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Single-Player Campaign


Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force features a Single-Player Campaign consisting of 6 major missions in 44 sub chapters (not counting the tutorial or the holodeck parts).

The player plays the protagonist, Alex Munro. Depending on which setting the player chose, the character is either male (Alexander Munro) or female (Alexandria Munro). After the team leader, Lester Foster, Alex Munro is the second in command of the so-called »Hazard Team«, kind of a Star Trek adaptation of a SWAT team.

Warning: This article will spoiler heavily. If you haven't played the game, yet, you might want to stop reading this article and try the game first.

Simulated Borg Mission

The Rescue

The first mission is actually a holodeck simulation. Your stated task is to rescue your fellow team mates from a borg ship and retrieve a newly designed weapon, capable of damaging Borg continuously (adaption fails). You can progress up to the point where you collect the I-Mod and free your first team member, Kendrick Biessman. You continue on and encounter two other team members, Thomas Odell and Kenn Lathrop. Both beam back to Voyager.

After some further exploration you leave Biessman alone for a moment, to check out some maintenance tubes. While you achieve to deactivate a blocking force field, Biessman is attacked by Borg and not to be seen any more. From that point on Munro is alone.

At certain locations you will find destroyable grates, plasma filters and distribution nodes. When destroying the latter, all borg in the vicinity become inactive. Plasma filters deal damage, when destroyed, but can also open passage, similar to the grates. Important: Borg will adapt to your phaser weapons really quickly, leaving them invulnerable to them after a few shots. So try to avoid a direct fight. Once you have the newly introduced I-Mod, you are free to fire at your own discretion. Health and ammunition terminals are scattered along the way.

Mission map: borg1


Munro goes on alone, encountering Austin Chang, who beams back to Voyager as he already got injured.

Mission map: borg2

Tactical Decision

This chapter starts out on the Borg ship, where Munro finds Chell, who is trapped behind a force field. When trying to free him, Munro decides to shoot the control panel of the force field, which ends the simulation. The simulated mission failed, leaving Munro being lectured by Tuvok about not having followed protocol.

Mission map: voy1

Intermission at Voyager 1

Hazard Team

Voyager is under attack by a ship which sent a fake distress call. Once the attacking ship is about to be destroyed, Voyager is transported to a different location, at which already a lot of other derelict ships are present.

After the scene the intro of Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force is playing.

Mission map: voy1

Unavoidable Delays

A containment leak in the warp core is threatening to destroy Voyager. Munro is sent to help out with the problem but encounters a series of delays, from a EPS conduit rupture to a collapsing Jeffreys tube to a power overload and blocking force fields.

Mission map: voy2

Hazard Duty

After overcoming some minor obstacle Munro arrives at engineering. He is instructed to deactivate the warp core, to prevent a breach. After decoupling the Dilithium matrix, the core is offline. Chakotay gives out a general announcement, stating, Voyager is under attack and has been boarded. The hazard team is ordered to report to Deck 8, loading dock.

During the actual shut down attempt, wandering too close to the warp core may result in injuries.

Mission map: voy3


Upon arrival at the loading dock number of Humans, Klingons and Malon are already in the process of stealing cargo from the ship. The Hazard team is driving the attackers back. Tuvok requests backup to cargo bay 2, which is also under attack. Munro and Lester Foster help repelling the attack.

This mission introduces the Scavenger Rifle, a weapon similar to a machine pistol with an under-barrel grenade launcher. It is not reloaded by terminals but by collected Dilithium crystals

If you get injured too much, get back to the Doctor, who is waiting at the mission's starting point. He will heal you, if spoken to.

Mission map: voy4 ==== Hazard Ops ====^ This chapter starts out with a briefing by Tuvok, who informs the hazard team about the current situation of Voyager, which is incapacitated for the most part. The teams next mission is laid out, another ship that seems to be vacated but still under power. The mission is to obtain information about the surrounding area. Foster goes into more details: Two teams will be deployed, each starting in another location, named Control Room A and B. Teams are lead by Foster and Munro. To ensure the information gathering mission is a success, the technicians are to by protected in particular.

Munro is to pick up his gear and go to the transporter room. After the briefing the player has the opportunity to talk to some of his team. Once at the Equipment room, quarter master Perfecto Oviedo offers Munro to test his weapons on the holodeck in the High Noon simulation. This is a good opportunity to get a feeling for the Scavenger Rifle.

Mission map: voy5

Holodeck Map: _holodeck_highnoon

Etherian Mission

Data Retrieval

Mission map: stasis1

Deep Echos

Mission map: stasis2


Mission map: stasis3

Intermission at Voyager 2


Mission map: voy6


Mission map: voy7


Mission map: voy8

Scavenger Mission

The Visit

Mission map: scav1

Dangerous Ground

Mission map: scav2

Conflicting Views

Mission map: scav3

Conflicting Views (Pt 2)

Mission map: scav3b


Mission map: scav4


Mission map: scav5

The Hunter

Mission map: scavboss

Intermission at Voyager 3


Mission map: voy9

Borg Mission

Proving Ground

Mission map: borg3


Mission map: borg4


Mission map: borg5


Mission map: borg6

Intermission at Voyager 4

R & R

This chapter introduces the Photon Burst, which you can test on the holodeck in the Temple simulation.

Holodeck map: _holodeck_temple

Mission map: voy13

Visual Confirmation

Mission map: voy14


Mission map: voy15

Dreadnought Mission

The Breach

Mission map: dn1


Mission map: dn2

Primary Encounter

Mission map: dn3

The Skirmish

Mission map: dn4

Defensive Measures

Mission map: dn5


Mission map: dn6


The fact, that the mission map dn7 seems to missing, suggests, that a part of the campaign got scratched at some point.

Mission map: dn8

Intermission at Voyager 5


Mission map: voy16


Mission map: voy17

Forge Mission

External Stimuli

Mission map: forge1


Mission map: forge2


Mission map: forge3

Visual Magnitude

Mission map: forge4


Mission map: forge5

Command Decision

Mission map: forgeboss

Epilogue at Voyager

Mission map: voy20

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force

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en/games/star_trek_-_voyager_elite_force/single-player_campaign.1682284472.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-04-23-23-14 by 7saturn

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