
EF 1 Cheats

EF 1 features a single-player campaign, which also allows for the use of certain cheat codes. These cheats work only in single player (no, not even if you only add bots in multiplayer). If you enter them in the multiplayer, they go out as chat messages, which probably causes corresponding reactions by the other players… The cheats can only be used if you activate them. Either you already have sv_cheats 1 in your single player config, or you enter it into the console. Then the following codes will work:

Cheat list

Cheat Effect
give # Give item with number # (see list)
give weapons All weapons available
give health # Sets health to the value # (1-200)
give armor # Sets the armor to the value # (0-200)
give weaponnum # Gives the weapon with the number # (see list)
name # Set your own Nick to “#
model # Set your own model to ”#
setviewpos X Y Z (R) Sets you at position X,Y,Z, with the rotation angle R
ui_closingcredits Show credits
dir video Displays the list of available videos
cinematic <movie> Plays the video <movie>
give tricorder Gives you the Tricorder
undying Health and armor set to 999
noclip You can fly and walk through walls
notarget Enemy units no longer consider you a target
map_brig Hidden level
cg_thirdperson 1 Third person view on (0 for off)
cg_thirdpersonrange # Setting the distance to the character
devmap # Activate cheats on a server for the map #. When using map # instead, cv_cheats cannot be set to 1.
map # Starts the map #
kill suicide
quit End game
god God mode

Cheat Items

Number Item
1 Phaser
2 Phase Compression Rifle
3 Scavenger Rifle
4 Tetryon Pulse Disruptor
6 Tricorder
7 Health
8 Ammo
9 Weapons
10 All
11 Stasis Weapon
12 Grenade Launcher
13 Photon Burst
14 Arc Welder
15 Armor
16 Paladin Weapon
17 Desperado Weapon
18 Klingon Blade
19 Bot welder
20 Bot laser
21 Bot rocket
22 Forge proj
23 Forge psych
24 Parasite
25 Borg weapon
26 borg taser
27 Paladin weapon
28 All

Walk Through

At this point, a whole walk through of this game would require an entire article by itself. There are still some websites serving WTs so for now I limit myself to some sources:

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force