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EF 1 In-Game Commands

Commands are entered on the in-game console with a / first. On the server console itself you don't need it.

Command Effect
set xyz blah If the variable xyz is set to the value blah, it can also contain other variables, which can then be used as substitutes, e.g. set a foo and set b "a bar"
set g_synchronousClients 1 Synchronize client and server continuously
/record demoname Starts a demo recording called demoname
/disconnect Disconnect from the server
/demo demoname Plays the demo with the name demoname.
/rconpassword "password" Sets the rcon password for the client. Here it is important not to forget the / at the beginning, because otherwise the rcon password will be trumpeted as a chat message for all players(!). It's best to bind it on one of the keys.
/rcon command Issues the command command on the server if you have previously authenticated yourself with rconpassword.
cmdlist Print list of available commands
cvarlist Output list of available cvars
map xyz Switches to the map with the file name xyz.
serverinfo Displays server settings such as protocol, name, limits, etc.
meminfo Displays memory information
status Display of player data, e.g. num, score, ping, name, address, port, rate
dumpuser Displays player information such as name, sex, skill etc.
kick ID Kick players with ID
addip IP Block player with IP
removeip IP Unblock player with IP
g_banIPs show currently banned IPs
addbot <botname> <level> <team> Add bot with name <botname> to team <team> with difficulty level <level>.
The level can be 1 to 5.
Team can be taken from the following selection:
borg and starfleet are only available in Assimilation mode.
The name is the only mandatory option.
exec CONFIG Executes the config file CONFIG.
kickbots Removes all bots from the currently running server.
killserver Ends the current map (not the server)
svsay MESSAGE Send the text line MESSAGE to all players like a console message
reconnect reconnect to the server
password "xxx" Set password, e.g. to join a server
vid_restart Restarts video output, useful if you have changed a video setting
bind key "command1; command2;" Automatic execution of commands and scripts on a single button stroke
echo "text" Outputs the text text.
team x Change to Team x, with s=Spectator, r=Red, b=Blue
condump <filename> Saves the previous console output to the specified file.
writeconfig <filename> Writes the current settings to the specified file.
dir <foldername> Displays the files (incl. in *.pk3 files) in the specified folder.
path Lists the current search paths (also *.pk3 files) and the open files.
map_restart Restarts the current map
protocol Displays the protocol version of the current server.

Remember: If you want to use these commands from within a config file, you must write protect it, as EF will strip these commands away from the config.

Commands on the Server Console

Command Effect
heartbeat Sends a heartbeat signal to all master servers configured, provided, the game server is an internet server.
clientkick <number> Kicks the player with the client ID <number>. The ID can be found by status on the server side.

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force

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en/games/star_trek_-_voyager_elite_force/in-game_commands.txt · Last modified: 2024-08-10-14-57 by 7saturn

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