
Armada 1 Imperial Yard

The Imperial Yard produces the Klingon caster and battleship, the Fek'lhr class and the Negh'Var. Both are formidable foes. When playing without special weapons, the Fek'lhr is not available at all.

Statistical Values

Faction Klingon
Dilithium Cost 2000 (20/s)
Build Time 100 s
Crew Cost 500 (5/s)
Supply Cost 5 (3/min)
Shield Energy 2500
Shield Restoration Rate 2.1/s
Weapon System none
Effective Damage Rate 0
Scanning Range 700
Special Weapon none

Resource Drain When Used

Ship Icon Dilithium Supply Crew
Fek'lhr 10/s 4.6/min 2.1/s
Negh'Var 10/s 5.8/min 5/s