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talk:en:gaming_platforms:gog [2022-05-11-16-40] – angelegt 7saturntalk:en:gaming_platforms:gog [2022-05-14-07-11] (aktuell) 7saturn
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 Notes for a new GOG article: Notes for a new GOG article:
-  * Use Inno Setup ( for their installers.+  * Use Inno Setup ( for their installers. Can be extracted with Tools like [[|innoextract]]
   * Used to mostly re-release old games (e.g. DOS games) but also distribute more recent titles.   * Used to mostly re-release old games (e.g. DOS games) but also distribute more recent titles.
   * No build-in copy protection of their installers.   * No build-in copy protection of their installers.
   * Mostly DRM free titles.   * Mostly DRM free titles.
talk/en/gaming_platforms/gog.1652287203.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2022-05-11-16-40 von 7saturn

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