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Armada 1 Ion Cannon

The Ion Cannon is a special weapon of the game Star Trek: Armada. It inflicts a lot of damage when impacting an opposing ship. It is researched at the Weapons Center. It looks like this:

Property Value
Range 300
Build Time 144 s
Supply Cost 10 (4.2/min)
Dilithium Cost 720 (5.0/s)
Cool-Down 20 s
Damage 480 - 520

The Ion Cannon is also used by the campaign ships Martok's Negh'Var and Toral's Negh'Var. When trying to use this special weapon on a ship protected by a Corbomite Reflector, the damage will be reflected back to the casting ship. The Shield Remodulation on the other hand, protects from it, as well as an active Phase Cloak.

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/ion_cannon.1648835846.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-01-19-57 by 7saturn

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