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Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation

Ashes is a game in the style of Total Annihilation, released on March 31st of 2016 by Stardock Entertainment. Similar to Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance for Supreme Commander, “Escalation” is a stand-alone Extension of Ashes of the Singularity.


The game is distributed via Steam

Turn Off Launcher

By default, Steam does not start the game immediately but an intermitted launcher. If you want Steam to start right into the game, add the parameter /nolauncher to the start options.

Tech Tree

The game is divided into two factions, the Post Human Coalition (PHC) and the Substrate. Both have similar but different tech trees and variations of units that fullfill specific purposes. Here is an overview of the build order/tech tree:

Dreadnought Upgrades

Dreadnoughts have different levels, beginning with 1 and ending at 5. The more units (not buildings!) the Dreadnought destroys, the more experience (XP) it gets. When reaching certain amounts of experience, the Dreadnought unlocks a new level which brings along certain abilities for permanent selection for this unit. The levels are unlocked when reaching the following XP points:

XP XP Sum Level
0 0 1 (start value)
12000 12000 2
15000 27000 3
21000 48000 4
27000 75000 5 (max. level)

In general, there are two lanes to select abilities from. Within a single lane you can only pick the very next ability the current XP unlocks but at any time you may select from either one of the two lanes. This however, finds its limits with the last level (5), during which you might run out of upgrades to choose from one lane. This happens when you consecutively chose abilities from one lane exclusively. Every lane has up to three upgrades to offer, so when reaching level 5 you already had three upgrades from one lane, facing the fourth selection not being available from this one, but only from the other (the first upgrade from this lane). Each Dreadnought has a unique set of upgrades. Some of them are used twice for different Dreadnought types. On top of that you always have the ability »Instant Repair«, which adds 5000 HP to the Dreadnought, but at the same time using up an upgrade slot. So it is a question of what you want to do with the Dreadnought in the future and if the unit is in danger of being destroyed, if not fixed instantly.

The selection of available upgrades follows in the next subsections.



All Dreadnoughts have the ability »Instant Repair« . It increases the current health points (HP) by 5000.


Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Self-Sealing Hull Assault Drones
2 Healing Drones Disabling Bolts
3 Durantium Armor Overload Engines


Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Orion Cascade Death Blossom
2 Armor Piercing Rounds Radar
3 Subsonic Demolisher Ionic Rangefinder


Level Step Lane 1 Name Symbol Description Lane 2 Name Symbol Description
1 Draining Beams Main Battery Overload
2 Precision Annihilate
3 Durantium Armor Substructure Reinforcement

See also

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en/games/ashes_of_the_singularity_-_escalation.1594387270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-07-10-15-21 by 7saturn

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