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en:games:star_trek_armada_1:known_problems [2022-04-06-15-49] – [Too High Resolutions Crash the Game] 7saturnen:games:star_trek_armada_1:known_problems [2022-07-09-20-52] (current) – [The Auto-Assimilator Soundeffect does not Cease] 7saturn
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 ===== Too Long System PATH Variable Crashes the Game on Startup ===== ===== Too Long System PATH Variable Crashes the Game on Startup =====
-When using the unaltered CD version on a modern system, it is very likely, that the game will never start. One of the reasons is a too long //PATH// variable of your Windows system. On modern Windows this is very common. On old Win9x or ME installations this was hardly ever any issue. You could of course try and remove unneeded parts of the //PATH// variable, but it is actually not necessary to alter your system settings. Simply use the GOG version of apply the [[..:star_trek_-_armada_1#patch_13|1.3 patch]].+When using the unaltered CD version on a modern system, it is very likely, that the game will never start. One of the reasons is a too long //PATH// variable of your Windows system. On modern Windows this is very common. On old Win9x or ME installations this was hardly ever any issue. You could of course try and remove unneeded parts of the //PATH// variable, but it is actually not necessary to alter your system settings. Simply use the GOG version or apply the [[..:star_trek_-_armada_1#patch_13|1.3 patch]]. There is also the possibility to fix this problem by altering the original game binary //Armada.exe//. It is however not advised to do that, as this makes the game basically incompatible with other player's Armada installation, that do not have the very same alteration. 
 +===== Too Much RAM Crashes the Game on Startup ===== 
 +Similar to the above problem with the system's //PATH// variable, the game will crash if you have more than 2 GB of RAM. Back when Armada was released in 2000, 2 GB of RAM was certainly out of reach for most people. Today it is rather the opposite: A modern Windows system will not run with only 2 GB of RAM. So this problem is very common. In this case you cannot do a whole lot about that, except for using the GOG version or applying the [[..:star_trek_-_armada_1#patch_13|1.3 patch]]. There is also the possibility to fix this problem by altering the original game binary //Armada.exe//. It is however not advised to do that, as this makes the game basically incompatible with other player's Armada installation, that do not have the very same alteration.
 ===== Game is Visible But Cannot be Joined ===== ===== Game is Visible But Cannot be Joined =====
 This problem presents itself in the following way: One player opens a match on his computer. Another waits for the game to show up, which it eventually does (it may take a moment to find it). But when actually trying to access the match, the game claims, that the match has gone in the meantime (>>The host of this game has been lost.<<). Refreshing shows, the game is actually still open, but cannot be joined. Usually this happens, when the Windows firewall partially blocks the game. As a host allow the //Armada.exe// for free communications and this problem should be solved. This problem presents itself in the following way: One player opens a match on his computer. Another waits for the game to show up, which it eventually does (it may take a moment to find it). But when actually trying to access the match, the game claims, that the match has gone in the meantime (>>The host of this game has been lost.<<). Refreshing shows, the game is actually still open, but cannot be joined. Usually this happens, when the Windows firewall partially blocks the game. As a host allow the //Armada.exe// for free communications and this problem should be solved.
 ===== The Auto-Assimilator Soundeffect does not Cease ===== ===== The Auto-Assimilator Soundeffect does not Cease =====
-It happens (rather often) that the [[auto-assimilator|special weapon of the Assimilator]] unit of the Borg is used, but once it is not active any more, its sound effect still continues indefinitely. This can easily be stopped by shortly opening the game's menus (''CTRL'' + ''x'') and closing it. Once the menu is closed, the sound will be gone.+It happens (rather often) that the [[auto-assimilator|special weapon of the Assimilator]] unit of the Borg is used, but once it is not active any more, its sound effect still continues indefinitely. This can easily be stopped by shortly opening the game's menus (''CTRL'' + ''x'') and closing it. Once the menu is closed, the sound will be gone. Similarly the sound will stop, when you pause the game for a moment (pressing ''pause''). Be aware that both solutions affect the other players in multi-player. When pausing, the game pauses for all involved players. When opening the menus, the player will be displayed as unresponsive and the game pauses for the other players, too.
 ===== Mouse Pointer Stays in the Center of the Screen ===== ===== Mouse Pointer Stays in the Center of the Screen =====
 It happens from time to time, that the Windows mouse pointer is visible at the center of the screen and won't go away on its own. This can also be solved by opening the menus for a moment (''CTRL'' + ''x''). Once the menu is closed, the pointer will be gone. It happens from time to time, that the Windows mouse pointer is visible at the center of the screen and won't go away on its own. This can also be solved by opening the menus for a moment (''CTRL'' + ''x''). Once the menu is closed, the pointer will be gone.
 +===== Game Ends the Vendetta Mission with a Loss for For No Reason =====
 +Reaching the last wormhole in mission 3 of the [[factions#Federation]] campaign (Vendetta) can finish the mission without unlocking the last mission of the Fed campaign as you lose it anyways. So better save the game before finishing it.
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/known_problems.1649260199.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-06-15-49 by 7saturn

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