard a prime target. On the other hand the cost of these ships is equally impressive as their fire power and they take quite some time to finish. Don't give your opponent the chance to deploy such a ship. It's best to destroy the constructor while it is building the yard, or at least the yard before it finishes the first Phoenix.

Statistical Values

Faction Romulan
Dilithium Cost 2000 (13.3/s)
Build Time 150 s
Crew Cost 300 (2/s)
Supply Cost 20 (8/min)
Shield Energy 2000
Shield Restoration Rate 1.7/s
Weapon System none
Effective Damage Rate 0
Scanning Range 700
Special Weapon none

Resource Drain When Used

Ship Icon Dilithium Supply Crew
Phoenix 10/s 1/min 0.2/s
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/phoenix_facility.1648758938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-22-35 by 7saturn

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