
Counter-Strike 1.5 Server Stats

The Half-Life server also stores statistical data in the file cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/csstats.dat if you use amxmodx. This data can be displayed e.g. via the chat message /top15 in CS itself. The file is updated by the server after each map change. So it can of course be analyzed automatically. It is stored in binary form, i.e. not human readable. But the format is actually quite simple:

Format ''csstats.dat''


Assessment in General

As with all types of statistical analysis, you always have to know what the figures collected actually mean, or how exactly they come to pass and what statements you can actually derive from them, and what you have to be rather careful about (see difference between efficiency and ratio). First of all, the csstats.dat does not contain any evaluations but only simple counts. What is supposed to be “good” or “bad” depends entirely on the method of evaluation, or the measure with which one wants to measure it, and how one interprets it.

The most important first: the csstats.dat does not know any players, only Steam-IDs or nicknames. So if someone plays with five nicks, he will appear five times in it. If somebody plays with a foreign nick (because it is not reserved) or different players use the popular standard nick Player, it is very quickly over with the meaningfulness of the values. So much in advance. With a nick reservation plugin this can be partially fixed, at least to the extent that no one else will play with a reserved nick, and the stats will almost certainly always belong to the same player. But this is not guaranteed by default.

Also CS is not always 100% consistent when it comes to what counts as a hit, what counts as a headshot and (when hit) how much damage is caused. Other things, like the Defusal attempts or Deaths are quite clear, as well as shots or plants. So you might have to be careful, especially if there are only small numbers. But if someone has already fired 10,000 shots, a comparison with the hits will tell you quite reliably how good his marksmanship is compared to others who have already fired a sufficient number of shots.


However, there are basically a handful of variables that are often used because they can be used to derive certain statements:

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