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Conflict: Desert Storm


Desert Storm is a first/third person shooter, developed by Pivotal Games and released by Square Enix on 13.9.2002. The player controls a team of up to four soldiers, each having a special training background and therefore competences. These four are:

  1. Squad Leader,
  2. Sniper,
  3. Weapons Specialist and
  4. Infiltration Specialist.

These four characters can be controlled either directly, in a first person or third person shooter manner. Or you can give other team members orders, such as taking a position, following the current team member or hold their fire. It is possible to switch playing those characters by pressing the keys 1 to 4. Characters not currently played by the player himself are controlled by an AI. It is essential to use the special abilities of all four squad members in combination properly in order to achieve various missions.

The theme of this game is the gulf war, the so-called »Operation Desert Storm« (hence the name). Therefore the missions are placed in Iraq during the gulf war. The player can pick either the US Delta Force or the British Special Forces SAS. Gameplay wise this decision does not really matter as both consist essentially of the very same characters with other skins and names but aside from that, they play the same way.

The game is part of the Conflict Series, incl. its immediate successor, Conflict: Desert Storm 2.

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en/games/conflict_desert_storm.1600097012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-09-14-17-23 by 7saturn

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