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Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force Weapons and Items

There is a set of standard weapons in Elite Force and a handful of hidden weapons (some of which can be used in mods or with cheats). Here is an overview:


Virtually all weapons have two different fire modes. The normal mode is on the left mouse button, the alternative on ALT. The latter is usually put on the right mouse button by every player. Some fire modes differ considerably, others only differ in fire power and rate (and ammo consumption). Weapons can be switched by default with the scroll wheel and their number buttons. Weapons with surface damage (Splash-Damage) can also harm you. The respawn time of the weapons themselves is determined by the server. The respawn time of the ammunition is 40 seconds. The damage can be changed by a damage factor on the server side (e.g. 2 means twice as much damage) and by influencing the double damage factor (e.g. can also be four times instead of twice).


The phaser is the minimum equipment. It has relatively little firepower, but its ammunition recharges itself. Therefore there is no ammunition item for it. The alternative mode causes more damage, but also drains the energy faster. At great distances it is largely useless because it is far too inaccurate. Medium and short distances are no problem.
Starting ammunition 50
Maximum ammunition 50
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 1
Ammunition item contains 0 (there is none, weapon recharges by itself)
Key 1

Phaser Compression Rifle

The compression rifle deals considerably more damage, especially in alternative (sniper) mode. The latter becomes the only mode in disintegration mode. Especially in sniper mode you can still hit quite well at long distances. In the campaign, the rifle also has the ability to cause no noise in sniper mode.
Starting ammunition 32
Maximum ammunition 128
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 8
Ammunition item contains 32
Key 2


The I-Mod is, so to speak, the sister weapon of the compression rifle, with the difference that it is the only one that ignores the shields (including portable force fields!) entirely, i.e. strikes directly at the health instead of first reducing the shields. Most other weapons first reduce the shields to zero and only after that subtract health, or do both types of damage simultaneously. As with the compression rifle, the alternative mode is much stronger, but also costs more energy.
Starting ammunition 15
Maximum ammunition 60
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 3
Ammunition item contains 15
Key 3

Scavenger Rifle

The Scavenger Rifle is best compared to a submachine gun (scatters strongly, comparatively slow spread of the bullets), which shoots ballistically in the alternative mode plasma bursts (grenade launcher, does not bounce). The grenade launcher reaches medium ranges at most. The primary mode scatters strongly especially at longer distances, the secondary mode has splash damage.
Starting ammunition 30
Maximum ammunition 100
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 5
Ammunition item contains 30
Key 4

Stasis weapon

Most similar to a shotgun in primary fire mode. At short range it is very effective, at long range not, because the fired vortices are relatively slow. In alternate mode, it fires five spreading beams, similar to the compression rifle or the U-Mod. The middle one hits as similar to the I-Mod. Both firing modes go roughly 50:50 through the shields, damaging in health and shields at the same time.
Starting ammunition 15
Maximum ammunition 50
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 1
Ammunition item contains 15
Key 5

Compound Grenade Launcher

The grenade launcher is named just right. The primary mode shoots ballistic grenades that also bounce off walls and other obstacles. The alternative mode is similar, except that the grenade doesn't bounce off walls and other obstacles, but remains a mine on the obstacle. However, it triggers after a short moment. The trajectory is flatter but straighter than in primary mode. The range is relatively limited. In Specialties mode the mines remain permanently active and are equipped with a laser. If the laser beam is crossed by a player, the mine triggers. This allows to effectively trap a room. The line of fire is straight. Mines can also trigger each other if they are placed too close to each other. The splash damage of both modes can also hit you. The grenade launcher is not automatically used when you pick it up.
Starting ammunition 10
Maximum ammunition 30
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 1
Ammunition item contains 10
Key 6

Tetryon Pulse Disruptor

The Tetryon Pulse Disruptor is most comparable to a machine gun in primary fire mode. High firepower, beam fire, but some dispersion. On long distances you hit very badly with it. The alternative mode is especially interesting when the target is around the corner, because the fired bullets bounce several times, similar to the grenades of the grenade launcher, only without the effects of gravity. But the fire rate is much higher. The primary firing mode is only partially blocked by shields. A fraction always hits on health. The rest reduces shields.
Starting ammunition 40
Maximum ammunition 120
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 2
Ammunition item contains 40
Key 7

Photon Burst

This weapon corresponds to the classic rocket launchers found in Quake 3 Arena or Unreal Tournament 2004. The primary mode fires a torpedo, with relatively much damage and relatively high airspeed. Splash Damage is extremely high. The alternate mode is similar. The torpedo has more firepower, pursues its target with limited agility, but spreads slower. In both cases a dodge is still relatively well possible. The weapon is not selected automatically when you pick it up.
Starting ammunition 6
Maximum ammunition 20
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 2
Ammunition item contains 6
Key 8

Arc Welder

The arc welder fires a lightning bolt, with relatively high damage, so to speak. The alternate mode shoots a kind of ball lightning that deals high damage and has a larger cross section. At medium to long distances, the weapon is not very accurate.
Starting ammunition 40
Maximum ammunition 120
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 5
Ammunition item contains 40
Key 9


The assimilator is only available in assimilation mode for Borg players. Both modes assimilate the opponent. It is a pure melee weapon, without ammunition or cost. It is activated by pressing the 1 key.

Borg Weapon

The Borg weapon is used in the campaign by the Borg, in multiplayer only by Mods. The assimilation mod uses it for the Borg team. The primary mode fires small plasma balls, similar to the Scavenger Rifle, the secondary mode fires a kind of lightning bolt.
Starting ammunition 100
Maximum ammunition 100
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 1
Ammunition item contains 0 (Weapon recharges by itself, there are no ammunition items)
Key 2

Other items used actively


The Tricorder is only available with the Expansion Pack. With the primary mode you can scan objects. The alternative mode shows a radar.

  • Key: T.


The Hypospray as a usable item is a healing item in the Specialties mod, which can be used by players with the role of Medic on other players. The difference in healing for alternate and primary modes is the amount of health boost for the recipient.

Starting ammunition 50 for primary healing and 30 for secondary healing.
Ammunition cost primary mode 1
Ammo cost secondary mode 1
Ammunition item contains 0 (there's no ammunition for it)
Key H

Ultritium Mine

The counterpart to the Redeemer of Unreal Tournament is a small explosive charge, which you first have to lay, and which you can then detonate remotely. But it can, like the Redeemer, be destroyed beforehand by the enemy without exploding. The Splash-Damage is very high and in a larger radius the mine will move the players on the map.
Respawn time 1 minute

Portable force field

Force fields can only be crossed by players of the own team (if available). They remain in place for one minute. In Pinball Mod, the effect is changed so that nobody is allowed to touch the force field, otherwise they die immediately. The force field can be destroyed by weapons prematurely. A single photon torpedo with double damage, for example, destroys it instantly.
Duration 25 seconds
Respawn time 1 minute

Emergency transporter

The emergency transporter beams the player to a random spawn point on the map. In CTF mode it also drops the flag.
Respawn time 1 minute

Med kit

Restores the player's health to 100. If he is already at 100, he gets 25 more.
Respawn time 1 minute

Passively used items

There are various items that give you bonuses or special abilities. Some of them have a temporary effect. If you lose those, the person who collects the item will continue with the same countdown where the previous owner left off.

Quantum Weapon Enhancer

A classic double damage booster. The usual standard value is doubling the damage effect for the wearer, but this can be adjusted with cvars.
Duration 30 seconds
Respawn time 2 minutes

Seeker Drone

Fires at nearby enemies once every second.
Duration 30 seconds
Respawn time 2 minutes


The jetpack lets the player fly freely. Jumping acts as flying upwards, ducking as flying downwards. Otherwise the normal direction keys and the mouse are used.
Duration 30 seconds
Respawn time 2 minutes


Make the wearer twice as fast, not only when running but also at the fire rate.
Duration 30 seconds
Respawn time 2 minutes

Cloaking field

Makes the player almost invisible.
Duration 20 seconds
Respawn time 2 minutes

Metaphasic Shields

Makes the player invulnerable.
Duration 20 seconds
Respawn time 2 minutes

Nano-regenerative shield

Recharge the player's health in steps of 5 per second.
Duration 30 seconds
Respawn time 2 minutes

Emergency Hypospray

The emergency hypospray charges up to 25 health at a time, but is capped at 100 total health. If one already has 100 health, it is not even taken up.
Respawn time 30 seconds

Booster Hypospray

The boosert hypospray recharges 5 health, up to a maximum value of 200 (for action heroes 300). Once the maximum value is reached, it is not taken. However, since (with the exception of action heroes) your health will automatically decrease by one per second, you'll almost immediately take one again.
Respawn time 30 seconds

Small shields

Charges five shields to a maximum of 200.

  • Respawn time: 20 seconds

shield armor dark

Charges 50 shields to a maximum of 200.

  • Respawn time: 20 seconds

Shield armor bright

Charges 100 shields to a maximum of 200.

  • Respawn time: 20 seconds

Shield damage vs. health damage

All weapons cause damage, that's trivial. But not all weapons always cause the same type of damage. Apart from the obvious difference between area damage from grenades and Co. and targeted weapons, there's a small detail difference with the I-Mod which ignores shields completely (even portable force fields!). In general: First the shields are reduced. Only then the health is attacked. Shield damage looks like this from the attacker's point of view:

You can see the impact cloud of the rifle and the movement effect on the player model, but not more. From the attacked player's point of view it looks like this:

When the rifle hits 18 shields are taken off, but the health is not affected. This also applies to area damage if it does not use up all the shields:

The damage to the shields here is 78. However, the weapon does not yet affect the health. Only with 0 shields the health is reduced. From the attacker's point of view this is how it looks (I-Mod ignores shields):

You can clearly see the bright sparkle effects in addition to the other effects. From the attacked person's point of view it looks like this:

The I-Mod does 23 damage to health, while the shields are not affected at all. However, you can also tell from the glittering weapon model that you are taking health damage yourself, without any value display at all. With shields you don't see any of this. The transition can be seen particularly well with the phaser, since it deals relatively little/slow damage:

Or the values:

First the remaining shields are used up, then the health. Especially for weapons with a lot of damage (or with a Quantum Weapon Enhancer active) it can happen that you remove the shields with a single hit and cause health damage. The animation then corresponds directly to the health damage.

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en/games/star_trek_-_voyager_elite_force/weapons_and_items.1667206425.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-10-31-09-53 by 7saturn

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