Command | Effekt |
-attack | stop firing |
-back | stop moving backward |
-button10 | deactivate button10 |
-button11 | deactivate button11 |
-button12 | deactivate button12 |
-button13 | deactivate button13 |
-button14 | deactivate button14 |
-button15 | deactivate button15 |
-button16 | deactivate button16 |
-button3 | deactivate button3 |
-button4 | deactivate button4 |
-button5 | deactivate button5 |
-button6 | deactivate button6 |
-button7 | deactivate button7 |
-button8 | deactivate button8 |
-button9 | deactivate button9 |
-forward | stop moving forward |
-jump | end jump (so you can jump again) |
-klook | deactivate keyboard looking mode |
-left | stop turning left |
-lookdown | stop looking downward |
-lookup | stop looking upward |
-mlook | deactivate mouse looking mode |
-movedown | stop swimming downward |
-moveleft | stop strafing left |
-moveright | stop strafing right |
-moveup | stop swimming upward |
-right | stop turning right |
-showscores | hide scoreboard |
-speed | deactivate run mode |
-strafe | deactivate strafing mode |
-use | stop using something |
+attack | begin firing |
+back | move backward |
+button10 | activate button10 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button11 | activate button11 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button12 | activate button12 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button13 | activate button13 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button14 | activate button14 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button15 | activate button15 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button16 | activate button16 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button3 | activate button3 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button4 | activate button4 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button5 | activate button5 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button6 | activate button6 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button7 | activate button7 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button8 | activate button8 (behavior depends on mod) |
+button9 | activate button9 (behavior depends on mod) |
+forward | move forward |
+jump | jump |
+klook | activate keyboard looking mode, do not recenter view |
+left | turn left |
+lookdown | look downward |
+lookup | look upward |
+mlook | activate mouse looking mode, do not recenter view |
+movedown | swim downward |
+moveleft | strafe left |
+moveright | strafe right |
+moveup | swim upward |
+right | turn right |
+showscores | show scoreboard |
+speed | activate run mode (faster movement and turning) |
+strafe | activate strafing mode (move instead of turn) |
+use | use something (may be used by some mods) |
alias | create a script function (parameters are passed in as \$X (being X a number), \$* for all parameters, \$X- for all parameters starting from \$X). Without arguments show the list of all alias |
apropos | lists all console variables/commands/aliases containing the specified string in the name or description |
begin | signon 3 (client asks server to start sending entities, and will go to signon 4 (playing) when the first entity update is received) |
bestweapon | send an impulse number to server to select the first usable weapon out of several (example: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) |
bf | briefly flashes a bright color tint on view (used when items are picked up); optionally takes R G B [A [alphafade]] arguments to specify how the flash looks |
bind | binds a command to the specified key in bindmap 0 |
bindlist | bindlist: displays bound keys for bindmap 0 bindmaps |
bottomcolor | QW command to set bottom color without changing top color |
cd | execute a CD drive command (cd on/off/reset/remap/close/play/loop/stop/pause/resume/eject/info) - use cd by itself for usage |
centerview | gradually recenter view (stop looking up/down) |
changelevel | change to another level, bringing along all connected clients |
changing | sent by qw servers to tell client to wait for level change |
cl_areastats | prints statistics on entity culling during collision traces |
cl_begindownloads | used internally by darkplaces client while connecting (causes loading of models and sounds or triggers downloads for missing ones) |
cl_cmd | calls the client QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument |
cl_downloadbegin | (networking) informs client of download file information, client replies with sv_startsoundload to begin the transfer |
cl_downloadfinished | signals that a download has finished and provides the client with file size and crc to check its integrity |
cl_modelindexlist | list information on all models in the client modelindex |
cl_particles_reloadeffects | reloads effectinfo.txt |
cl_soundindexlist | list all sounds in the client soundindex |
clear | clear console history |
cmd | send a console commandline to the server (used by some mods) |
cmdlist | lists all console commands beginning with the specified prefix |
color | change your player shirt and pants colors |
commandmode | input a console command |
condump | output console history to a file (see also log_file) |
connect | connect to a server by IP address or hostname |
cprint | print something at the screen center |
curl | download data from an URL and add to search path |
cvar_lockdefaults | stores the current values of all cvars into their default values, only used once during startup after parsing default.cfg |
cvar_resettodefaults_all | sets all cvars to their locked default values |
cvar_resettodefaults_nosaveonly | sets all non-saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will not be saved to config.cfg) |
cvar_resettodefaults_saveonly | sets all saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will be saved to config.cfg) |
cvarlist | lists all console variables beginning with the specified prefix |
cycleweapon | send an impulse number to server to select the next usable weapon out of several (example: 9 4 8) if you are holding one of these, and choose the first one if you are holding none of these |
defer | execute a command in the future |
demos | restart looping demos defined by the last startdemos command |
dir | list files in searchpath matching an * filename pattern, one per line |
disconnect | disconnect from server (or disconnect all clients if running a server) |
download | downloads a specified file from the server |
echo | print a message to the console (useful in scripts) |
endmatch | ends currently playing map/match |
entities | print information on network entities known to client |
envmap | render a cubemap (skybox) of the current scene |
exec | execute a script file |
fixtrans | change alpha-zero pixels in an image file to sensible values, and write out a new TGA (warning: SLOW) |
fly | fly mode (flight) |
fog | set global fog parameters (density red green blue [alpha [mindist maxdist]]) |
force_centerview | recenters view (stops looking up/down) |
fs_rescan | rescans filesystem for new pack archives and any other changes |
fullinfo | allows client to modify their userinfo |
fullserverinfo | internal use only, sent by server to client to update client's local copy of serverinfo string |
gamedir | changes active gamedir list (can take multiple arguments), not including base directory (example usage: gamedir ctf) |
gecko_create | Create a gecko browser instance |
gecko_destroy | Destroy a gecko browser instance |
gecko_injecttext | Injects text into a browser |
gecko_movecursor | Move the cursor to a certain position |
gecko_navigate | Navigate a gecko browser to a URI |
give | alter inventory |
gl_texturemode | set texture filtering mode (GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, etc) |
gl_vbostats | prints a list of all buffer objects (vertex data and triangle elements) and total video memory used by them |
god | god mode (invulnerability) |
heartbeat | send a heartbeat to the master server (updates your server information) |
impulse | send an impulse number to server (select weapon, use item, etc) |
in_bind | binds a command to the specified key in the selected bindmap |
in_bindlist | bindlist: displays bound keys for all bindmaps, or the given bindmap |
in_bindmap | selects active foreground and background (used only if a key is not bound in the foreground) bindmaps for typing |
in_unbind | removes command on the specified key in the selected bindmap |
infobar | display a text in the infobar (usage: infobar expiretime string) |
iplog_list | lists names of players whose IP address begins with the supplied text (example: iplog_list 123.456.789) |
kick | kick a player off the server by number or name, when using kick # number , the space before the number is necessary! |
kill | die instantly |
load | load a saved game file |
loadconfig | reset everything and reload configs |
loadfont | loadfont function tganame loads a font; example: loadfont console gfx/veramono; loadfont without arguments lists the available functions |
loadsky | load a skybox by basename (for example loadsky mtnsun_ loads mtnsun_ft.tga and so on) |
locs_add | add a point or box location (usage: x y z[ x y z] “name”, if two sets of xyz are supplied it is a box, otherwise point) |
locs_clear | remove all loc points/boxes |
locs_reload | reload .loc file for this map |
locs_removenearest | remove the nearest point or box (note: you need to be very near a box to remove it) |
locs_save | save .loc file for this map containing currently defined points and boxes |
ls | list files in searchpath matching an * filename pattern, multiple per line |
map | kick everyone off the server and start a new level |
maps | list information about available maps |
maxplayers | sets limit on how many players (or bots) may be connected to the server at once |
memlist | prints memory pool information (or if used as memlist 5 lists individual allocations of 5K or larger, 0 lists all allocations) |
memstats | prints memory system statistics |
menu_cmd | calls the menu QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument |
menu_restart | restart menu system (reloads menu.dat) |
messagemode | input a chat message to say to everyone |
messagemode2 | input a chat message to say to only your team |
modeldecompile | exports a model in several formats for editing purposes |
modellist | prints a list of loaded models |
modelprecache | load a model |
name | change your player name |
net_refresh | query dp master servers and refresh all server information |
net_slist | query dp master servers and print all server information |
net_slistqw | query qw master servers and print all server information |
net_stats | print network statistics |
nextul | sends next fragment of current upload buffer (screenshot for example) |
noclip | noclip mode (flight without collisions, move through walls) |
notarget | notarget mode (monsters do not see you) |
packet | send a packet to the specified address:port containing a text string |
path | print searchpath (game directories and archives) |
pause | pause the game (if the server allows pausing) |
pausedemo | pause demo playback (can also safely pause demo recording if using QUAKE, QUAKEDP or NEHAHRAMOVIE protocol, useful for making movies) |
ping | print ping times of all players on the server |
pingplreport | command sent by server containing client ping and packet loss values for scoreboard, triggered by pings command from client (not used by QW servers) |
pings | command sent by clients to request updated ping and packetloss of players on scoreboard (originally from QW, but also used on NQ servers) |
play | play a sound at your current location (not heard by anyone else) |
play2 | play a sound globally throughout the level (not heard by anyone else) |
playdemo | watch a demo file |
playermodel | change your player model |
playerskin | change your player skin number |
playvideo | play a .dpv video file |
playvol | play a sound at the specified volume level at your current location (not heard by anyone else) |
pointfile | display point file produced by qbsp when a leak was detected in the map (a line leading through the leak hole, to an entity inside the level) |
pqrcon | sends a command to a proquake server console (if your rcon_password matches the server's rcon_password), or to the address specified by rcon_address when not connected (again rcon_password must match the server's) |
prespawn | signon 1 (client acknowledges that server information has been received) |
prvm_callprofile | prints execution statistics about the most time consuming QuakeC calls from the engine in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_edict | print all data about an entity number in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_edictcount | prints number of active entities in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_edicts | prints all data about all entities in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_edictset | changes value of a specified property of a specified entity in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_fields | prints usage statistics on properties (how many entities have non-zero values) in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_global | prints value of a specified global variable in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_globals | prints all global variables in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_globalset | sets value of a specified global variable in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_printfunction | prints a disassembly (QuakeC instructions) of the specified function in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
prvm_profile | prints execution statistics about the most used QuakeC functions in the selected VM (server, client, menu) |
quit | quit the game |
r_editlights_clear | removes all world lights (let there be darkness!) |
r_editlights_copyinfo | store a copy of all properties (except origin) of the selected light |
r_editlights_edit | changes a property on the selected light |
r_editlights_editall | changes a property on ALL lights at once (tip: use radiusscale and colorscale to alter these properties) |
r_editlights_help | prints documentation on console commands and variables in rtlight editing system |
r_editlights_importlightentitiesfrommap | load lights from .ent file or map entities (ignoring .rtlights or .lights file) |
r_editlights_importlightsfile | load lights from .lights file (ignoring .rtlights or .ent files and map entities) |
r_editlights_pasteinfo | apply the stored properties onto the selected light (making it exactly identical except for origin) |
r_editlights_reload | reloads rtlights file (or imports from .lights file or .ent file or the map itself) |
r_editlights_remove | remove selected light |
r_editlights_save | save .rtlights file for current level |
r_editlights_spawn | creates a light with default properties (let there be light!) |
r_editlights_togglecorona | toggle on/off the corona option on the selected light |
r_editlights_toggleshadow | toggle on/off the shadow option on the selected light |
r_glsl_dumpshader | dumps the engine internal default.glsl shader into glsl/default.glsl |
r_glsl_restart | unloads GLSL shaders, they will then be reloaded as needed |
r_listmaptextures | list all textures used by the current map |
r_replacemaptexture | override a map texture for testing purposes |
r_restart | restarts renderer |
r_shadow_help | prints documentation on console commands and variables used by realtime lighting and shadowing system |
r_texturestats | print information about all loaded textures and some statistics |
rate | change your network connection speed |
rcon | sends a command to the server console (if your rcon_password matches the server's rcon_password), or to the address specified by rcon_address when not connected (again rcon_password must match the server's); note: if rcon_secure is set, client and server clocks must be synced e.g. via NTP |
reconnect | reconnect to the last server you were on, or resets a quakeworld connection (do not use if currently playing on a netquake server) |
record | record a demo |
register_bestweapon | (for QC usage only) change weapon parameters to be used by bestweapon; stuffcmd this in ClientConnect |
restart | restart current level |
save | save the game to a file |
saveconfig | save settings to config.cfg (or a specified filename) immediately (also automatic when quitting) |
say | send a chat message to everyone on the server |
say_team | send a chat message to your team on the server |
screenshot | takes a screenshot of the next rendered frame |
sendcvar | sends the value of a cvar to the server as a sentcvar command, for use by QuakeC |
set | create or change the value of a console variable |
seta | create or change the value of a console variable that will be saved to config.cfg |
setinfo | modifies your userinfo |
sizedown | decrease view size (decreases viewsize cvar) |
sizeup | increase view size (increases viewsize cvar) |
skins | downloads missing qw skins from server |
snd_restart | restart sound system |
snd_unloadallsounds | unload all sound files |
soundinfo | print sound system information (such as channels and speed) |
soundlist | list loaded sounds |
spawn | signon 2 (client has sent player information, and is asking server to send scoreboard rankings) |
srcon | sends a command to the server console (if your rcon_password matches the server's rcon_password), or to the address specified by rcon_address when not connected (again rcon_password must match the server's); this always works as if rcon_secure is set; note: client and server clocks must be synced e.g. via NTP |
startdemos | start playing back the selected demos sequentially (used at end of startup script) |
status | print server status information |
stop | stop recording or playing a demo |
stopdemo | stop playing or recording demo (like stop command) and return to looping demos |
stopdownload | terminates a download |
stopsound | silence |
stopul | aborts current upload (screenshot for example) |
stopvideo | stop playing a .dpv video file |
stuffcmds | execute commandline parameters (must be present in quake.rc script) |
sv_areastats | prints statistics on entity culling during collision traces |
sv_cmd | calls the server QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument |
sv_saveentfile | save map entities to .ent file (to allow external editing) |
sv_startdownload | begins sending a file to the client (network protocol use only) |
tell | send a chat message to only one person on the server |
timedemo | play back a demo as fast as possible and save statistics to benchmark.log |
timerefresh | turn quickly and print rendering statistcs |
toggle | toggles a console variable's values (use for more info) |
toggleconsole | opens or closes the console |
togglemenu | opens or closes menu |
topcolor | QW command to set top color without changing bottom color |
unalias | remove an alias |
unbind | removes a command on the specified key in bindmap 0 |
unbindall | removes all commands from all keys in all bindmaps (leaving only shift-escape and escape) |
user | prints additional information about a player number or name on the scoreboard |
users | prints additional information about all players on the scoreboard |
v_cshift | sets tint color of view |
version | print engine version |
vid_restart | restarts video system (closes and reopens the window, restarts renderer) |
viewframe | change animation frame of viewthing entity in current level |
viewmodel | change model of viewthing entity in current level |
viewnext | change to next animation frame of viewthing entity in current level |
viewprev | change to previous animation frame of viewthing entity in current level |
wait | make script execution wait for next rendered frame |
which | accepts a file name as argument and reports where the file is taken from |