Here is a selection of the configuration variables (cvars) for Quake III Arena:
Cvar | Description |
bot_minplayers | sets the minimum number of players on the server, when fewer clients are connected, the server will spawn as many bots as needed to bring the total number of player plus bots to this value, when clients connect, bots will be kicked to make room |
capturelimit | Capture limit at which the map ends, only affects CTF matches |
cl_guidserveruniq | makes cl_guid unique for each server |
cl_lanforcepackets | if this is enabled and dedicated mode is not 2, clients on your same subnet will ignore the “rate” value and will get all the “snapshots” the server will elaborate |
cl_motd | enables message of the day |
cl_motdstring | content of the message of the day |
dedicated | Is the server a dedicated server? listen server (accessible via internet, not announced) = 0 , internet server (announced) = 1 , LAN server (not reachable via internet) = 2 |
dmflags | no falling damage = 8 , fixed field of vision = 16 and footsteps = 32 , sums are allowed. |
fraglimit | set fraglimit on a server (0 is no limit) |
g_allowvote | toggle the use of voting on a server |
g_arenasfile | sets the file name to use for map rotation and bot names and game type for each arena (default: scripts/arenas.txt within the pk3 file) |
g_banips | ban specified tcp/ip address from connecting to your server |
g_blueteam | set the icon for the blue team |
g_botsfile | sets the file name to use for setting up the bots configuration and characters for each bot (default: scripts/bots.txt within the pk3 file) |
g_delaghitscan | compensate network latency effects when using “hitscan” (instant hit, such as the machinegun) weapons, for all the clients which will require it |
g_dowarmup | toggle the use of a warmup period before a match game |
g_enablebreath | breathing effect (0: off, 1: on) |
g_enabledust | dust effect by feet on particular maps (0: off, 1: on) |
g_filterban | toggle the banning of players that match a certain criteria/filter |
g_forcerespawn | Number of seconds until a client is automatically respawned, unless the client does it by itself. Set it to 0 to disable force respawn. |
g_friendlyfire | toggle damage caused by friendly fire (0: off, 1: can kill or injure teammate) |
g_gametype | sets the server game type (0: classic deathmatch, 1: tournament one-on-one play, 3: team deathmatch, 4: ctf) |
g_gravity | game severity (usually set by map properties) |
g_inactivity | time limit that a player can be still before being expelled |
g_knockback | amount of movement when impacted by rocket/bfg/plasma |
g_listentity | display of map entities by number |
g_log | file name for logging game data or statistics |
g_logsync | toggle the logging to append to the existing file and not overwrite |
g_maxgameclients | set maximum # of players who may join the game, the remainder of clients are forced to spectate |
g_motd | set message of the day |
g_needpass | Activates or deactivates the server password requirement (0 = off, 1 = on) |
g_password | set the serverside password players have to use to get on the server |
g_quadfactor | damage multiplier for the quad powerup (1: no quad damage powerup) |
g_redteam | set the icon for the red team |
g_smoothclients | enable players to use cg_smoothclients on the server |
g_speed | movement speed of players |
g_synchronousclients | synchronizes all clients to allow demo recording on the server, which may decrease netplay performance |
g_teamautojoin | toggle the automatic joining of the smallest or loosing team |
g_teamforcebalance | toggle the forcing of teams to be as even as possible on a server |
g_warmup | the warmup time for tournament play |
g_weaponrespawn | set the number of seconds between the time a weapon is picked up and when it respawns |
g_weaponteamrespawn | set the number of seconds between the time a weapon is picked up and when it respawns on team matches |
logfile | enable server log file |
net_ip | set the ip of the network card to be used by your server, not used in ioQuake derivatives |
net_mcast6addr | Sets the multicast address to be used for LAN server discovery. Default is ff04::696f:7175:616b:6533 |
net_port | set external port of your server |
net_port6 | set external port of your server on ipv6 |
net_qport | the source port your client utilizies |
password | set password |
protocol | game version, e.g. 40 |
r_logFile | 0 |
rconaddress | set remote console address |
rconpassword | set rcon password for remote operation from a client connected to the server. client must store the correct password in the rconpassword variable before they can issue console commands to the server preceeded by “rcon” |
sv_allowDownload | Are uploads to the clients allowed? 1 = yes, 0 = no |
sv_cheats | allows cheats |
sv_dlurl | the base of the http or ftp site that holds custom pk3 files for your server |
sv_floodprotect | toggle server flood protection to keep players from bringing the server down |
sv_fps | set server fps |
sv_hostname | set the name of the server |
sv_keywords | set list of keywords for server browsers that support searching server lists |
sv_killserver | Are clients able to issue a killserver command? 1 = yes, 0 = no |
sv_lanforcerate | if this is enabled and dedicated mode is not 2, clients on your same subnet will ignore the “rate” value and will get all the “snapshots” the server will elaborate |
sv_mapchecksum | current map’s bsp checksum, server-internal only |
sv_master1 | set url or address to master server |
sv_master2 | set url or address to optional master server 2 |
sv_master3 | set url or address to optional master server 3 |
sv_master4 | set url or address to optional master server 4 |
sv_master5 | set url or address to optional master server 5 |
sv_maxclients | maximum number of people allowed to join the server dedicated server memory optimizations |
sv_maxping | set the maximum ping allowed on the server to keep high ping players out |
sv_maxrate | option to force all clients to play with a max rate, this can be used to limit the advantage of low ping players or to cap bandwidth utilization for a server |
sv_minping | set the minimum ping allowed on the server to keep low ping players out |
sv_minrate | set the minimum rate allowed on the server |
sv_nopredict | May the client use predictions? 1 = no, 0 = yes |
sv_packetdelay | simulate packet latency (0: off) |
sv_padpackets | force server to pad snapshot packets |
sv_paknames | names of the loaded pk3 files, only active, when sv_pure is set to 1 |
sv_paks | checksums of the loaded pk3 files |
sv_paused | shows pausing state of the server, read-only, not used on ioQuake any more |
sv_privateclients | sets the number of client slots to reserve for those clients who know the sv_privatepassword and have entered it in their “password” variable. sv_maxclients minus sv_privateclients equals the number of public connect slots |
sv_privatepassword | set server password and requires all clients to use the password command with the correct password to join the server |
sv_pure | pure server (0: off, 1: the server will check to make sure clients have “pure” (unaltered) pk3 files to prevent cheating) |
sv_reconnectlimit | set server reconnect limit |
sv_referencedpaknames | names of the referenced pk3 files |
sv_referencedpaks | checksums of the referenced pk3 files |
sv_running | server status: Running as a server, but is a map loaded? 1 = yes, 0 = no |
sv_serverid | set server id |
sv_showloss | enable sever packet loss display |
sv_strictauth | check cd-key on clients |
sv_timeout | set server timeout time in seconds |
sv_voip | ioq3: enables voip |
sv_zombietime | set inactivity time before clients (zombies) are disconnected |
teamflags | sets team game flag |
timelimit | amount of time before new map loads or next match begins |
timescale | Sets server timescale modifier |
username | set username |
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