Nexuiz cvars s

cvar Function Default Value
registeredindicates if this is running registered quake (whether gfx/pop.lmp was found)1
samelevelrepeats same level if level ends (due to timelimit or someone hitting an exit)0
saved1unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods0
saved2unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods0
saved3unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods0
saved4unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods0
savedgamecfgunused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods0
sbar_alpha_bgopacity value of the statusbar background image0.7
sbar_alpha_fgopacity value of the statusbar weapon/item icons and numbers1
sbar_border_thicknessscoreboard border tickness1
sbar_color_bg_bblue color component of the HUD background0.17
sbar_color_bg_ggreen color component of the HUD background0.25
sbar_color_bg_rred color component of the HUD background0
sbar_color_bg_teamteam color multiplier of the HUD background0.5
sbar_columnscustom cvardefault
sbar_flagstatus_pospixel position of the Nexuiz flag status icons, from the bottom115
sbar_flagstatus_rightmoves Nexuiz flag status icons to the right0
sbar_fontsizecustom cvar11
sbar_gametimeshows an overlay for the time left in the current match/level (or current game time if there is no timelimit set)1
sbar_hud_accuracy1 = weapon accuracy on HUD0
sbar_hudselectorselects which of the builtin hud layouts to use (meaning is somewhat dependent on gamemode, so nexuiz has a very different set of hud layouts than quake for example)1
sbar_increment_maptimeset to 1 if you prefer an increasing hud timer0
sbar_info_pospixel position of the info strings (such as showfps), from the bottom50
sbar_miniscoreboard_sizesets the size of the mini deathmatch overlay in items, or disables it when set to 0, or sets it to a sane default when set to -1-1
sbar_scoreboard_alpha_bgscoreboard background alpha0.28
sbar_scoreboard_highlightenable highlighting for rows and columns in the scoreboard1
sbar_scorerankshows an overlay for your score (or team score) and rank in the scoreboard1
sbar_showbinds0 disables display of keybinds, 1 enables it, 2 displays longer strings1
sbar_showbinds_limitdisplay so many found keybinds, 0 for unlimited2
sbar_showcurrentammoset to 1 to see only the ammo of the current ammo or 0 to see all 4 ammo counts0
sbar_widthcustom cvar560
scr_centersizecustom cvar11
scr_centertimehow long centerprint messages show2
scr_conalphaopacity of console background0.8
scr_conbrightnessbrightness of console background (0 = black, 1 = image)0.2
scr_conforcewhiledisconnectedforces fullscreen console while disconnected1
scr_menuforcewhiledisconnectedforces menu while disconnected0
scr_printspeedspeed of intermission printing (episode end texts), a value of 0 disables the slow printing0
scr_refreshallows you to completely shut off rendering for benchmarking purposes1
scr_screenshot_gammaboostgamma correction on saved screenshots and videos, 1.0 saves unmodified images1
scr_screenshot_hwgammaapply the video gamma ramp to saved screenshots and videos1
scr_screenshot_jpegsave jpeg instead of targa1
scr_screenshot_jpeg_qualityimage quality of saved jpeg0.9
scr_screenshot_nameprefix name for saved screenshots (changes based on -game commandline, as well as which game mode is running; the date is encoded using strftime escapes)nexuiz
scr_stippleinterlacing-like stippling of the display0
scr_zoomwindowdisplays a zoomed in overlay window0
scr_zoomwindow_fovfov of zoom window20
scr_zoomwindow_viewsizexhorizontal viewsize of zoom window20
scr_zoomwindow_viewsizeyvertical viewsize of zoom window20
scratch1unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods0
scratch2unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods0
scratch3unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods0
scratch4unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods0
sensitivitymouse speed multiplier6
serverconfigcustom cvarserver.cfg
settemp_listcustom cvar0
settemp_varcustom cvar_settemp_x
showbrandshows gfx/brand.tga in a corner of the screen (different values select different positions, including centered)3
showdateshows current date (useful on screenshots)0
showdate_formatformat string for date%Y-%m-%d
showfpsshows your rendered fps (frames per second)0
shownetgraphshows a graph of packet sizes and other information, 0 = off, 1 = show client netgraph, 2 = show client and server netgraphs (when hosting a server)0
showpauseshow pause icon when game is paused1
showramshow ram icon if low on surface cache memory (not used)1
showsoundshows number of active sound sources, sound latency, and other statistics0
showspeedshows your current speed (qu per second); number selects unit: 1 = qu/s, 2 = m/s, 3 = km/h, 4 = mph, 5 = knots0
showtimeshows current time of day (useful on screenshots)0
showtime_formatformat string for time of day%H:%M:%S
showtopspeedshows your top speed (kept on screen for max 3 seconds); value -1 takes over the unit from showspeed, otherwise it's an unit number just like in showspeed0
showturtleshow turtle icon when framerate is too low0
skilldifficulty level of game, affects monster layouts in levels, 0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard, 3 = nightmare (same layout as hard but monsters fire twice)1
skill_autowhen 1, “skill” gets adjusted to match the best player on the map0
skinQW player skin name (example: base)
slowmocontrols game speed, 0.5 is half speed, 2 is double speed1.0
snd_channellayoutchannel layout. Can be 0 (auto - snd_restart needed), 1 (standard layout), or 2 (ALSA layout)0
snd_channelsnumber of channels for the sound ouput (2 for stereo; up to 8 supported for 3D sound)2
snd_csqcchannel0volumevolume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of the world entity1
snd_csqcchannel1volumevolume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of the world entity1
snd_csqcchannel2volumevolume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of the world entity1
snd_csqcchannel3volumevolume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of the world entity1
snd_csqcchannel4volumevolume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of the world entity1
snd_csqcchannel5volumevolume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of the world entity1
snd_csqcchannel6volumevolume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of the world entity1
snd_csqcchannel7volumevolume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of the world entity1
snd_entchannel0volumevolume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of regular entities1
snd_entchannel1volumevolume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of regular entities1
snd_entchannel2volumevolume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of regular entities1
snd_entchannel3volumevolume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of regular entities1
snd_entchannel4volumevolume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of regular entities1
snd_entchannel5volumevolume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of regular entities1
snd_entchannel6volumevolume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of regular entities1
snd_entchannel7volumevolume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of regular entities1
snd_initializedindicates the sound subsystem is active1
snd_mutewhenidlewhether to disable sound output when game window is inactive1
snd_noextraupdatedisables extra sound mixer calls that are meant to reduce the chance of sound breakup at very low framerates0
snd_playerchannel0volumevolume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of player entities1
snd_playerchannel1volumevolume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of player entities1
snd_playerchannel2volumevolume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of player entities1
snd_playerchannel3volumevolume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of player entities1
snd_playerchannel4volumevolume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of player entities1
snd_playerchannel5volumevolume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of player entities1
snd_playerchannel6volumevolume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of player entities1
snd_playerchannel7volumevolume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of player entities1
snd_precacheloads sounds before they are used1
snd_showshows some statistics about sound mixing0
snd_soundradiusradius of weapon sounds and other standard sound effects (monster idle noises are half this radius and flickering light noises are one third of this radius)2000
snd_spatialization_controlenable spatialization control (headphone friendly mode)0
snd_spatialization_maxmaximum spatialization of sounds0.95
snd_spatialization_max_radiususe maximum spatialization below this radius100
snd_spatialization_minminimum spatializazion of sounds0.70
snd_spatialization_min_radiususe minimum spatialization above to this radius10000
snd_spatialization_powerexponent of the spatialization falloff curve (0: logarithmic)0
snd_speedsound output frequency, in hertz48000
snd_staticvolumevolume of ambient sound effects (such as swampy sounds at the start of e1m2)1
snd_streamingenables keeping compressed ogg sound files compressed, decompressing them only as needed, otherwise they will be decompressed completely at load (may use a lot of memory)1
snd_swapstereoswaps left/right speakers for old ISA soundblaster cards0
snd_widthsound output precision, in bytes (1 and 2 supported)2
snd_worldchannel0volumevolume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of the world entity1
snd_worldchannel1volumevolume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of the world entity1
snd_worldchannel2volumevolume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of the world entity1
snd_worldchannel3volumevolume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of the world entity1
snd_worldchannel4volumevolume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of the world entity1
snd_worldchannel5volumevolume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of the world entity1
snd_worldchannel6volumevolume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of the world entity1
snd_worldchannel7volumevolume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of the world entity1
sv_acceleraterate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed8
sv_adminnicknick name to use for admin messages instead of host name
sv_aimmaximum cosine angle for quake's vertical autoaim, a value above 1 completely disables the autoaim, quake used 0.932
sv_airaccel_qwratio of QW-style air control as opposed to simple acceleration0.95
sv_airaccel_sideways_frictionanti-sideways movement stabilization (reduces speed gain when zigzagging)0.35
sv_airacceleraterate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxairspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead5.5
sv_aircontrolCPMA-style air control0
sv_airstopacceleratewhen set, replacement for sv_airaccelerate when moving backwards0
sv_airstrafeacceleratewhen set, replacement for sv_airaccelerate when just strafing0
sv_allow_shownamescustom cvar1
sv_allowdownloadswhether to allow clients to download files from the server (does not affect http downloads)1
sv_allowdownloads_archivewhether to allow downloads of archives (pak/pk3)0
sv_allowdownloads_configwhether to allow downloads of config files (cfg)0
sv_allowdownloads_dlcachewhether to allow downloads of dlcache files (dlcache/)0
sv_allowdownloads_inarchivewhether to allow downloads from archives (pak/pk3)1
sv_areagrid_mingridsizeminimum areagrid cell size, smaller values work better for lots of small objects, higher values for large objects64
sv_autodemo_perclientset to 1 to enable autorecorded per-client demos (they'll start to record at the beginning of a match); set it to 2 to also record client→server packets (for debugging)0
sv_autodemo_perclient_nameformatThe format of the sv_autodemo_perclient filename, followed by the map name, the client number and the IP address + port number, separated by underscores (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)sv_autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M
sv_autoscreenshotif set to 1, the server forces all clients to create a local screenshot once the map ended0
sv_cheatsenables cheat commands in any game, and cheat impulses in dpmod0
sv_checkforpacketsduringsleepuses select() function to wait between frames which can be interrupted by packets being received, instead of Sleep()/usleep()/SDL_Sleep() functions which do not check for packets0
sv_clmovement_enablewhether to allow clients to use cl_movement prediction, which can cause choppy movement on the server which may annoy other players1
sv_clmovement_inputtimeoutwhen a client does not send input for this many seconds, force them to move anyway (unlike QuakeWorld)0.2
sv_clmovement_maxnetfpsmax amount of movement packets to accept per second0
sv_clmovement_minpingif client ping is below this time in milliseconds, then their ability to use cl_movement prediction is disabled for a while (as they don't need it)0
sv_clmovement_minping_disabletimewhen client falls below minping, disable their prediction for this many milliseconds (should be at least 1000 or else their prediction may turn on/off frequently)1000
sv_clonesnumber of clones a player may make (reset by the “kill” command)0
sv_cullentities_nevercullbmodelsif enabled the clients are always notified of moving doors and lifts and other submodels of world (warning: eats a lot of network bandwidth on some levels!)0
sv_cullentities_pvsfast but loose culling of hidden entities1
sv_cullentities_statsdisplays stats on network entities culled by various methods for each client0
sv_cullentities_tracesomewhat slow but very tight culling of hidden entities, minimizes network traffic and makes wallhack cheats useless1
sv_cullentities_trace_delaynumber of seconds until the entity gets actually culled1
sv_cullentities_trace_delay_playersnumber of seconds until the entity gets actually culled if it is a player entity0.2
sv_cullentities_trace_enlargebox enlargement for entity culling0
sv_cullentities_trace_predictionalso trace from the predicted player position1
sv_cullentities_trace_samplesnumber of samples to test for entity culling1
sv_cullentities_trace_samples_extranumber of samples to test for entity culling when the entity affects its surroundings by e.g. dlight2
sv_cullentities_trace_samples_playersnumber of samples to test for entity culling when the entity is a player entity8
sv_curl_defaulturldefault autodownload source URL
sv_curl_serverpackageslist of required files for the clients, separated by spaces
sv_debugmovedisables collision detection optimizations for debugging purposes0
sv_defaultcharactermaster switch, if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all player models, skins and colors is taken from the sv_defaultplayermodel, sv_defaultplayerskin and sv_defaultplayercolors variables0
sv_defaultplayercolorsset to 16*shirt+pants to force a color, note: it does NOT depend on defaultcharacter! Set to _ckgedit_QUOTckgedit> to disable | | sv_defaultplayermodel | default model selection, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1 | models/player/nexus.zym | sv_defaultplayermodel_blue | _ckgedit_QUOTckgedit> means see sv_defaultplayermodel
sv_defaultplayermodel_pink_ckgedit_QUOTckgedit> means see sv_defaultplayermodel | | sv_defaultplayermodel_red | _ckgedit_QUOTckgedit> means see sv_defaultplayermodel
sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow“” means see sv_defaultplayermodel
sv_defaultplayerskineach model has 1 or more skins (combination of model and skin = character), set which skin of the model you wish the default character to have, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 10
sv_defaultplayerskin_bluecustom cvar0
sv_defaultplayerskin_pinkcustom cvar0
sv_defaultplayerskin_redcustom cvar0
sv_defaultplayerskin_yellowcustom cvar0
sv_doublejumpallow Quake 2-style double jumps0
sv_echobprintprints gamecode bprint() calls to server console1
sv_entpatchenables loading of .ent files to override entities in the bsp (for example Threewave CTF server pack contains .ent patch files enabling play of CTF on id1 maps)1
sv_eventlogthe master switch for efficiency reasons0
sv_eventlog_consolecustom cvar1
sv_eventlog_filescustom cvar0
sv_eventlog_files_countercustom cvar0
sv_eventlog_files_nameprefixcustom cvarnexuiz
sv_eventlog_files_namesuffixcustom cvar.log
sv_eventlog_files_timestampscustom cvar1
sv_fixedframeratesingleplayerallows you to use server-style timing system in singleplayer (don't run faster than sys_ticrate)1
sv_fogintervalcustom cvar0
sv_freezenonclientsfreezes time, except for players, allowing you to walk around and take screenshots of explosions0
sv_frictionhow fast you slow down7
sv_friction_on_landcustom cvar0
sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombiescauses findradius to detect SOLID_NOT entities such as zombies and corpses on the floor, allowing splash damage to apply to them1
sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectilescauses entities to not move on the same frame they are spawned, meaning that projectiles wait until the next frame to perform their first move, giving proper interpolation and rocket trails, but making weapons harder to use at low framerates1
sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolidprevents items and monsters that start in a solid area from falling out of the level (makes droptofloor treat trace_startsolid as an acceptable outcome)0
sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrecttries to nudge stuck items and monsters out of walls before droptofloor is performed1
sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjumpchanges water jumping to make it easier to get out of water (exactly like in QuakeWorld)1
sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetoboxcauses findradius to check the distance to the corner of a box rather than the center of the box, makes findradius detect bmodels such as very large doors that would otherwise be unaffected by splash damage1
sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticratefix some ticrate issues in physics.0
sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopesprevents MOVETYPE_BOUNCE (grenades) from getting stuck when fired down a downward sloping surface1
sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframeallows entities to think more often than the server framerate, primarily useful for very high fire rate weapons1
sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpsecauses entities (corpses) sitting ontop of moving entities (players) to fall when the moving entity (player) is no longer supporting them1
sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealboxfixes a bug in Quake that made setmodel always set the entity box to ('-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16') rather than properly checking the model box, breaks some poorly coded mods1
sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectilesallows MOVETYPE_FLY/FLYMISSILE/TOSS/BOUNCE/BOUNCEMISSILE entities to finish their move in a frame even if they hit something, fixes 'gravity accumulation' bug for grenades on steep slopes1
sv_gameplayfix_stepdownattempts to step down stairs, not just up them (prevents the familiar thud..thud..thud.. when running down stairs and slopes)0
sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumpingapplies step-up onto a ledge even while airborn, useful if you would otherwise just-miss the floor when running across small areas with gaps (for instance running across the moving platforms in dm2, or jumping to the megahealth and red armor in dm2 rather than using the bridge)1
sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodelscauses pointcontents (used to determine if you are in a liquid) to check bmodel entities as well as the world model, so you can swim around in (possibly moving) water bmodel entities1
sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflagprevents monsters, items, and most other objects from being stuck to the floor when pushed around by damage, and other situations in mods1
sv_gentleforce gentle mode for everyone, also remove references to acts of killing from the messages0
sv_gravityhow fast you fall (512 = roughly earth gravity)800
sv_heartbeatperiodhow often to send heartbeat in seconds (only used if sv_public is 1)120
sv_idealpitchscalehow much to look up/down slopes and stairs when not using freelook0.8
sv_intermission_cdtrackcustom cvar
sv_jumpstepwhether you can step up while jumping (sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping must also be 1)1
sv_jumpvelocitycvar that can be used by QuakeC code for jump velocity300
sv_loddistance1custom cvar1024
sv_loddistance2custom cvar4096
sv_logscores_botsexclude bots by default0
sv_logscores_consoleprint scores to server console0
sv_logscores_fileprint scores to file0
sv_mapchange_delaycustom cvar5
sv_master1user-chosen master server 1
sv_master2user-chosen master server 2
sv_master3user-chosen master server 3
sv_master4user-chosen master server 4 - default master server 1 (admin: LordHavoc) - default master server 2 (admin: Willis) - default master server 3 (admin: tChr)
sv_maxairspeedmaximum speed a player can accelerate to when airborn (note that it is possible to completely stop by moving the opposite direction)220
sv_maxairstrafespeedwhen set, replacement for sv_maxairspeed when just strafing0
sv_maxidlecustom cvar0
sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidlecustom cvar0
sv_maxrateupper limit on client rate cvar, should reflect your network connection quality1000000
sv_maxspeedmaximum speed a player can accelerate to when on ground (can be exceeded by tricks)400
sv_maxvelocityuniversal speed limit on all entities1000000000
sv_motdcustom cvar
sv_newflymoveenables simpler/buggier player physics (not recommended)0
sv_nostepprevents MOVETYPE_STEP entities (monsters) from moving0
sv_playerphysicsqcenables QuakeC function to override player physics1
sv_pogostickdon't require releasing the space bar for jumping again1
sv_precacheitemscustom cvar0
sv_precacheplayermodelscustom cvar1
sv_precacheweaponscustom cvar0
sv_progsselects which quakec progs.dat file to runprogs.dat
sv_protocolnameselects network protocol to host for (values include QUAKE, QUAKEDP, NEHAHRAMOVIE, DP1 and up)DP7
sv_public1: advertises this server on the master server (so that players can find it in the server browser); 0: allow direct queries only; -1: do not respond to direct queries; -2: do not allow anyone to connect0
sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswapsettemp this in mapinfo for instant Q3A map conversion0
sv_qcweaponanimationcustom cvar0
sv_random_seedrandom seed; when set, on every map start this random seed is used to initialize the random number generator. Don't touch it unless for benchmarking or debugging
sv_ratelimitlocalplayerwhether to apply rate limiting to the local player in a listen server (only useful for testing)0
sv_ready_restartif set to 1 allow a map to be restarted once all players pressed the “ready” button'0
sv_ready_restart_after_countdownif set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown0
sv_ready_restart_repeatableallows the players to restart the game as often as needed0
sv_servermodelsonlycustom cvar1
sv_sound_landsound to play when MOVETYPE_STEP entity hits the ground at high speed (empty cvar disables the sound)
sv_sound_watersplashsound to play when MOVETYPE_FLY/TOSS/BOUNCE/STEP entity enters or leaves water (empty cvar disables the sound)
sv_spectateif set to 1, new clients are allowed to spectate or observe the game, if set to 0 joining clients spawn as players immediately (no specating)1
sv_spectator_speed_multipliercustom cvar1.5
sv_status_privacydo not show IP addresses in 'status' replies to clients1
sv_status_show_qcstatusshow the 'qcstatus' field in status replies, not the 'frags' field. Turn this on if your mod uses this field, and the 'frags' field on the other hand has no meaningful value.1
sv_stepheighthow high you can step up (TW_SV_STEPCONTROL extension)34
sv_stopspeedhow fast you come to a complete stop100
sv_timeoutallows a player to call a timeout, this will pause the game for some time0
sv_timeout_leadtimehow long the players will be informed that a timeout was calledbefore it starts, in seconds4
sv_timeout_lengthhow long the game will be paused at max, in seconds120
sv_timeout_numberhow many timeouts one player is allowed to call (gets reset after a restart)2
sv_timeout_resumetimehow long the remaining timeout-time will be after a player called the resumegame command3
sv_vote_callusers can call a vote for the above commands1
sv_vote_changeset to 1 to allow to change you vote/mind0
sv_vote_commandsthese commands can be votedrestart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto
sv_vote_majority_factorwhich quotient of the PLAYERS constitute a majority? (try: 0.667, 0.75 when using the above)0.5
sv_vote_masterusers can call a vote to become master1
sv_vote_master_commandsmaybe add kickban here (but then sv_vote_master 0)movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink
sv_vote_master_passwordwhen set, users can use “vlogin PASSWORD” to log in as master
sv_vote_nospectatorsif set only players can call a vote (thus spectators and observers can't call a vote)0
sv_vote_only_commandscustom cvar
sv_vote_override_mostrecentcustom cvar0
sv_vote_simple_majority_factorwhich quotient of the VOTERS constitute a majority too? (0 = off, otherwise it must be higher than or equal to sv_vote_majority_factor)0
sv_vote_singlecountset to 1 to count votes once after timeout or to 0 to count with every vote0
sv_vote_stopa player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when he stopped this vote (e.g. to correct it)15
sv_vote_timeouta vote will timeout after this many seconds60
sv_vote_waita player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when his vote was not accepted120
sv_wallfrictionhow much you slow down when sliding along a wall1
sv_warsowbunny_accelhow fast you accelerate until after reaching sv_maxspeed (it gets harder as you near sv_warsowbunny_topspeed)0.1593
sv_warsowbunny_airforwardaccelhow fast you accelerate until you reach sv_maxspeed1.00001
sv_warsowbunny_backtosideratiolower values make it easier to change direction without losing speed; the drawback is “understeering” in sharp turns0.8
sv_warsowbunny_topspeedsoft speed limit (can get faster with rjs and on ramps)925
sv_warsowbunny_turnaccelmax sharpness of turns (also master switch for the sv_warsowbunny_* mode; set this to 9 to enable)0
sv_wateracceleraterate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead-1
sv_waterfrictionhow fast you slow down, if less than 0 the sv_friction variable is used instead-1
sv_writepicture_qualityWritePicture quality offset (higher means better quality, but slower)10
sys_colortranslationterminal console color translation (supported values: 0 = strip color codes, 1 = translate to ANSI codes, 2 = no translation)1
sys_specialcharactertranslationterminal console conchars to ASCII translation (set to 0 if your conchars.tga is for an 8bit character set or if you want raw output)1
sys_ticratehow long a server frame is in seconds, 0.05 is 20fps server rate, 0.1 is 10fps (can not be set higher than 0.1), 0 runs as many server frames as possible (makes games against bots a little smoother, overwhelms network players), 0.0138889 matches QuakeWorld physics0.05
sys_useclockgettimeuse POSIX clock_gettime function (which has issues if the system clock speed is far off, as it can't get fixed by NTP) for timing rather than gettimeofday (which has issues if the system time is stepped by ntpdate, or apparently on some Xen installations)0
sys_usenoclockbutbenchmarkdon't use ANY real timing, and simulate a clock (for benchmarking); the game then runs as fast as possible. Run a QC mod with bots that does some stuff, then does a quit at the end, to benchmark a server. NEVER do this on a public server.0

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