Bombing Run

This game mode is offered by Unreal Tournament 2004. It is very similar to the real-world soccer or football game. Two teams start on one map, where there is a ball placed at the middle. Both teams have a goal-like element on in their base, placed on opposite sided of the map. In order to score, the ball has to be either shot or carried into the goal of the opposing team. Once it is, the ball is reset to the middle of the map and a new round starts.

To reach this objective, the ball can either be carried by a player, which receives a small healing bonus but cannot use his weapons any more. Or he can choose to shoot away the ball, like when firing a weapon. The ball then flies ballistically, also bouncing off of walls an the ground (like a real-world football). In order to pass the ball to a team member, a right-click can aim automatically to another team member, which will catch the ball. If a ball carrying player gets fragged, he drops the ball. If a pass fails (target player does not catch it, e.g. for changing walking direction or being fragged first), the ball also drops. If the ball is laying still for a long period of time, it is reset at the middle of the map. The match goal is to reach the designated goal number/score first.

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