Nexuiz cvars c

cvar Function Default Value
camera_chase_smoothlyAttenuate player movements (only in chase mode)0
camera_enableEnables the camera for demo playback0
camera_forward_follows0: Move the camera forwards without changing altitude. 1: Move towards what you are looking1
camera_freeFree camera instead of chasing the player0
camera_look_attenuationAttenuation of “looking” movements, only if camera_look_player is set. Bigger is smoother8
camera_look_playerAlways look to the player. Mouse input is ignored in this mode0
camera_mouse_tresholdUse to ignore small mouse movements. This allows for smoother camera control0.5
camera_resetResets the camera position and switch to chase mode0
camera_speed_attenuationCamera movements attenuation factor. Bigger is smoother. Applies to mouse movements10
camera_speed_chaseCamera movement speed on the x/y/z axis while chasing the player4
camera_speed_freeCamera movement speed on the x/y/z axis in free mode8
camera_speed_rollCamera rotation speed0.9
capturelimitcustom cvar0
capturelimit_overrideCapture limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)-1
cdaudioCD playing mode (0 = never access CD drive, 1 = play CD tracks if no replacement available, 2 = play fake tracks if no CD track available, 3 = play only real CD tracks, 4 = play real CD tracks even instead of named fake tracks)1
cdaudioinitializedindicates if CD Audio system is active1
chase_activeenables chase cam0
chase_backchase cam distance from the player48
chase_overheadchase cam looks straight down if this is not zero0
chase_pitchanglechase cam pitch angle55
chase_upchase cam distance from the player24
cl_anglespeedkeyhow much +speed multiplies keyboard turning speed1.5
cl_autodemorecords every game played, using the date/time and map name to name the demo file0
cl_autodemo_nameformatThe format of the cl_autodemo filename, followed by the map name (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)demos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M
cl_autoswitchautomatically switch to newly picked up weapons if they are better than what you are carrying1
cl_autotauntautomatically taunt enemies when fragging them0
cl_backspeedbackward movement speed400
cl_beams_instantaimhackmakes your lightning gun aiming update instantly0
cl_beams_lightatendmake a light at the end of the beam0
cl_beams_polygonsuse beam polygons instead of models1
cl_beams_quakepositionhackmakes your lightning gun appear to fire from your waist (as in Quake and QuakeWorld)1
cl_bobview bobbing amount0.01
cl_bobcycleview bobbing speed0
cl_bobmodelenables gun bobbing1
cl_bobmodel_sidegun bobbing sideways sway amount0.15
cl_bobmodel_speedgun bobbing speed7
cl_bobmodel_upgun bobbing upward movement amount0.06
cl_bobupview bobbing adjustment that makes the up or down swing of the bob last longer0.5
cl_capturevideoenables saving of video to a .avi file using uncompressed I420 colorspace and PCM audio, note that scr_screenshot_gammaboost affects the brightness of the output)0
cl_capturevideo_fpshow many frames per second to save (29.97 for NTSC, 30 for typical PC video, 15 can be useful)30
cl_capturevideo_framestepwhen set to n >= 1, render n frames to capture one (useful for motion blur like effects)1
cl_capturevideo_heightscales all frames to this resolution before saving the video0
cl_capturevideo_nameformatprefix for saved videos (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)dpvideo
cl_capturevideo_numbernumber to append to video filename, incremented each time a capture begins1
cl_capturevideo_oggsave captured video data as Ogg/Vorbis/Theora streams1
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitratevideo bitrate (45 to 2000 kbps), or -1 to use quality only; higher is better-1
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_auto_thresholdthreshold for key frame decision (0 to 100)80
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_bitrate_multiplierhow much more bit rate to use for keyframes, specified as a factor of at least 11.5
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_maxintervalmaximum keyframe interval (1 to 1000)64
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_minintervalminimum keyframe interval (1 to 1000)8
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_noise_sensitivityvideo noise sensitivity (0 to 6); lower is better1
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_qualityvideo quality factor (0 to 63), or -1 to use bitrate only; higher is better32
cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_qualityaudio quality (-1 to 10); higher is better3
cl_capturevideo_printfpsprints the frames per second captured in capturevideo (is only written to the log file, not to the console, as that would be visible on the video)1
cl_capturevideo_realtimecauses video saving to operate in realtime (mostly useful while playing, not while capturing demos), this can produce a much lower quality video due to poor sound/video sync and will abort saving if your machine stalls for over a minute0
cl_capturevideo_widthscales all frames to this resolution before saving the video0
cl_casingsenable or disable bullet casings1
cl_casings_bronze_timebullet casings lifetime10
cl_casings_shell_timeshell casing lifetime30
cl_curl_enabledwhether client's download support is enabled1
cl_curl_maxdownloadsmaximum number of concurrent HTTP/FTP downloads1
cl_curl_maxspeedmaximum download speed (KiB/s)300
cl_deathnoviewmodelhides gun model when dead1
cl_deathscoreboardshows scoreboard (+showscores) while dead1
cl_decalsenables decals (bullet holes, blood, etc)1
cl_decals_fadetimehow long decals take to fade away1
cl_decals_timehow long before decals start to fade away2
cl_decals_viscullingperform a very cheap check if each decal is visible before drawing1
cl_demo_mousegrabAllows reading the mouse input while playing demos. Useful for camera mods developed in csqc. (0: never, 1: always)0
cl_dlights_decaybrightnessreduces brightness of light flashes over time1
cl_dlights_decayradiusreduces size of light flashes over time1
cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_addcustom cvar0.1
cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_startcustom cvar0.25
cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_endcustom cvar0.1
cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_startcustom cvar0.45
cl_effects_lightningarc_segmentlengthcustom cvar64
cl_effects_lightningarc_simplecustom cvar0
cl_explosions_alpha_endend alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)0
cl_explosions_alpha_startstarting alpha of an explosion shell1.5
cl_explosions_lifetimehow long an explosion shell lasts0.5
cl_explosions_size_endending alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)128
cl_explosions_size_startstarting size of an explosion shell16
cl_forceplayermodelscustom cvar0
cl_forceplayermodelsfromnexuizcustom cvar0
cl_forwardspeedforward movement speed400
cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentitiescauses sounds made by lifts, players, projectiles, and any other entities, to move with the entity, so for example a rocket noise follows the rocket rather than staying at the starting position1
cl_gentleclient side gentle mode (only replaces gibs); when set to 1, white smoke replaces gibs, when set to 2, colorful clouds replace gibs0
cl_gibs_damageforcescaleforce to push around gibs3.5
cl_gibs_lifetimeaverage lifetime of gibs14
cl_gibs_velocity_randomgib throw velocity randomness scale1
cl_gibs_velocity_scalegib throw velocity force scale1
cl_gibs_velocity_upextra z velocity for gibs0
cl_gravitybut ignored anyway800
cl_gunalignGun alignment; 1 = right, 2 = left, 3 = center3
cl_handicapthe higher, the more damage you will receive (client setting)1
cl_hidewaypointsdisable static waypoints, only show team waypoints0
cl_hitsoundplay a hit notifier sound when you have hit an enemy1
cl_iplog_namename of iplog file containing player addresses for iplog_list command and automatic ip logging when parsing status commanddarkplaces_iplog.txt
cl_itembobheighthow much items bob up and down (try 8)0
cl_itembobspeedhow frequently items bob up and down0.5
cl_joinbeforedownloadsfinishif non-zero the game will begin after the map is loaded before other downloads finish1
cl_maxfpsmaximum fps cap, 0 = unlimited, if game is running faster than this it will wait before running another frame (useful to make cpu time available to other programs)0
cl_maxidlefpsmaximum fps cap when the game is not the active window (makes cpu time available to other programs20
cl_minfpsminimum fps target - while the rendering performance is below this, it will drift toward lower quality40
cl_minfps_fadehow fast the quality adapts to varying framerate0.2
cl_minfps_qualitymaxhighest allowed drawdistance multiplier1
cl_minfps_qualityminlowest allowed drawdistance multiplier0.25
cl_minfps_qualitypowerraises quality value to a power of itself, higher values make quality drop more sharply in relation to framerate4
cl_minfps_qualityscalemultiplier for quality0.5
cl_movementenables clientside prediction of your player movement1
cl_movement_acceleratehow fast you accelerate (should match sv_accelerate)8
cl_movement_airaccel_qwratio of QW-style air control as opposed to simple acceleration (should match sv_airaccel_qw)0.95
cl_movement_airaccel_sideways_frictionanti-sideways movement stabilization (should match sv_airaccel_sideways_friction)0.35
cl_movement_airacceleratehow fast you accelerate while in the air (should match sv_airaccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead5.5
cl_movement_edgefrictionhow much to slow down when you may be about to fall off a ledge (should match edgefriction)1
cl_movement_frictionhow fast you slow down (should match sv_friction)7
cl_movement_jumpvelocityhow fast you move upward when you begin a jump (should match the quakec code)300
cl_movement_maxairspeedhow fast you can move while in the air (should match sv_maxairspeed)220
cl_movement_maxspeedhow fast you can move (should match sv_maxspeed)400
cl_movement_minpingwhether to use prediction when ping is lower than this value in milliseconds0
cl_movement_stepheighthow tall a step you can step in one instant (should match sv_stepheight)34
cl_movement_stopspeedspeed below which you will be slowed rapidly to a stop rather than sliding endlessly (should match sv_stopspeed)100
cl_movement_track_canjumptrack if the player released the jump key between two jumps to decide if he is able to jump or not; when off, this causes some “sliding” slightly above the floor when the jump key is held too long; if the mod allows repeated jumping by holding space all the time, this has to be set to zero too0
cl_movement_wallfrictionhow fast you slow down while sliding along a wall (should match sv_wallfriction)1
cl_movement_wateracceleratehow fast you accelerate while in water (should match sv_wateraccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead-1
cl_movement_waterfrictionhow fast you slow down (should match sv_waterfriction), if less than 0 the cl_movement_friction variable is used instead-1
cl_movespeedkeyhow much +speed multiplies keyboard movement speed2.0
cl_netfpshow many input packets to send to server each second20
cl_netimmediatebuttonssends extra packets whenever your buttons change or an impulse is used (basically: whenever you click fire or change weapon)1
cl_netlocalpinglags local loopback connection by this much ping time (useful to play more fairly on your own server with people with higher pings)0
cl_netpacketloss_receivedrops this percentage of incoming packets, useful for testing network protocol robustness (jerky movement, effects failing to start, sounds failing to play, etc)0
cl_netpacketloss_senddrops this percentage of outgoing packets, useful for testing network protocol robustness (jerky movement, prediction errors, etc)0
cl_netrepeatinputhow many packets in a row can be lost without movement issues when using cl_movement (technically how many input messages to repeat in each packet that have not yet been acknowledged by the server), only affects DP7 and later servers (Quake uses 0, QuakeWorld uses 2, and just for comparison Quake3 uses 1)1
cl_nettimesyncboundmodemethod of restricting client time to valid values, 0 = no correction, 1 = tight bounding (jerky with packet loss), 2 = loose bounding (corrects it if out of bounds), 3 = leniant bounding (ignores temporary errors due to varying framerate), 4 = slow adjustment method from Quake3, 5 = slighttly nicer version of Quake3 method, 6 = bounding + Quake36
cl_nettimesyncboundtolerancehow much error is tolerated by bounding check, as a fraction of frametime, 0.25 = up to 25% margin of error tolerated, 1 = use only new time, 0 = use only old time (same effect as setting cl_nettimesyncfactor to 1)0.25
cl_nettimesyncfactorrate at which client time adapts to match server time, 1 = instantly, 0.125 = slowly, 0 = not at all (bounding still applies)0
cl_nodeltadisables delta compression of non-player entities in QW network protocol0
cl_nogibsreduce number of violence effects, or remove them totally0
cl_nolerpnetwork update smoothing0
cl_noplayershadowhide player shadow0
cl_particlesenables particle effects1
cl_particles_alphamultiplies opacity of particles1
cl_particles_bloodenables blood effects1
cl_particles_blood_alphaopacity of blood1
cl_particles_blood_bloodhackmake certain quake particle() calls create blood effects instead1
cl_particles_bubblesenables bubbles (used by multiple effects)1
cl_particles_bulletimpactsenables bulletimpact effects1
cl_particles_explosions_shellenables polygonal shell from explosions0
cl_particles_explosions_sparksenables sparks from explosions1
cl_particles_oldnexbeamUses the old v2.3 Nexgun beam instead of the new beam, only works if server allows it (g_allow_oldnexbeam 1)0
cl_particles_quakemakes particle effects look mostly like the ones in Quake0
cl_particles_qualitymultiplies number of particles0.5
cl_particles_rainenables rain effects1
cl_particles_sizemultiplies particle size1
cl_particles_smokeenables smoke (used by multiple effects)1
cl_particles_smoke_alphasmoke brightness0.5
cl_particles_smoke_alphafadebrightness fade per second0.55
cl_particles_snowenables snow effects1
cl_particles_sparksenables sparks (used by multiple effects)1
cl_particles_viscullingperform a costly check if each particle is visible before drawing0
cl_pitchspeedkeyboard pitch turning speed150
cl_playerdetailreductionthe higher, the less detailed player models are displayed (LOD)0
cl_portforces client to use chosen port number if not 00
cl_prydoncursorenables a mouse pointer which is able to click on entities in the world, useful for point and click mods, see PRYDON_CLIENTCURSOR extension in dpextensions.qc0
cl_readpicture_forcewhen enabled, the low quality pictures read by ReadPicture() are preferred over the high quality pictures on the file system0
cl_rollanglehow much to tilt the view when strafing0
cl_rollspeedhow much strafing is necessary to tilt the view200
cl_serverextension_downloadindicates whether the server supports the download command0
cl_shownamesshow player names pointed to (0: never, 1: teamplay only, 2: always)1
cl_shownet1 = print packet size, 2 = print packet message list0
cl_showpressedkeysShow which movement keys someone is pressing: 1 for spectating, 2 for always0
cl_showpressedkeys_position1 0 would be upper right corner, 0.5 0.5 the center1 0.8
cl_showspeedshow the XY speed of the player0
cl_showspeed_positionY-axis positioning of the numbers0.3
cl_showspeed_sizesize of the numbers14
cl_showspeed_zinclude the speed on the Z-axis0
cl_sidespeedstrafe movement speed400
cl_sound_hknighthitsound to play during TE_KNIGHTSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_maptime_warningplay announcer sound telling you the remaining maptime - 0: do not play at all, 1: play at one minute, 2: play at five minutes, 3: play both1
cl_sound_r_exp3sound to play during TE_EXPLOSION and related effects (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_ric_gunshotspecifies if and when the related cl_sound_ric and cl_sound_tink sounds apply to TE_GUNSHOT/TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, 0 = no sound, 1 = TE_GUNSHOT, 2 = TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, 3 = TE_GUNSHOT and TE_GUNSHOTQUAD0
cl_sound_ric1sound to play with 5% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)weapons/ric1.wav
cl_sound_ric2sound to play with 5% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)weapons/ric2.wav
cl_sound_ric3sound to play with 10% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)weapons/ric3.wav
cl_sound_tink1sound to play with 80% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)weapons/tink1.wav
cl_sound_wizardhitsound to play during TE_WIZSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_stainmapsstains lightmaps, much faster than decals but blurred0
cl_stainmaps_clearonloadclear stainmaps on map restart1
cl_stairsmoothspeedhow fast your view moves upward/downward when running up/down stairs200
cl_stripcolorcodesexperimental feature (notes: strips ALL color codes from messages!)0
cl_teamradarshow radar in teammatches when available1
cl_teamradar_background_alphaset to -1 to disable0
cl_teamradar_foreground_alphaalpha of the map0.8
cl_teamradar_position1 0 would be upper right corner, 0.5 0.5 the center, append a 2 at the end to disable the corner hack, and a 1 to disable half the hack1 0
cl_teamradar_rotationrotation mode: you set what points up. 0 = player, 1 = west, 2 = south, 3 = east, 4 = north0
cl_teamradar_scaledistance you can see on the team radar4096
cl_teamradar_sizesize of the team radar in pixels128 128
cl_teamradar_zoommodezoom mode: 0 = zoomed by default, 1 = zoomed when +zoom, 2 = always zoomed, 3 = always zoomed out0
cl_upspeedvertical movement speed (while swimming or flying)400
cl_viewmodel_scalechanges size of gun model, lower values prevent poking into walls but cause strange artifacts on lighting and especially r_stereo/vid_stereobuffer options where the size of the gun becomes visible1
cl_voice_directional0 = all voices are non-directional, 1 = all voices are directional, 2 = only taunts are directional1
cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuationthis defines the distance from which taunts can be heared0.5
cl_weaponpriorityweapon priority list (edit it using the menu, numbers see constants.qh)11 9 7 4 13 8 6 15 3 5 14 2 1 12 10
cl_weaponpriority_useforcyclingwhen set, weapon cycling by the mouse wheel makes use of the weapon priority list0
cl_weaponpriority0use impulse 200 for prev gun from this list, 210 for best gun, 220 for next gun. Default value: explosives9 4 13 8 14
cl_weaponpriority1use impulse 201 for prev gun from this list, 211 for best gun, 221 for next gun. Default value: energy11 7 6 5 1
cl_weaponpriority2use impulse 202 for prev gun from this list, 212 for best gun, 222 for next gun. Default value: hitscan exact11 7 15 3
cl_weaponpriority3use impulse 203 for prev gun from this list, 213 for best gun, 223 for next gun. Default value: hitscan all11 7 15 3 2
cl_weaponpriority4use impulse 204 for prev gun from this list, 214 for best gun, 224 for next gun. Default value: spam weapons4 13 8 6 2
cl_weaponpriority5use impulse 205 for prev gun from this list, 215 for best gun, 225 for next gun. Default value: weapons for moving1 12 10
cl_weaponpriority6use impulse 206 for prev gun from this list, 216 for best gun, 226 for next gun
cl_weaponpriority7use impulse 207 for prev gun from this list, 217 for best gun, 227 for next gun
cl_weaponpriority8use impulse 208 for prev gun from this list, 218 for best gun, 228 for next gun
cl_weaponpriority9use impulse 209 for prev gun from this list, 219 for best gun, 229 for next gun
cl_yawspeedkeyboard yaw turning speed140
cl_zoomfactorhow much +zoom will zoom (1-16)5
cl_zoomsensitivityhow zoom changes sensitivity (0 = weakest, 1 = strongest)0
cl_zoomspeedhow fast it will zoom (0.5-16), negative values mean instant zoom3.5
cmdlinecontains commandline the engine was launched with/home/tyler/nn_dev/nexuiz/nexuiz_vanilla/rev_7385/nexuiz-glx -basedir /home/tyler/nn_dev/nexuiz/nexuiz_vanilla/rev_7385 -userdir /home/tyler/.nexuiz_vanilla
collision_endnudgehow much to bias collision trace end0
collision_enternudgehow much to bias collision entry fraction0
collision_impactnudgehow much to back off from the impact0.03125
collision_leavenudgehow much to bias collision exit fraction0
collision_prefernudgedfractionwhether to sort collision events by nudged fraction (1) or real fraction (0)1
collision_startnudgehow much to bias collision trace start0
con_chathow many chat lines to show in a dedicated chat area5
con_chatposwhere to put chat (negative: lines from bottom of screen, positive: lines below notify, 0: at top)-7
con_chatsizechat text size in virtual 2D pixels (if con_chat is enabled)10
con_chattimehow long chat lines last, in seconds30
con_chatwidthrelative chat window width0.6
con_closeontoggleconsoleallows toggleconsole binds to close the console as well1
con_completion_chmapcustom cvarmap
con_completion_execcompletion pattern for the exec command*.cfg
con_completion_gotomapcustom cvarmap
con_completion_playdemocompletion pattern for the playdemo command*.dem
con_completion_plycustom cvar*.dem
con_completion_tdemcustom cvar*.dem
con_completion_timedemocompletion pattern for the timedemo command*.dem
con_completion_vdomapcustom cvarmap
con_completion_vmapcustom cvarmap
con_nickcompletiontab-complete nicks in console and message input1
con_nickcompletion_flagsBitfield: 0: add nothing after completion. 1: add the last color after completion. 2: add a quote when starting a quote instead of the color. 4: will replace 1, will force color, even after a quote. 8: ignore non-alphanumerics. 16: ignore spaces.11
con_notifyhow many notify lines to show4
con_notifyalignhow to align notify lines: 0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right, empty string = game default)0
con_notifysizenotify text size in virtual 2D pixels10
con_notifytimehow long notify lines last, in seconds3
con_textsizeconsole text size in virtual 2D pixels8
coopcoop mode, 0 = no coop, 1 = coop mode, multiple players playing through the singleplayer game (coop mode also shuts off deathmatch)0
crosshairselects crosshair to use (0 is none)5
crosshair_campingriflecrosshair to display when wielding the campingrifle
crosshair_campingrifle_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the campingrifle1
crosshair_campingrifle_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the campingrifle0.25
crosshair_campingrifle_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the campingrifle0.5
crosshair_campingrifle_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the campingrifle0.85
crosshair_campingrifle_ring_sizebullet counter ring size around campingrifle crosshair, multiple of crosshair_campingrifle_size1.5
crosshair_campingrifle_sizecrosshair size when wielding the campingrifle0.65
crosshair_color_alphahow opaque the crosshair should be1
crosshair_color_bluecustomizable crosshair color0
crosshair_color_greencustomizable crosshair color0
crosshair_color_overridewhen 1, crosshair_color_* overrides the per-weapon color0
crosshair_color_redcustomizable crosshair color1
crosshair_crylinkcrosshair to display when wielding the crylink
crosshair_crylink_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the crylink0.85
crosshair_crylink_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the crylink1
crosshair_crylink_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the crylink0.25
crosshair_crylink_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the crylink0.85
crosshair_crylink_sizecrosshair size when wielding the crylink0.4
crosshair_electrocrosshair to display when wielding the electro
crosshair_electro_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the electro1
crosshair_electro_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the electro1
crosshair_electro_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the electro0.5
crosshair_electro_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the electro0.35
crosshair_electro_sizecrosshair size when wielding the electro0.5
crosshair_grenadelaunchercrosshair to display when wielding the mortar
crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the mortar1.15
crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the mortar0
crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the mortar0.15
crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the mortar1
crosshair_grenadelauncher_sizecrosshair size when wielding the mortar0.7
crosshair_hagarcrosshair to display when wielding the hagar
crosshair_hagar_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the hagar1
crosshair_hagar_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the hagar0.35
crosshair_hagar_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the hagar0.5
crosshair_hagar_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the hagar0.85
crosshair_hagar_sizecrosshair size when wielding the hagar0.8
crosshair_hittestdo a crosshair hit evaluation; also, the crosshair is scaled by the given number when aiming at an enemy, and blurred when aiming at a team mate1
crosshair_hittest_blurblur the crosshair if the shot is obstructed1
crosshair_hittest_showimpactmove the crosshair to the actual impact location if obstructed0
crosshair_hlaccrosshair to display when wielding the H.L.A.C
crosshair_hlac_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the H.L.A.C.1
crosshair_hlac_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the H.L.A.C.0.2
crosshair_hlac_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the H.L.A.C.0.65
crosshair_hlac_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the H.L.A.C.1
crosshair_hlac_sizecrosshair size when wielding the H.L.A.C.0.6
crosshair_hookcrosshair to display when wielding the hook
crosshair_hook_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the hook0.85
crosshair_hook_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the hook0.85
crosshair_hook_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the hook1
crosshair_hook_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the hook0.65
crosshair_hook_sizecrosshair size when wielding the hook0.5
crosshair_lasercrosshair to display when wielding the laser
crosshair_laser_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the laser0.75
crosshair_laser_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the laser0.2
crosshair_laser_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the laser0.35
crosshair_laser_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the laser1
crosshair_laser_sizecrosshair size when wielding the laser0.4
crosshair_minstanexcrosshair to display when wielding the minstanex gun
crosshair_minstanex_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the minstanex gun1
crosshair_minstanex_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the minstanex gun1
crosshair_minstanex_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the minstanex gun0.65
crosshair_minstanex_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the minstanex gun0.65
crosshair_minstanex_sizecrosshair size when wielding the minstanex gun0.4
crosshair_nexcrosshair to display when wielding the nex gun
crosshair_nex_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the nex gun0.85
crosshair_nex_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the nex gun1
crosshair_nex_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the nex gun0.9
crosshair_nex_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the nex gun0
crosshair_nex_sizecrosshair size when wielding the nex gun0.65
crosshair_per_weaponwhen 1, each gun will display a different crosshair0
crosshair_portocrosshair to display when wielding the porto
crosshair_porto_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the porto0.85
crosshair_porto_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the porto0.5
crosshair_porto_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the porto1
crosshair_porto_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the porto0.5
crosshair_porto_sizecrosshair size when wielding the porto0.6
crosshair_rocketlaunchercrosshair to display when wielding the rocketlauncher
crosshair_rocketlauncher_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the rocketlauncher1
crosshair_rocketlauncher_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the rocketlauncher0.2
crosshair_rocketlauncher_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the rocketlauncher0.75
crosshair_rocketlauncher_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the rocketlauncher1
crosshair_rocketlauncher_sizecrosshair size when wielding the rocketlauncher0.5875
crosshair_seekercustom cvar
crosshair_seeker_color_alphacustom cvar0.9
crosshair_seeker_color_bluecustom cvar0.35
crosshair_seeker_color_greencustom cvar0.35
crosshair_seeker_color_redcustom cvar1
crosshair_seeker_sizecustom cvar1.15
crosshair_shotguncrosshair to display when wielding the shotgun
crosshair_shotgun_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the shotgun1.1
crosshair_shotgun_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the shotgun0.7
crosshair_shotgun_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the shotgun0.7
crosshair_shotgun_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the shotgun0.7
crosshair_shotgun_sizecrosshair size when wielding the shotgun0.65
crosshair_sizeadjusts size of the crosshair on the screen1
crosshair_tubacrosshair to display when wielding the tuba
crosshair_tuba_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the tuba1
crosshair_tuba_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the tuba0.25
crosshair_tuba_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the tuba0.5
crosshair_tuba_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the tuba0.85
crosshair_tuba_sizecrosshair size when wielding the tuba1
crosshair_uzicrosshair to display when wielding the machinegun
crosshair_uzi_color_alphacrosshair alpha value to display when wielding the machinegun0.9
crosshair_uzi_color_bluecrosshair color blue component to display when wielding the machinegun0.35
crosshair_uzi_color_greencrosshair color green component to display when wielding the machinegun0.9
crosshair_uzi_color_redcrosshair color red component to display when wielding the machinegun0.4
crosshair_uzi_sizecrosshair size when wielding the machinegun0.6
csqc_progcrcCRC of csprogs.dat file to load (-1 is none), only used during level changes and then reset to -1-1
csqc_prognamename of csprogs.dat file to loadcsprogs.dat
csqc_progsizefile size of csprogs.dat file to load (-1 is none), only used during level changes and then reset to -1-1
cutsceneenables cutscenes in nehahra, can be used by other mods1
cvar_check_defaultcustom cvarcf10a5c13c0767a0f40fd748ce9a472c
cvar_check_weaponscustom cvara7ca57b891d66754b856e24e5c1745e3

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