Nexuiz cvars h to r
cvar | Function | Default Value |
halflifebsp | indicates the current map is hlbsp format (useful to know because of different bounding box sizes) | 0 |
host_framerate | locks frame timing to this value in seconds, 0.05 is 20fps for example, note that this can easily run too fast, use cl_maxfps if you want to limit your framerate instead, or sys_ticrate to limit server speed | 0 |
host_sleep | gives up some processing time to other applications each frame, value in milliseconds | 0 |
host_speeds | reports how much time is used in server/graphics/sound | 0 |
hostname | server message to show in server browser | Nexuiz 2.5svn Server |
in_pitch_max | how far upward you can aim (quake used 80 | 90 |
in_pitch_min | how far downward you can aim (quake used -70 | -90 |
joy_deadzoneforward | custom cvar | 0.05 |
joy_deadzonepitch | custom cvar | 0.05 |
joy_deadzoneside | custom cvar | 0.05 |
joy_deadzoneup | custom cvar | 0.05 |
joy_deadzoneyaw | custom cvar | 0.05 |
joy_sensitivitypitch | custom cvar | 0.9 |
joy_sensitivityyaw | custom cvar | -1.8 |
joyadvanced | custom cvar | 1 |
joyadvaxisr | custom cvar | 2 |
joyadvaxisx | custom cvar | 3 |
joyadvaxisy | custom cvar | 1 |
joyadvaxisz | custom cvar | 4 |
joypitchsensitivity | custom cvar | 0.9 |
joysidesensitivity | custom cvar | 1.0 |
joyyawsensitivity | custom cvar | -1.8 |
lastlevel | custom cvar | |
leadlimit | custom cvar | 0 |
leadlimit_override | Lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit) | -1 |
locs_enable | enables replacement of certain % codes in chat messages: %l (location), %d (last death location), %h (health), %a (armor), %x (rockets), %c (cells), %r (rocket launcher status), %p (powerup status), %w (weapon status), %t (current time in level) | 0 |
locs_show | shows defined locations for editing purposes | 0 |
log_dest_udp | UDP address to log messages to (in QW rcon compatible format); multiple destinations can be separated by spaces; DO NOT SPECIFY DNS NAMES HERE | |
log_file | filename to log messages to | |
lookspring | returns pitch to level with the floor when no longer holding a pitch key | 0 |
lookstrafe | move instead of turning | 0 |
m_accelerate | mouse acceleration factor (try 2) | 1 |
m_accelerate_filter | mouse acceleration factor filtering | 0.1 |
m_accelerate_maxspeed | above this speed, full acceleration is done | 10000 |
m_accelerate_minspeed | below this speed, no acceleration is done | 5000 |
m_filter | smoothes mouse movement, less responsive but smoother aiming | 0 |
m_forward | mouse forward speed multiplier | 1 |
m_pitch | mouse pitch speed multiplier | 22 |
m_side | mouse side speed multiplier | 0.8 |
m_yaw | mouse yaw speed multiplier | 22 |
menu_cdtrack | custom cvar | brokenlight |
menu_maxplayers | maxplayers value when the menu starts a game | 8 |
menu_mouse_absolute | TODO make this seta if the engine understands this right | 0 |
menu_mouse_speed | speed multiplier for the mouse in the menu (does not affect in-game aiming) | 1 |
menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue | intensity value that matches up to white/black dither pattern, should be 0.5 for linear color | 0.5 |
menu_skin | custom cvar | wickedz |
menu_slist_modfilter | custom cvar | = |
menu_slist_showempty | show servers even if they are no empty and have no opponents to play against | 1 |
menu_slist_showfull | show servers even if they are full and have no slots to join | 1 |
menu_slowmo | custom cvar | 1 |
menu_updatecheck | custom cvar | 1 |
menu_use_default_hostname | custom cvar | 1 |
menu_vid_conheight | custom cvar | 600 |
menu_vid_conwidth | custom cvar | 800 |
menu_video_played | custom cvar | 1 |
menu_weaponarena_with_laser | also enable the Laser in this weapon arena | 0 |
minplayers | number of players playing at the same time (if not enough real players are there the remaining slots are filled with bots) | 0 |
mod_alias_supporttagscale | support scaling factors in bone/tag attachment matrices as supported by MD3 | 1 |
mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions | enables collisions with curves (SLOW) | 1 |
mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions_stride | collisions against curves: optimize performance by doing a combined collision check for this triangle amount first | 16 |
mod_q3bsp_curves_stride | particle effect collisions against curves: optimize performance by doing a combined collision check for this triangle amount first | 16 |
mod_q3bsp_debugtracebrush | selects different tracebrush bsp recursion algorithms (for debugging purposes only) | 0 |
mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower | merges the quake3 128×128 lightmap textures into larger lightmap group textures to speed up rendering, 1 = 256×256, 2 = 512×512, 3 = 1024×1024, 4 = 2048×2048, 5 = 4096×4096, … | 3 |
mod_q3bsp_nolightmaps | do not load lightmaps in Q3BSP maps (to save video RAM, but be warned: it looks ugly) | 0 |
mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline | whether to use optimized traceline code for line traces (as opposed to tracebox code) | 1 |
net_address | network address to open ipv4 ports on (if empty, use default interfaces) | |
net_address_ipv6 | network address to open ipv6 ports on (if empty, use default interfaces) | |
net_connectfloodblockingtimeout | when a connection packet is received, it will block all future connect packets from that IP address for this many seconds (cuts down on connect floods) | 5 |
net_connecttimeout | after requesting a connection, the client must reply within this many seconds or be dropped (cuts down on connect floods). Must be above 10 seconds. | 30 |
net_messagetimeout | drops players who have not sent any packets for this many seconds | 300 |
net_slist_favorites | contains a list of IP addresses and ports to always query explicitly | |
net_slist_maxtries | how many times to ask the same server for information (more times gives better ping reports but takes longer) | 3 |
net_slist_pause | when set to 1, the server list won't update until it is set back to 0 | 0 |
net_slist_queriesperframe | maximum number of server information requests to send each rendered frame (guards against low framerates causing problems) | 4 |
net_slist_queriespersecond | how many server information requests to send per second | 20 |
net_slist_timeout | how long to listen for a server information response before giving up | 4 |
nextmap | override the maplist when switching to the next map | |
noaim | QW option to disable vertical autoaim | 1 |
noexit | kills anyone attempting to use an exit | 0 |
nomonsters | unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods | 0 |
nosound | disables sound | 0 |
pausable | allow players to pause or not | 0 |
port | server port for players to connect to | 26000 |
pr_checkextension | indicates to QuakeC that the standard quakec extensions system is available (if 0, quakec should not attempt to use extensions) | 1 |
prvm_backtraceforwarnings | print a backtrace for warnings too | 0 |
prvm_errordump | write a savegame on crash to crash-server.dmp | 0 |
prvm_leaktest | try to detect memory leaks in strings or entities | 0 |
prvm_leaktest_ignore_classnames | classnames of entities to NOT leak check because they are found by find(world, classname, …) but are actually spawned by QC code (NOT map entities) | ctf_team dom_team tdm_team |
prvm_statementprofiling | counts how many times each QuakeC statement has been executed, these counts are displayed in prvm_printfunction output (if enabled) | 0 |
prvm_traceqc | prints every QuakeC statement as it is executed (only for really thorough debugging!) | 0 |
qport | identification key for playing on qw servers (allows you to maintain a connection to a quakeworld server even if your port changes) | 3099 |
quit_and_redirect | set to an IP to redirect all players at the end of the match to another server. Set to „self“ to let all players reconnect at the end of the match (use it to make seamless engine updates) | |
quit_when_empty | set to 1, then the server exits when the next level would start but is empty | 0 |
r_ambient | brightens map, value is 0-128 | 4 |
r_batchmode | selects method of rendering multiple surfaces with one driver call (values are 0, 1, 2, etc…) | 1 |
r_bloom | enables bloom effect (makes bright pixels affect neighboring pixels) | 0 |
r_bloom_blur | how large the glow is | 4 |
r_bloom_brighten | how bright the glow is, after subtract/power | 2 |
r_bloom_colorexponent | how exagerated the glow is | 1 |
r_bloom_colorscale | how bright the glow is | 1 |
r_bloom_colorsubtract | reduces bloom colors by a certain amount | 125 |
r_bloom_resolution | what resolution to perform the bloom effect at (independent of screen resolution) | 320 |
r_colormap_palette | name of a palette lmp file to override the shirt/pants colors of player models. It consists of 16 shirt colors, 16 scoreboard shirt colors, 16 pants colors and 16 scoreboard pants colors | gfx/colormap_palette.lmp |
r_coronas | brightness of corona flare effects around certain lights, 0 disables corona effects | 1 |
r_coronas_occlusionquery | use GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension if supported (fades coronas according to visibility) | 1 |
r_coronas_occlusionsizescale | size of light source for corona occlusion checksm the proportion of hidden pixels controls corona intensity | 0.1 |
r_cullentities_trace | probabistically cull invisible entities | 1 |
r_cullentities_trace_delay | number of seconds until the entity gets actually culled | 1 |
r_cullentities_trace_enlarge | box enlargement for entity culling | 0 |
r_cullentities_trace_samples | number of samples to test for entity culling | 2 |
r_damageblur | motionblur based on damage; requires r_motionblur to have a value | 0 |
r_depthfirst | renders a depth-only version of the scene before normal rendering begins to eliminate overdraw, values: 0 = off, 1 = world depth, 2 = world and model depth | 0 |
r_drawdecals | enables drawing of decals | 1 |
r_drawdecals_drawdistance | decals further than drawdistance*size will not be drawn | 300 |
r_draweffects | renders temporary sprite effects | 1 |
r_drawentities | draw entities (doors, players, projectiles, etc) | 1 |
r_drawexplosions | enables rendering of explosion shells (see also cl_particles_explosions_shell) | 1 |
r_drawfog | allows one to disable fog rendering | 1 |
r_drawparticles | enables drawing of particles | 1 |
r_drawparticles_drawdistance | particles further than drawdistance*size will not be drawn | 1000 |
r_drawportals | shows portals (separating polygons) in world interior in quake1 maps | 0 |
r_drawviewmodel | draw your weapon model | 1 |
r_dynamic | enables dynamic lights (rocket glow and such) | 1 |
r_editlights | enables .rtlights file editing mode | 0 |
r_editlights_cursordistance | maximum distance of cursor from eye | 1024 |
r_editlights_cursorgrid | snaps cursor to this grid size | 4 |
r_editlights_cursorpushback | how far to pull the cursor back toward the eye | 0 |
r_editlights_cursorpushoff | how far to push the cursor off the impacted surface | 4 |
r_editlights_quakelightsizescale | changes size of light entities loaded from a map | 1 |
r_explosionclip | enables collision detection for explosion shell (so that it flattens against walls and floors) | 1 |
r_fixtrans_auto | automatically fixtrans textures (when set to 2, it also saves the fixed versions to a fixtrans directory) | 0 |
r_fog_exp2 | uses GL_EXP2 fog (as in Nehahra) rather than realistic GL_EXP fog | 0 |
r_fullbright | makes map very bright and renders faster | 0 |
r_fullbrights | enables glowing pixels in quake textures (changes need r_restart to take effect) | 1 |
r_glsl | enables use of OpenGL 2.0 pixel shaders for lighting | 1 |
r_glsl_contrastboost | by how much to multiply the contrast in dark areas (1 is no change) | 1 |
r_glsl_deluxemapping | use per pixel lighting on deluxemap-compiled q3bsp maps (or a value of 2 forces deluxemap shading even without deluxemaps) | 1 |
r_glsl_offsetmapping | offset mapping effect (also known as parallax mapping or virtual displacement mapping) | 0 |
r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping | relief mapping effect (higher quality) | 0 |
r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale | how deep the offset mapping effect is | 0.02 |
r_glsl_postprocess | use a GLSL postprocessing shader | 0 |
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1 | a 4-component vector to pass as uservec1 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized) | 0 0 0 0 |
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2 | a 4-component vector to pass as uservec2 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized) | 0 0 0 0 |
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec3 | a 4-component vector to pass as uservec3 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized) | 0 0 0 0 |
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec4 | a 4-component vector to pass as uservec4 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized) | 0 0 0 0 |
r_glsl_saturation | saturation multiplier (only working in glsl!) | 1 |
r_glsl_usegeneric | use shaders for rendering simple geometry (rather than conventional fixed-function rendering for this purpose) | 1 |
r_hdr | enables High Dynamic Range bloom effect (higher quality version of r_bloom) | 0 |
r_hdr_glowintensity | how bright light emitting textures should appear | 1 |
r_hdr_range | how much dynamic range to render bloom with (equivilant to multiplying r_bloom_brighten by this value and dividing r_bloom_colorscale by this value) | 4 |
r_hdr_scenebrightness | global rendering brightness | 1 |
r_labelsprites_roundtopixels | try to make label sprites sharper by rounding their size to 0.5x or 1x and by rounding their position to whole pixels if possible | 1 |
r_labelsprites_scale | global scale to apply to label sprites before conversion to HUD coordinates | 0.40625 |
r_lerpimages | bilinear filters images when scaling them up to power of 2 size (mode 1), looks better than glquake (mode 0) | 1 |
r_lerplightstyles | enable animation smoothing on flickering lights | 0 |
r_lerpmodels | enables animation smoothing on models | 1 |
r_lerpsprites | enables animation smoothing on sprites | 1 |
r_letterbox | reduces vertical height of view to simulate a letterboxed movie effect (can be used by mods for cutscenes) | 0 |
r_lightningbeam_color_blue | color of the lightning beam effect | 1 |
r_lightningbeam_color_green | color of the lightning beam effect | 1 |
r_lightningbeam_color_red | color of the lightning beam effect | 1 |
r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture | load the qmb textures/particles/lightning.pcx texture instead of generating one, can look better | 0 |
r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance | how far to stretch the texture along the lightning beam effect | 128 |
r_lightningbeam_scroll | speed of texture scrolling on the lightning beam effect | 5 |
r_lightningbeam_thickness | thickness of the lightning beam effect | 4 |
r_lockpvs | disables pvs switching, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given location in the map (anything not visible from your current location will not be drawn) | 0 |
r_lockvisibility | disables visibility updates, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given viewpoint in the map (anything offscreen at the moment this is enabled will not be drawn) | 0 |
r_mipskins | mipmaps model skins so they render faster in the distance and do not display noise artifacts, can cause discoloration of skins if they contain undesirable border colors | 1 |
r_mipsprites | mipmaps sprites so they render faster in the distance and do not display noise artifacts | 1 |
r_motionblur | motionblur frame-by-frame alpha control {0 to 1} - 0.7 recommended | 0 |
r_motionblur_bmin | velocity at which there is no blur yet (may be negative to always have some blur) | 0.5 |
r_motionblur_debug | outputs current motionblur alpha value | 0 |
r_motionblur_maxblur | cap for the alpha level of the motion blur variable | 0.88 |
r_motionblur_randomize | randomizing coefficient to fix ghosting | 0.1 |
r_motionblur_vcoeff | sliding average reaction time for velocity | 0.05 |
r_motionblur_vmax | velocity at which there is full blur | 600 |
r_motionblur_vmin | velocity at which there is minimum blur | 300 |
r_nearclip | distance from camera of nearclip plane | 1 |
r_nosurftextures | pretends there was no texture lump found in the q1bsp/hlbsp loading (useful for debugging this rare case) | 0 |
r_novis | draws whole level, see also sv_cullentities_pvs 0 | 0 |
r_picmipsprites | make gl_picmip affect sprites too (saves some graphics memory in sprite heavy games) | 0 |
r_picmipworld | whether gl_picmip shall apply to world textures too | 0 |
r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor | biases depth values of world submodels such as doors, to prevent z-fighting artifacts in Quake maps | 0 |
r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset | biases depth values of world submodels such as doors, to prevent z-fighting artifacts in Quake maps | 2 |
r_precachetextures | 0 = never upload textures until used, 1 = upload most textures before use (exceptions: rarely used skin colormap layers), 2 = upload all textures before use (can increase texture memory usage significantly) | 1 |
r_q1bsp_skymasking | allows sky polygons in quake1 maps to obscure other geometry | 1 |
r_q3bsp_renderskydepth | draws sky depth masking in q3 maps (as in q1 maps), this means for example that sky polygons can hide other things | 0 |
r_render | enables rendering calls (you want this on!) | 1 |
r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture | generate fake bumpmaps from diffuse textures at this bumpyness, try 4 to match tenebrae, higher values increase depth, requires r_restart to take effect | 0 |
r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap | what magnitude to interpret _bump.tga textures as, higher values increase depth, requires r_restart to take effect | 4 |
r_shadow_culltriangles | performs more expensive tests to remove unnecessary triangles of lit surfaces | 1 |
r_shadow_debuglight | renders only one light, for level design purposes or debugging | -1 |
r_shadow_frontsidecasting | whether to cast shadows from illuminated triangles (front side of model) or unlit triangles (back side of model) | 1 |
r_shadow_gloss | 0 disables gloss (specularity) rendering, 1 uses gloss if textures are found, 2 forces a flat metallic specular effect on everything without textures (similar to tenebrae) | 1 |
r_shadow_gloss2intensity | how bright the forced flat gloss should look if r_shadow_gloss is 2 | 125 |
r_shadow_glossexact | use exact reflection math for gloss (slightly slower, but should look a tad better) | 0 |
r_shadow_glossexponent | how 'sharp' the gloss should appear (specular power) | 32 |
r_shadow_glossintensity | how bright textured glossmaps should look if r_shadow_gloss is 1 or 2 | 1 |
r_shadow_lightattenuationdividebias | changes attenuation texture generation | 1 |
r_shadow_lightattenuationlinearscale | changes attenuation texture generation | 2 |
r_shadow_lightintensityscale | renders all world lights brighter or darker | 1 |
r_shadow_lightradiusscale | renders all world lights larger or smaller | 1 |
r_shadow_polygonfactor | how much to enlarge shadow volume polygons when rendering (should be 0!) | 0 |
r_shadow_polygonoffset | how much to push shadow volumes into the distance when rendering, to reduce chances of zfighting artifacts (should not be less than 0) | 1 |
r_shadow_portallight | use portal culling to exactly determine lit triangles when compiling world lights | 1 |
r_shadow_projectdistance | how far to cast shadows | 1000000 |
r_shadow_realtime_dlight | enables rendering of dynamic lights such as explosions and rocket light | 1 |
r_shadow_realtime_dlight_portalculling | enables portal optimization on dynamic lights (slow!) | 0 |
r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows | enables rendering of shadows from dynamic lights | 0 |
r_shadow_realtime_dlight_svbspculling | enables svbsp optimization on dynamic lights (very slow!) | 0 |
r_shadow_realtime_world | enables rendering of full world lighting (whether loaded from the map, or a .rtlights file, or a .ent file, or a .lights file produced by hlight) | 0 |
r_shadow_realtime_world_compile | enables compilation of world lights for higher performance rendering | 1 |
r_shadow_realtime_world_compileportalculling | enables portal-based culling optimization during compilation | 1 |
r_shadow_realtime_world_compileshadow | enables compilation of shadows from world lights for higher performance rendering | 1 |
r_shadow_realtime_world_compilesvbsp | enables svbsp optimization during compilation | 1 |
r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps | brightness to render lightmaps when using full world lighting, try 0.5 for a tenebrae-like appearance | 1 |
r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows | enables rendering of shadows from world lights | 0 |
r_shadow_scissor | use scissor optimization of light rendering (restricts rendering to the portion of the screen affected by the light) | 1 |
r_shadow_texture3d | use 3D voxel textures for spherical attenuation rather than cylindrical (does not affect r_glsl lighting) | 1 |
r_shadow_usenormalmap | enables use of directional shading on lights | 1 |
r_shadows | casts fake stencil shadows from models onto the world (rtlights are unaffected by this); when set to 2, always cast the shadows DOWN, otherwise use the model lighting | 0 |
r_shadows_throwdistance | how far to cast shadows from models | 500 |
r_showbboxes | shows bounding boxes of server entities, value controls opacity scaling (1 = 10%, 10 = 100%) | 0 |
r_showcollisionbrushes | draws collision brushes in quake3 maps (mode 1), mode 2 disables rendering of world (trippy!) | 0 |
r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor | expands outward the brush polygons a little bit, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls | -1 |
r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset | nudges brush polygon depth in hardware depth units, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls | 0 |
r_showdisabledepthtest | disables depth testing on r_show* cvars, allowing you to see what hidden geometry the graphics card is processing | 0 |
r_showlighting | shows areas lit by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright orange = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful | 0 |
r_shownormals | shows per-vertex surface normals and tangent vectors for bumpmapped lighting | 0 |
r_showshadowvolumes | shows areas shadowed by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright blue = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful | 0 |
r_showsurfaces | 1 shows surfaces as different colors, or a value of 2 shows triangle draw order (for analyzing whether meshes are optimized for vertex cache) | 0 |
r_showtris | shows triangle outlines, value controls brightness (can be above 1) | 0 |
r_skeletal_debugbone | development cvar for testing skeletal model code | -1 |
r_skeletal_debugbonecomponent | development cvar for testing skeletal model code | 3 |
r_skeletal_debugbonevalue | development cvar for testing skeletal model code | 100 |
r_skeletal_debugtranslatex | development cvar for testing skeletal model code | 1 |
r_skeletal_debugtranslatey | development cvar for testing skeletal model code | 1 |
r_skeletal_debugtranslatez | development cvar for testing skeletal model code | 1 |
r_sky | enables sky rendering (black otherwise) | 1 |
r_skyscroll1 | speed at which upper clouds layer scrolls in quake sky | 1 |
r_skyscroll2 | speed at which lower clouds layer scrolls in quake sky | 2 |
r_smoothnormals_areaweighting | uses significantly faster (and supposedly higher quality) area-weighted vertex normals and tangent vectors rather than summing normalized triangle normals and tangents | 1 |
r_speeds | displays rendering statistics and per-subsystem timings | 0 |
r_stereo_angle | separation angle of eyes (makes the views look different directions, as an example, 90 gives a 90 degree separation where the views are 45 degrees left and 45 degrees right) | 0 |
r_stereo_redblue | red/blue anaglyph stereo glasses (note: most of these glasses are actually red/cyan, try that one too) | 0 |
r_stereo_redcyan | red/cyan anaglyph stereo glasses, the kind given away at drive-in movies like Creature From The Black Lagoon In 3D | 0 |
r_stereo_redgreen | red/green anaglyph stereo glasses (for those who don't mind yellow) | 0 |
r_stereo_separation | separation distance of eyes in the world (negative values are only useful for cross-eyed viewing) | 4 |
r_stereo_sidebyside | side by side views for those who can't afford glasses but can afford eye strain (note: use a negative r_stereo_separation if you want cross-eyed viewing) | 0 |
r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess | maximum number of subdivisions (prevents curves beyond a certain detail level, limits smoothing) | 1024 |
r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices | maximum vertices allowed per subdivided curve | 4225 |
r_subdivisions_collision_mintess | minimum number of subdivisions (values above 0 will smooth curves that don't need it) | 0 |
r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance | maximum error tolerance on curve subdivision for collision purposes (usually a larger error tolerance than for rendering) | 15 |
r_subdivisions_maxtess | maximum number of subdivisions (prevents curves beyond a certain detail level, limits smoothing) | 1024 |
r_subdivisions_maxvertices | maximum vertices allowed per subdivided curve | 65536 |
r_subdivisions_mintess | minimum number of subdivisions (values above 0 will smooth curves that don't need it) | 0 |
r_subdivisions_tolerance | maximum error tolerance on curve subdivision for rendering purposes (in other words, the curves will be given as many polygons as necessary to represent curves at this quality) | 3 |
r_test | internal development use only, leave it alone (usually does nothing anyway) | 0 |
r_textbrightness | additional brightness for text color codes (0 keeps colors as is, 1 makes them all white) | 0.2 |
r_textcontrast | additional contrast for text color codes (1 keeps colors as is, 0 makes them all black) | 0.8 |
r_textshadow | draws a shadow on all text to improve readability (note: value controls offset, 1 = 1 pixel, 1.5 = 1.5 pixels, etc) | 1 |
r_textureunits | number of hardware texture units reported by driver (note: setting this to 1 turns off gl_combine) | 32 |
r_track_sprites | track SPR_LABEL* sprites by putting them as indicator at the screen border to rotate to | 1 |
r_track_sprites_flags | 1: Rotate sprites accodringly, 2: Make it a continuous rotation | 1 |
r_track_sprites_scaleh | height scaling of tracked sprites | 1 |
r_track_sprites_scalew | width scaling of tracked sprites | 1 |
r_useinfinitefarclip | enables use of a special kind of projection matrix that has an extremely large farclip | 1 |
r_useportalculling | improve framerate with r_novis 1 by using portal culling - still not as good as compiled visibility data in the map, but it helps (a value of 2 forces use of this even with vis data, which improves framerates in maps without too much complexity, but hurts in extremely complex maps, which is why 2 is not the default mode) | 1 |
r_water | whether to use reflections and refraction on water surfaces (note: r_wateralpha must be set below 1) | 0 |
r_water_clippingplanebias | a rather technical setting which avoids black pixels around water edges | 1 |
r_water_reflectdistort | how much water reflections shimmer | 0.01 |
r_water_refractdistort | how much water refractions shimmer | 0.01 |
r_water_resolutionmultiplier | multiplier for screen resolution when rendering refracted/reflected scenes, 1 is full quality, lower values are faster | 0.5 |
r_wateralpha | opacity of water polygons | 1 |
r_waterscroll | makes water scroll around, value controls how much | 1 |
r_waterwarp | warp view while underwater | 1 |
rcon_address | server address to send rcon commands to (when not connected to a server) | |
rcon_password | password to authenticate rcon commands; NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password | |
rcon_restricted_commands | allowed commands for rcon when the restricted mode password was used | restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban „sv_cmd bans“ „sv_cmd unban“ status „sv_cmd teamstatus“ movetoteam_auto movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink |
rcon_restricted_password | password to authenticate rcon commands in restricted mode | |
rcon_secure | force secure rcon authentication; NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password | 1 |
rcon_secure_maxdiff | maximum time difference between rcon request and server system clock (to protect against replay attack) | 5 |
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en/games/nexuiz/cvars_h_to_r.txt · Last modified: 2022-04-01-21-42 by 7saturn