Armada 1 Starbases

The Starbase or Nexus of the game Star Trek: Armada is the core of the economy of a player. It is the only source for supply and crew and the only station that produces constructors. Along with that they also allow to produce Mining Freighters.

Starbases are really sturdy. Their offensive strength is comparable to that of Torpedo Defenses. Their Pulse Weapons are not reflected by a Corbomite Reflector. This makes them able to hold out during attacks long enough to deal large amounts of damage over time. So attacking them is only advised either in great numbers or with battleships, in order to deal enough damage in short time to not lose a lot of ships. Artillery ships for attacking and scouts for giving the artillery enough distance may also do the trick.

A Starbase requires rather large crew complements (800 to begin with, increasable to 1500 if needed). As such they are an expensive but usually necessary investment. Especially Borg players will need a Nexus rather early on to provide enough crew income in order to build several Cubes.

The resource income provided by Starbases is not tied to a specific location, as is with Dilithium. Every unit and most of the stations require crew to be build and maintained. Crew income for a Starbase is 3.5/s for a normally positioned Starbase. For a Starbase located in the vicinity of a Planet this income rate is increased. Depending on the faction it is 5.25/s (315/min) for the Borg and 4.375/s (262.5/min) for the other factions. The difference between planet-side and off-planet is indicated by the placement icon during giving the build order:

Starbases provide 20 supply by themselves (12/min). If you want to increase your supply limit further than that, every Starbase allows for up to six upgrades by another 20 supply each (24/min). After that another Starbase is required to further increase this limit.

Symbol Effect
Normal Crew Income
Increased Crew Income