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Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation

Ashes is a game in the style of Total Annihilation, released on March 31st of 2016 by Stardock Entertainment. Similar to Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance for Supreme Commander, “Escalation” is a stand-alone Extension of Ashes of the Singularity. While Ashes of the Singularity used to be a stand alone version, it cannot be purchased by itself. Ashes of the Singularity can be upgraded to Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation for free. So the base game is rather rare in the meantime. Usually when someone talks about »Ashes of the Singularity«, he implies the expansion Escalation with it.


The game is distributed via GOG and Steam.

Turn Off Launcher

By default, Steam does not start the game immediately but an intermitted launcher. If you want Steam to start right into the game, add the parameter /nolauncher to the start options.


Both factions, PHC and Substrate have similar units, although not really the same kind of units. Especially the difference between shields (Substrate) and armour (PHC) is to be mentioned. As this topic is rather extensive, you will find the information about Ashes' units in the article Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation Units.

Tech Tree

The game is divided into two factions, the Post Human Coalition (PHC) and the Substrate. Both have similar but different tech trees and variations of units that fullfill specific purposes. Here is an overview of the build order/tech tree:

Dreadnought Upgrades

Dreadnoughts have different levels, beginning with 1 and ending at 5. The more units (not buildings!) the Dreadnought destroys, the more experience (XP) it gets. When reaching certain amounts of experience, the Dreadnought unlocks a new level which brings along certain abilities for permanent selection for this unit. The levels are unlocked when reaching the following XP points:

XP XP Sum Level
0 0 1 (start value)
12000 12000 2
15000 27000 3
21000 48000 4
27000 75000 5 (max. level)

In general, there are two lanes to select abilities from. Within a single lane you can only pick the very next ability the current XP unlocks but at any time you may select from either one of the two lanes. This however, finds its limits with the last level (5), during which you might run out of upgrades to choose from one lane. This happens when you consecutively chose abilities from one lane exclusively. Every lane has up to three upgrades to offer, so when reaching level 5 you already had three upgrades from one lane, facing the fourth selection not being available from this one, but only from the other (the first upgrade from this lane). Each Dreadnought has a unique set of upgrades. Some of them are used twice for different Dreadnought types. On top of that you always have the ability »Instant Repair«, which adds 5000 HP to the Dreadnought, but at the same time uses up an upgrade slot.

The available selection of upgrades follows in the next subsections.

Instant Repair

All Dreadnoughts have the ability »Instant Repair«. It increases the current health points (HP) by 5000. It is described as follows: »Single use effect, immediately restores 5000 health to the Dreadnought by deploying a cloud of short-lived nanites.« It does however use up an upgrade slot and only restores health once. So effectively it reduces the number of permanent upgrades by one each time it is used. So it is a question of what you want to do with the Dreadnought in the future and if the unit is in danger of being destroyed, if not fixed instantly.



Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Self-Sealing Hull Slowly repairs damage to the Dreadnought as a permanent film of repair nanites seals breaches caused by enemy weapons. Assault Drones Launches a self-replenishing swarm of offensive drones to harass any threads to the Dreadnought.
2 Healing Drones Launches a self-replenishing swarm of hull-repair drones to support the Dreadnought and its army. Disabling Bolts Enemies struck by the Dreadnought's weapons have a small chance of being temporarily disabled.
3 Durantium Armor Increases Armor by 20% with a permanent coat of extra-hard Durantium alloy. Overload Engines Increases entire army's speed by 20% by dynamically evaluating reactor containment tolerances.


Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Orion Cascade Long recharge, adds a super-long-range missile battery to the Dreadnought that rains down terrifying streams of death from above. Death Blossom Long recharge, adds an emergency short-range targeting protocol to the Dreadnought's weapon systems which obliterates encroaching enemies.
2 Armor Piercing Rounds Infuses the entire army's weapons with 40% armor-piercing capabilities. Radar Grants the Dreadnought a radar module.
3 Subsonic Demolisher Adds a sonic anti-structure module to the Dreadnought capable of massive damage to all buildings in an area. Ionic Rangefinder Grants the entire army an additional 10% attack range with centralized targeting routines.


Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Draining Beams Adds two health-draining beam modules to the Dreadnought. Their experimental nature only allows them to target enemy Dreadnoughts and Juggernauts. Main Battery Overload Long recharge, adds a slow-recharge alternate firing mode to the Dreadnought's main cannon that shreds all but the hardest targets in a single activation.
2 Precision Boosts the entire army's damage against Dreadnought and Juggernaut class enemies by 20% thanks to advanced superstructure analysis. Annihilate Increases firing rate of entire army by 25% by centralizing weapon protocols within the Dreadnought's mainframe.
3 Durantium Armor Increases armor by 20% with a permanent coat of extra-hard Durantium alloy. Substructure Reinforcement Grants the entire army additional hit points by injecting preframulated amulite into the support structures.



Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Backup Generator Increases maximum shield capacity by 50% with an auxiliary reactor. Targeting Computer Increases the entire army's rate of fire by 25% by slaving lesser units' targeting routines to the Dreadnought.
2 Nano-Reinforced Armor Adds heavy armor (+20% armor) to the Dreadnought reinforcing the hull on the molecular level. Energy Transfer Strengthens the entire army's damage by 10% by applying theoretical physics principles to all weapon systems.
3 Havoc Long recharge, emergency weapons protocol lets the Dreadnought overcharge its weapons in a terrible display of power. Inertial Dampeners Speeds the entire army's movement by 20% by increasing stress tolerance of hull superstructures.


Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Additional Drone Squadron Gives the Dreadnought another drone squadron with the addition of a secondary launch bay. Shield Projector Adds a module that allows the Dreadnought to quickly refill the army's shields with an energy pulse.
2 Durantium Armor Increases Armor by 20% with a permanent coat of extra-hard Durantium alloy. Static Charge Long recharge, interrupts all nearby enemy weapons and propulsion systems with a pulse of disabling radation.
3 Drone Factory Cuts the Dreadnought's drone respawn time in half with advanced nanoconstruction techniques. Shield Amplifier Doubles the Dreadnought's shield recharge rate with advanced reactor design.


Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Maneuvering Thrusters Doubles the Dreadnought's rotation speed by using additional lateral thrusters. Shield Amplifier Doubles the Dreadnought's shield recharge rate with advanced reactor design.
2 Sky Scour Unlocks power anti-air beams effective against heavy air units. Impenetrable Armor Reinforces the Dreadnought with super-heavy armor (+20% armor) by adding ablative Durantium plating beneath its outer hull.
3 Demolish Increases the Dreadnought's damage against structures by 50% by employing battle-adjusted targeting data. Executioner Modulates the Dreadnought's main armament into an unrivaled destructive force.

Known Problems

Replays not Working Properly

The game uses a technique similar to video codec key frames. So it does not record every situation but uses regular situation snapshots and then only applies the actions of the players onto them. That's a normal way of doing this, because otherwise, especially for games with a whole lot of units, the replay sizes would explode. It is a well known fact, that replays suffer from two problems, that are actually being made possible by the former concept:

  1. The game does not always run the very same way. Meaning, the actions taken by one player do not have the same outcome although being applied to the very same situation. That can mount up to things happen in the replay, that never actually happened in the game.
  2. Units are not accurately recorded the entire time. This goes not just for the taken action but also for the damage they deal and receive, according to what you see. This means, only creation and destruction of a unit are actually accurate (aside from the described problem above). This can have anyone of two strange effects: A unit you see apparently fires on another and hits but deals no damage. Or a unit is having no health at all (or even negative health) and does not get destroyed.

In combination, those two effects can have all kinds of strange things going on during replay time. Ghost units not vanishing while having negative health, not getting any damage. Units vanishing out of the blue, while not having gotten any damage (at least not from a replay point of view). Or units going somewhere you definitely remember them never being there.

Also replays tend to crash, if they are »long enough«. Mostly after half an hour or so, replays can make the entire game crash. But this does not always happen. There are instances where you can watch a two hour replay through to the end.

Random Crashes

Although the game certainly has been build to work with large amounts of units and showing decent graphics, the stability still leaves something to be desired. Crashes are rather frequent. One out of three matches crashing is definitely not unheard of. This goes for multiplayer, replays and single player alike. There is not a lot you can do about it. Of course your system must be solid by itself. The game is rather demanding on the hardware and especially overclocking and other destabilizing measures will tend to be a bigger problem for this game, than for others. Especially your air flow should be sufficient to get a fully running system cooled enough, as the system will be put under a lot of load. But even when everything is just fine, the game has a noticeable tendency to crash for no apparent reason.

See also

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