EF 1 In-Game Commands
Commands are entered on the in-game console with a /
first. On the server console itself you don't need it.
Command | Effect |
set xyz blah | If the variable xyz is set to the value blah , it can also contain other variables, which can then be used as substitutes, e.g. set a foo and set b "a bar" |
set g_synchronousClients 1 | Synchronize client and server continuously |
/record demoname | Starts a demo recording called demoname |
/disconnect | Disconnect from the server |
/demo demoname | Plays the demo with the name demoname . |
/rconpassword "password" | Sets the rcon password for the client. Here it is important not to forget the / at the beginning, because otherwise the rcon password will be trumpeted as a chat message for all players(!). It's best to bind it on one of the keys. |
/rcon command | Issues the command command on the server if you have previously authenticated yourself with rconpassword . |
cmdlist | Print list of available commands |
cvarlist | Output list of available cvars |
map xyz | Switches to the map with the file name xyz . |
serverinfo | Displays server settings such as protocol, name, limits, etc. |
meminfo | Displays memory information |
status | Display of player data, e.g. num , score , ping , name , address , port , rate |
dumpuser | Displays player information such as name , sex , skill etc. |
kick ID | Kick players with ID |
addip IP | Block player with IP |
removeip IP | Unblock player with IP |
g_banIPs | show currently banned IPs |
addbot <botname> <level> <team> | Add bot with name <botname> to team <team> with difficulty level <level>. The level can be 1 to 5. Team can be taken from the following selection: borg blue red starfleet . borg and starfleet are only available in Assimilation mode. The name is the only mandatory option. |
exec CONFIG | Executes the config file CONFIG . |
kickbots | Removes all bots from the currently running server. |
killserver | Ends the current map (not the server) |
svsay MESSAGE | Send the text line MESSAGE to all players like a console message |
reconnect | reconnect to the server |
password "xxx" | Set password, e.g. to join a server |
vid_restart | Restarts video output, useful if you have changed a video setting |
bind key "command1; command2;" | Automatic execution of commands and scripts on a single button stroke |
echo "text" | Outputs the text text . |
team x | Change to Team x , with s =Spectator, r =Red, b =Blue |
condump <filename> | Saves the previous console output to the specified file. |
writeconfig <filename> | Writes the current settings to the specified file. |
dir <foldername> | Displays the files (incl. in *.pk3 files) in the specified folder. |
path | Lists the current search paths (also *.pk3 files) and the open files. |
map_restart | Restarts the current map |
protocol | Displays the protocol version of the current server. |
Remember: If you want to use these commands from within a config file, you must write protect it, as EF will strip these commands away from the config.
Commands on the Server Console
Command | Effect |
heartbeat | Sends a heartbeat signal to all master servers configured, provided, the game server is an internet server. |
clientkick <number> | Kicks the player with the client ID <number> . The ID can be found by status on the server side. |
en/games/star_trek_-_voyager_elite_force/in-game_commands.txt · Last modified: 2024-08-10-12-57 by 7saturn